How To Keep the One Hit Obliterator - Zelda BOTW

How to keep the One Hit Obliterator in Zelda Breath of the Wild.
With the Infinite Jump BOTW glitch it helps us steal the one hit obliterator from the Shrine of resurrection.

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Music Used OutroSad Puppy - All I Really Need    / @sadpuppymusic​

Background musicKronicle - Shooting Star​​

コメント (21)
  • @Methrael
    So the steps are: - Get the 1-hit obliterator - Finish 3 of the plateau shrines - Enter 4th, save game - Warp out, do the archery challenge and the moonjump glitch - Load the save inside the shrine - Warp out to the archery challenge again, but you'll wrong-warp - Save at the wrongwarp location, immediately reload that same save - You'll load at the 4th shrine - Complete the 4th shrine - After the cutscene, take the obliterator again - Warp to Hateno and DISPLAY it on a weapon rack - Save the game, close the game to fix the jump glitch, reload in - You'll load again in the 4th shrine - Warp to the house in Hateno and grab it again How the heck did anyone find this??? Were they watching hex values and their effects when doing known glitchy stuff?
  • Nice! It's really interesting to me that you accomplish this by way of the infinite jump glitch. Also, apparently the One Hit Obliterator doesn't actually have infinite durability, it just doesn't (normally) lose its durability when smacking things.
  • Don’t soothe the horse actually, you need to be on a horse that’s trying to buck you off at the same time as the timer reaching 0 and if you accidentally soothe it too much you’ll tame it which has the side effects of the horse no longer trying to buck you off and also ending the mini game prematurely cancelling both requirements. I just tested so I know this as a fact. Also to make it easier to get on the horse I recommend using the stealth clothes
  • to anybody who's worried: yes it works in master mode. Just did the glitch and master mode and everything went fine. just follow his directions.
  • @megan8447
    For reference if you get on a horse itll cancel moonjump instead of having to fully restart
  • The reason your jumping is awkward with moon jump active is because it keeps making your crouch for the revali's gale trigger, you can stop it by simply disabling the ability.
  • to disable the moon jump glitch you can just get on a horse and get off it
  • @kishona69
    Okay, back to BOTW. Thanks Simon. Your uploads have me going back to this great game..
  • Ganon: i fear no man. But that thing. One Hit Obliterator Ganon: It scares me.
  • @speedycoyote
    Well-explained tutorial, no complicated glitches, nice job
  • @Coffea.
    Tysm, works like a jem. Idk if I will ever use it due to the difficulty of entering combat without taking damage, but it is quite satisfying to glance at from time to time. I might use it just to saw that I can single hit a lynel.
  • Wow! This actually worked, thanks for the guide you just earned a sub!
  • You can also just use the extra hearts to grab it from food
  • @asharticz
    It's 2023 but this glitch still works! Thanks a lot 👌
  • Fun fact: you actually don’t need to have the one hit obliterator with you when doing the 4 shrines on the plateau, only to make them appear
  • I find it that the menu overloading glitch makes it easier to smuggle the obliterator outside the plateau.
  • I am grateful for this video because I learned something new, plus, I really enjoy hearing you talk…BUT!!! I think it could’ve been a bit more comprehensive/thorough. You do not need to FULLY soothe (AKA TAME) the horse but it helps to “soothe” it by pressing the L button SLOWLY to prevent the horse from shaking you off. Normally, it take 3 seconds to tame a horse so I suggest not pressing the L button repeatedly. The OBLITERATOR ONLY works in the GRAND PLATEAU. It beats the purpose to use it on all the annoying Lynels. Oh well.
  • What happens if you die with the one hit obliterator equipped? since you have to load a save would it dissapear? also is it safe to dupe it or would that make it dissapear?