Restoring Democracy in Helldivers II with akaScoots, Chase, and Dankin

Publicado 2024-02-09

Todos los comentarios (21)
  • I love the concept that insects and robots are somehow a threat to democracy, like they have the power to take away your ability to vote. 🤣
  • Charlie struggling to remember not to reload magazines immediately Me who's played tarkov for the last 6 years: You absolute buffoon
  • @RichardVarnegan
    I remember my training and my first battle. All I have to say it too me a long to get the stratagems right…. I was not the brightest recruit. But I made it. And I am proud to serve and do my part!
  • @PinaHyena
    Im obsessed with this game rn, its everything I wanted. It just is super hard to play because the servers are full lmao.
  • @777Looper
    My ship is named the "Fist of Family Values". And I think that's the best one there is.
  • This game is amazing imo but the connectivity/group finder is gonna kill it if they don’t figure something out. Everytime I log in I have to solo play on medium difficulty because it shows no one is on. It’s been like that for the last 3 days and before that I couldn’t get any new stratagems
  • @HER0_
    Senator Armstrong would love this game
  • @mfab399
    Funny enough oil on a alien planet is a super simple version of lore but yeah super earth found Alien life and it didn’t have democracy so they had to give it to them and in the process of distributing democracy they found the corpses of the bugs decomposes into oil so it’s a win win for them they kill bugs and spread democracy and get oil in the process but once again that’s super simplified
  • @SONPitbull1986
    Seriously thought my notification said ... "Charlie's Democracy" lol
  • I just noticed that a entirely different squad could finish a mission then who stated it if every one is replaced by a reinforcement
  • Honestly i love this game, i genuinely hope they can work out some more franchise jabs because the starwars vibes are there and I would love something between the fall out aliens, black ops transit alien things, and aliens/predators from AVP if they diversify alien species more
  • Wow that’s one of the greatest intros of all time I nearly shed a tear
  • @favlilnap
    I really thought this is the kinda game that skip the first game and just called itself Helldivers 2 out of meme..turns out there is Helldivers 1 but I never heard of it
  • Sony does not own arrowhead (the devs), but they do own the helldivers IP.
  • @georged.7889
    Scoots and Dankin sound like the names of henchmen in Batman