26 Fun Facts From The Fix (and Friends) | Mentopolis

In Dimension 20: Mentopolis, The Fix (played by Hank Green) represents hyperfixation - the being in charge of removing distractions and intrusive thoughts. He often does so by focusing on scientific fun facts - although the "fun" part is often up for debate.

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コメント (21)
  • Watching Brennan's face transform from, "what a fun, silly fact" to "this is legitimately the most threatening thing I have ever heard" is top tier entertainment
  • @tackyoptic
    I will never forget the "you know, half your bones are in your hands and feet" because yeah, what the hell, that's MORTIFYING in a threatening context
  • @Emily-tv1iz
    The swallowtail butterfly fact followed by "I do not think you are the tail of a swallowtail, I think you're the butterfly" is a shockingly wholesome and well meaning compliment. Like wtf???
  • The scene with Ronnie Reptile and the shadow really undersells how that terrifying beat came out of FUCKING NOWHERE
  • @darkhalo153
    The moment The Fix intimidates that dude into breaking his own fingers needs its own animated short.
  • I loved watching Hank and Brennan flirt, especially with the knowledge that Hank vaguely finds him attractive
  • @Patch-lz9yi
    This is very much what being in college is like. You'll just be going throughout your day when someone at lunch says, "You know, whales become more stressed with increased levels of nearby human activity such as noise from ships. So, after 9/11 when the noise levels fell..."
  • "There's a shadow downstairs" is still one of the scariest moments in Dimension 20 history
  • @Wragnaroq
    Brennan knew exactly what he was doing when Pasha started talking about woodpeckers.
  • @daekieisms
    The way that Hank manages to condition the other players into knowing he's about to say some absolutely wild shit as soon as he says about five words that appear to be completely unrelated to the situation at hand, or 'did you know', is insane. His power...
  • @ash-xc2fj
    Ok but did you know that snow leapords have the longest tails in comparison to their body of any cat? And sometimes if they get tired of holding their tails up they'll just hold them in their mouths
  • The Fix is just the embodiment of a menacing vsauce intro where he tells you a fact and then states at you deadpan
  • @Zelmel
    Freddy being SO FUCKING INTO the back and forth about birds is just the best.
  • @doornumb
    The "He can't think of any facts" was actually brilliant That would mean that the big guy dealt with his hyperfixation Pasha fixed The Fix
  • @maxsalmon4980
    Hank's performance evokes some Cohen Brother's movie character...sort of the guy from No Country For Old Men, but like, if he wasn't actually a psychopath, he just came off that way and everyone was terrified of him even though he wasn't violent.
  • I love how absolutely ecstatic Hank is at 7:52 when Brennan starts telling him facts.
  • @pricerowland
    I feel like Brennan was out-Brennaned by The Fix. Hank was an unstoppable force.
  • Brennan & Hank flirting in character as The Fix & Pasha actually taught me what flirting is....and I'm 37
  • @GZilla311
    One of the best parts about The Fix is he genuinely has no idea how terrifying he is sometimes.