Anxiety tip number 3 Foods to Avoid

Published 2016-03-29
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I want to talk about things you need to avoid in your diet. But before I do lets touch on what the ideal diet is for a person suffering from anxiety as that is a common question that comes up.

The ideal diet for recovery from any anxiety be it panic attacks or general anxiety is a low glycemic diet. That basically means a diet that keeps your blood sugar levels constant throughout the day. The reason for this is that symptoms of panic and anxiety can often be very similar to the symptoms of low blood sugar levels. If your blood sugar levels fluctuate too much your body ends up releasing more adrenaline into your system making you feel more on edge.

Often a persons first panic attack can be caused by a sudden drop in blood sugar levels -for example after a night out of excessive drinking or eating. That initial panic attacks triggers a fear of fear and the person gets caught in vicious cycle of anxiety.

Now because foods with a low glycemic index take longer to digest they maintain blood sugar (glucose) levels at a relatively constant state throughout the day and you dont get any of those highs and lows.
There is ton of information on low Low-glycemic diet I don’t however recommend that people doing this coaching program change their diet too much because its is just too much effort and won’t be sustained by the majority of people.
What I therefore now recommend is to cut out the worst offenders from your diet. That can be enough to have a beneficial impact. Here are the things that absolutely must go in order for you to speed up your recovery.

All Comments (21)
  • @Rahul_Lata_
    If you are in hurry 1. coffee(caffeine) 2.alcohol 3.sugar
  • In the winter of 2011, I completely changed my eating (from pizza, ice cream and cookies) to all whole foods. I have not had a panic attack or high anxiety since. All the cognitive behavioral therapy techniques I read were a lot easier to implement and I am back to work. I was agoraphobic and panicked frequently. I don't consume processed foods, sugar, gluten, caffeine, alcohol, or any animal products (because I am vegan). Here's what I eat in a typical day: breakfast- homemade trail mix (almonds, cashews, pistachios, walnuts, sunflower seeds & raisins) with an orange and banana lunch- beans or lentils with veggies (usually kale, spinach, cauliflower, broccoli combo) and a sweet potato, with 1/4 sliced avocado and turmeric, cumin, garlic, pepper, sea salt, and cinnamon and ginger for the sweet potato dinner- same as lunch snack- apple with peanut butter (Teddie's all natural PB has no added sugar) and dates I also eat fruit throughout the day. Fruit does not spike your blood sugar, not even dates, which are a very sticky, sweet, dried fruit. Incidentally, my diet is very low glycemic and has resulted in much reduced anxiety. I have experienced a life-changing reduction in anxiety by changing my eating habits. I was literally a shut-in, nearly always on the verge pf panic. I had no friends and did not work. I also didn't drive. I was scared to go to the grocery store. My life has completely changed by changing my eating.
  • @greeneyes3992
    Barry you have saved my life! I truely mean this! When I first started having anxiety/panic attacks I was so depressed and got to the point I felt so alone and had suicidal thoughts no matter how many Drs and counselors I had seen I was convinced I was going to suffer from those for the rest of my life. I had nothing to look forward to at that point. I had daily attacks no matter where I went I had them. I stopped eating and sleeping was down to 45mins a night! Then somehow I stumbled across your program and videos. They have changed my life forever! I am better now than ever before! I am really loving my live to the fullest. Thank you so much for all of this! If I could hug you I would. Thank you for helping me and so many others.
  • @Chimkin_Nuggs
    I absolutely agree with this!!! I realized my Anxiety was caused because my blood sugar were out of control.
  • My first ever panic attack was about 5 mins after taking a hit of weed. I tried a few more times and the same thing happened. Needless to say I avoid weed at all costs now.
  • @suzsiz
    I feel calm just listening to you. You are so balanced.
  • @thynobodi3558
    I eat dark chocolate but it doesn't affect me on a major scale when my anxiety is triggered its mainly stress from over thinking and toxic relationships
  • @SilentStrife
    You nailed it. This is exactly what happened to me. I went out drinking before I got married and had my first major panic attack. It started a chain reaction because I didn’t understand why. Thanks for getting right to the point. Thumbs up.
  • @almirfejza1521
    hi joe barry you are a hero is was born with general anxiety. 2014 I have had break down and next morning I have got fears and in a moment I didn't know if I coming or going.i went to the doctor and he gave me a medication.i was taking medication for six months and they didn't help me.i was scared to death.i was crying as child I couldn't sleep .it was horrible time for me. and I started to research how to store anxiety forever. when I reed you book i started to apply you technique facing with my fear. and also my wife was all the time with me.she helped me so much. it took me a good a few months to get on the normal life . today I living normal and peaceful life full of happiness and there is now fear any more. many thanks to you and from the bottom of my heart I wish you all the best to you.Almir from Bosnia
  • @joeyvieira9618
    Can't thank you enough for these videos , especially the one with the doctor , uncomfortable but not dangerous ! Helped immensely! I will order your book.
  • @MrBwayne92
    I agree you are amazing my friend when i have severe anxiety attacks I listen to the things you have to say I just started on the diet and i hope it works. God bless you man your awesome
  • @moody2442
    Good bye caffeine, hopefully goodbye panic attacks
  • @fbirdy
    Thank you for starting with what's best for us...I really love that you did that.
  • @TheRoarWithin
    Good advice Barry! Caffeine is a no-no for me. Sometimes I crave a latte when walking by a Costa or Starbucks but just one cup makes me feel awful. Glad to see your book is doing so well. It's good that people suffering can finally get advice that really works, instead of these false promises of a quick fix. All the best, Stefan.
  • @AJDeFazio
    Thank You for all your very useful information Barry 👍🏻
  • @helenaville5939
    I am so relieved that he says coffee is a major culprit.  A month ago I started drinking coffee again for the first time in about two years and yesterday experienced my first panic attack since overhauling my diet two years ago.  So for me it's goodbye coffee again and hopefully goodbye panic attacks again.... this time forever.
  • Tried this method and it helped with cutting the anxiety down a lot which helped prevent another visit to the hospital from having a severe anxiety attacks which lead to a heart attack.
  • Great video. Thanks for the tip on how high glycemic foods can actually dump more adrenaline into the blood. Very insightful!
  • Coffee does not like me so I don't drink it. Be anxious for nothing but pray about everything.