right person/wrong time

Published 2023-08-08

All Comments (21)
  • @mlnamlw
    Everyone says it, but it really is interesting how perfect his timing is.
  • @kenok227
    I don't think I could go through this five more times
  • @redique
    If I had the chance to go back and do it all again knowing this was how it was going to end. I would do it in a heartbeat, just for the chance to be with you again.
  • @catcat4697
    Whoever is reading this, do not share this video with them. They won't suddenly change their mind, it is better like this. Stop hurting yourself, please. Give it some time, there are better days ahead now that you've gotten to know yourself better. Also please remind me that I said this, cause I'm gonna need to read it a couple times this month
  • @oneworldonehome
    "Meeting the wrong person at the right time means that you are ripe for real relationship, but you are mistaking the identity of the person to whom you are attracted. This can lead you astray and cost you a great deal in terms of time and energy." Relationships and Higher Purpose by MV Summers.
  • @ClicheDudeStuff
    “Under the circumstances you did your best, and I’m proud of you” thanks now I’m crying
  • @maciejhyla7503
    When this video came out I was freshly heartbroken. It was my first relationship. it wasn't very long but it felt extremely meaningful and I was very attached. The breakup came at a great surprise. This video felt extremely personal, but it really felt like I was never going to get better. Its been 4 months and I just had my "thursday morning 6 months from now" moment. To anyone else that's grieving the loss of a relationship, I say let yourself feel this grief, express it, but do so with knowledge that in the end you will survive, you will grow, and you will love again
  • @BreadDefender
    as someone at the end "acceptance" phase, I've started to cry a lot more, not out of desire or due to the ache that will always be there, but out of the contentment of having experienced them in the first place.
  • @corduroycal
    I think the crushing feeling of inadequacy hurts the most when someone slowly pulls away then eventually cuts you off when they feel good enough to do it. You didn’t get the chance to pre adjust while they did. It’s hard, but the feeling of getting over them and moving on is really lifting. Might take months and years but eventually everything is ok :)
  • @michv9293
    What fucks me up is I didn’t even have them in the first place and it still hurt like hell when they left
  • @michaelthacker5893
    “This exact situation will happen to you five more times before you die,” is one of the most dreadful and beautiful concepts I have ever heard. Thank you. 🖤
  • @JellyLancelot
    Damn, the timing. 5 year relationship ended a month ish ago, thought we’d be forever, we were perfect for each other. Every day we laughed more, so much so our neighbours wondered how. We always thought it sad that others did have that in their relationships. But that’s all gone now. My friends and family have said I’ve come a long way in such a short space of time. Instead of standing still, I dove head first into reflection, introspection and therapy. Unpicking and healthily processing and externalising every thought. It’s helped a huge amount, and has given me a clear mind in handling it all and made sure I learned from any mistakes whilst it was all fresh, otherwise it’s disrespectful to what once was. But the pain is something I can’t rid myself of, it’s just there. Pays a visit randomly for a day. Resets me to zero. And then I start again with renewed vigour and appreciation, gratitude for what was and what still can be. I hate it and wouldn’t wish it on anyone. I can only hope I find that love, vulnerability, goofiness and happiness again with someone. It’s a lot to hope.
  • @Arda.a9
    Today is that day for me, she was exactly that person, everything started off end ended just like you described. Rather than bargaining and begging her to take me back, I put everything aside, thanked her for all the good memories and told she will be in my good graces forever. Told her I probably won’t ever be reaching out to her because it will just hurt me and deepen my pain. At least for the time being. Hugged and kissed her for one last time, left her place. Cried my eyes out during the drive home, literally still sobbing. I appreciate every moment good and bad that I had the opportunity to experience with you, D. Thank you. This video, it is a masterpiece manifesting the reality that human beings live through same harsh realities. Felt it in my core, thank you too, Sisyphus.
  • @sylvainb.8870
    What I found pretty hard, before the acceptance, is to let go of the melancholia and nostalgic memories of them, as it’s probably the last powerful emotion and connection I’ll feel towards them. Letting go of the melancholia felt like letting go of the relationship, though it has been such a happy one, and I still struggle to let go. Take care out there, and call your friends.
  • @oneworldonehome
    "Meeting the right person at the wrong time means that you recognize someone, but you do not have the capacity to participate with him or her. This will be a very difficult experience." Relationships and Higher Purpose by MV Summers.
  • @taitcarrillo8926
    Love without attachment is one of my main focuses right now. I want to be able to value and appreciate holistically. Even if I lose them, I won’t lose the positive memories I made with them. I won’t regress to the person I was before I met them.
  • @Very_very_video
    7 years now she’s a stranger with amazing memories we had , happy she found someone (: I hope nothing but the best for her
  • @Mastool420
    Stop looking. You are who you’ve looking for. I, myself, tend to fill other people’s cups up constantly but treat my own cup irresponsibly. Then I was told “treat yourself like someone you loved”. You are the one who can truly make you happy. You’re already enough. We all see flaws in our reflection, but you’re perfect the way you’ve been made. You are worth it. Love you like someone you loved.