10 Ways Link can make it up to that Divine Beast on his own.

I had a lot of fun with this one. Essentially here to prove Revali wrong by getting up to Vah Medoh on one's own. Nothing ground breaking, just a lot of silliness.
Normally the game has you get help from Teba, who flies you up, and that only proves Revali right... That's not what we want.

Thank you to Joanne for creating the Chinese subtitles!

Songs used:

Revali's Theme (Age of Calamity)
TES IV: Oblivion main theme
Metal Gear Solid Peace Walker
The Dark World (Super Smash Bros. Ultimate)
BotW - Switch Presentation theme
The Legendary Air Ride Machine (Kirby Air Ride)
Dearly Beloved (Kingdom Hearts)
Destati (Kingdom Hearts)
God Shattering Star (Fire Emblem: Three Houses)

Whenever my watermark is blue, it indicates that the footage on screen was obtained using hacks, mods, or otherwise non-vanilla gameplay.

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12:06 Video

#Revali #VahMedoh

コメント (21)
  • I cannot stop laughing because i just imagined that revali smugly looked back down at link to see his reaction after he flew away, only to look on in terror as link is rapidly running his way through the literal air up to revali with a completely straight face
  • Imagine you tell some Twink boy to fuck off and 30 minutes later he's 4 miles in the air speeding twords you with nothing but a rock
  • Now that Totk is out, Revali is rolling in his grave at the hundreds of new ways Link could potentially reach Medoh if it were still around
  • @aster7654
    Revali: "You have no way to make it to that Devine Beast on your own!" Link: "Let go of your earthly tether. Enter the Void. Empty, and become Wind."
  • @dood3530
    Plot twist: the reason Revali said Link couldn't make it up there was actually because of the collision detection, not the height
  • People call Revali an asshole, but we now know that the culturally appropriate term is “cloacahole”. Thank you Kleric for righting this wrong.
  • This implies that Link would go out of his way to manipulate and completely break the laws of physics just to prove someone wrong
  • @masterlordclaw
    Ravali is having some edge lord alone time up on his divine beast, suddenly in the distance there is a sound. "Is that thunder?" He wonders as a distant rumbling reaches his ears. No the sun is bright with nary a cloud in the sky. He begins to look around as the sound continues and seems to be getting closer. He is left dumbfounded as a chaining fiery explosion crests the side of Vah Medoh. Just as suddenly as it began the explosions cut off and with a sick wet slap a bloody and blackened body lands on the divine beast. Ravali is taken back as a fairy pops out of the corpse, Link stands up drawing his sword ready for their 1v1.
  • It would be genuinely terrifying if you were Revali and seeing Link just fly with a box and some balloons after you made fun of him.
  • @Tabtana
    Someone really sat down and played this game so much that they figured out you can set off 500+ bombs to propel yourself towards a giant mechanical beast because a rude chicken called you a loser
  • I feel bad for the version of Link that could only think to blow himself up 550 times to prove some bird wrong.
  • Imagine the fear you’d feel as Link jumps between a few horses, then begins jumping off the fucking air molecules to come kick your ass.
  • Turns out Revali wasn't referring to Link's ability to reach Vah Medoh, he was actually referring to Link's ability to activate Vah Medoh's collision
  • Ravioli watching in horror as Lonk casually breaks the laws of physics to prove him wrong
  • I like to just imagine Revali moving Vah Medoh in several ridiculous places in Hyrule in a desperate attempt just to prove this elf boy with supernatural climbing powers wrong on a bet
  • @Hello-pp3hl
    I can picture Link bombing himself onto the beast as Revali watches in horror and Link landing in front of him, bloodied and skin charred and blood dripping from his nose, and Link going “you were saying?” before collapsing dead on the ground
  • I'm imagining Link trying to explain each of his methods to Revali, and when he gets to the moon jump he's just like "don't ask me, I jumped on a horse, jumped on another and then I started flying"
  • @Tsicky
    Revali trying to prove he is better than link by doing something link inherently can’t do is so silly to me. Like what if link challenges Revali to a thumb wrestle…
  • @marcoskapo
    Link: Princess, can I borrow the Sheikah Slate for a day? Zelda: For what? Link: I want to make Revali look like an idiot.