Gary Player on Bobby Jones OTT Miracle Swing

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This video is brought to you by Christo Garcia, the founder of the Miracle Swing Experience. Christo is a highly experienced Golf Instructor, with over 20 years of experience in the field.

He has been sharing his expertise on YouTube for more than 13 years, providing top-quality Golf Instruction to help golfers of all levels improve their game.

Throughout his channel you will learn about the Golf Swing, including Golf Backswing Drills, Golf Takeaway Tips, Golf Impact Positions, and more. His expert Golf Tips will help you perfect your posture, alignment, grip, and weight transfer, and achieve a consistent and powerful Golf Swing.

Christo also shares his insider secrets on how to create solid iron contact and increase your Golf driver distance. With his guidance, you'll learn how to make small adjustments to your swing mechanics that can make a significant impact on your game.

コメント (21)
  • I could listen to Gary Player all day. What a knowledgeable, charismatic gentleman he is. Thank you Christo for all of your content. Great work!
  • I totally agree with this I didn’t know what an OTT swing was until I videoed myself. I have taught myself to come in from the inside and then I use my normal swing with great results. There’s something very natural about hitting over the top. It’s just how you get there. I have also changed my stance, the ball is more inside versus outside, this allows me to hit the ball sooner with my over the top hitting.
  • I swung like this as a kid, no lessons, except I was taught alignment and the rest is history. I started when I was sixth and I’m now 63. I have since adopted the ‘’MODERN ‘’ swing, but hit the ball well when I come over a little. I will experiment with taking it a little more to the inside and see how I perform. Thanks Cristo for your insights.
  • And think of this, Bruce Lietzke was one of the greatest ball strikers who ever lived. He was inside and "OTT", and pured it nearly every time. And he never practiced, and would not touch his clubs for 3 months in the winter. I watched him at the New Orleans tournament warming up on the range. He hit 5 wedges, maybe 5 5-irons, 3 drivers, and was done. Every shot sounded like a gunshot and had the slightest soaring fade, just beautiful.
  • It's all relative! Jones is so far inside going back that to get back on plane, he has to re route it back to a plane that would be considered non over the top for other pros. I use the Jones swing and I love it. The club unwinds naturally with no extra thoughts or overthinking in the mind. Sure, you can call it over the top, but not in the traditional, negative sense. Other instructors are teaching the outside in approach. To each his own. The new thinking is to teach the individual based on his/her natural tendencies, rather than try to apply a swing to the individual.
  • Excellent video and we Gary Player fans are looking forward to seeing him at the Masters 2022, and his ceremonial drive off the first tee. It will be a precious moment like always with Jack and this year Tom Watson. Most Sincerely, Bill M., Uncasville,CT(the biggest fan of Gary Player in the USA since 1966).
  • I tried the OTT swing on the range the other day and I totally understand the giggling motion by the guy at 2:30. The easy, effortless, consistent ball strike, the added distans, the non-existing slice. I could hook the ball but that got solved by getting my right shoulder down on impact ("hitting the ball with the trailing shoulder"). Another game changing detail was moving the the left, leading, calf (knee) back in the downswing. It was like 1+1+1=17 The other night I played a nine hole practice round scoring 4 over par and I'm a middle age 16 hcp player.
  • @BigD1957
    It's starting to come for me. I just needed to slow my swing down a little to get the feel and the rhythm of the movement. Keep up the great work my friend!
  • It's not over the top. Its just inside in the backswing. The downswing is perfect. All modern day has done, is the backswing is outside or on plane
  • Nice vid Christo! Moe Norman made an OTT move... so does your friend Todd Graves. Moe used to say " and up." You can easily see in his down the line vids that he makes his move from the top ABOVE the path from his backswing.
  • @gzman1
    I signed up for the free month, TY! I've always been deep and had a OOT path, but your video insight should help straighten my flight out! I've been stuck at an 8 hdcp for 3 years and it gets frustrating not hitting more greens. My last problem was hitting irons FAT even off tees on par 3's, I tried everything, and for those of you reading what has helped in the past few months is throwing/releasing at the 8 o'clock position and keep moving. At least I know I'm gonna hit it /move it towards the green, hope that helps anyone hitting it fat.
  • No. The downswing shaft is coming out of Jones' back, which means he is not over the top. You see what you want to see, but OTT is not here. Freeze it at 7:04 If that's OTT, you're nuts.
  • Mike Malaska talks about ott from the inside. We're all searching for the elusive key to the swing, problem I find is that it's going to be a forever search. Love your love for the game, all the best to you sir.
  • @63turbo
    I have lived in fear of that low inside takeaway forever, because I used to try and send the club back down the same path to keep from "going over the top"... the result was either a huge push right or hitting the ground well behind the ball. That low inside takeaway really is the easiest way to take the club back, and it is also real easy to readjust the downswing from there so as to stop going wildly in to out on the downswing. Good, powerful fades result from the path only (instead of having the face open), just like a good powerful draw that is controllable. I dont think its a true "over the top" move unless the club is going wildly out to in.
  • Jones took the club back so far inside that you could come back outside that line and still stay inside the target line.
  • Most of the oldies addressed inside the ball or stepped back before hitting so they had more room and flatter clubs helped.
  • @msg36093
    Wow! Gary Player looks amazing for 85. Sharp, crisp mind too.
  • I'm far from an expert, but it looks as though Bobby takes the club back way inside, then comes back on plane, but because it comes down on plane it pretty much looks OTT. This is something I've always done, and thought I had a OTT swing, yet it was always on plane.
  • is it over the top when you start the downswing with your lower body as per what Ben Hogan ?
  • Just curious,do you call Finau and Rahm OTT and is OTT simply casting the club at shoulder level.