Horse race by jockey´s view extended / Dostih z pohledu žokejky

Unique video footage of the race, as it was seen by jockey Katerina Hlubuckova during racing day on 5th of Octomber, which was held at the Prague race course.

コメント (21)
  • All the jockeys: patiently waiting for the race to start Everyone else: trying to push the one horse into the stall
  • @ViaKai
    I love how they’re all like friends
  • I don't think you guys know but this was a girl on this horse, listen to voice.
  • Is it just me, or would it be really scary to go that fast when your stirrups are so short?
  • @shino7295
    Ain't it funny how we're all rooting for the one filming?
  • @Tizzlans
    I got soo nervous for some reason while watching this! xD
  • I have an ex-racehorse and she does that thing where they lean on you when you're leading them. But only when someone is on her back.
  • Me: I don’t really support this. Also me: Why am I watching then...?
  • the jockey’s all having fun while waiting in the gates is what i live for
  • @gatita99
    Man: Coughs Horse: get the hell away from me you tiny human
  • Honestly I’m so shocked on how quiet the horses stand in there before that gates open!
  • Guy:go go go go go go go go🔥 Horse:brush what's your problem I am running😐
  • I’m getting a major adrenaline rush just by watching this imagine actually being out there. Must be so amazing