My favorite Stephen King books

Published 2017-09-18

All Comments (21)
  • Your English is SO good I didn’t even notice you spoke Spanish until I saw the books. I wish I could speak like that 😭
  • @katieamarsh
    11-22-63 is one of my favorite books in general. It's time travel Sci fi and is not scary. It's about a man going back in time to try to stop the Kennedy assassination. The characters are amazing and it delves into the problems with time travel and also explores love.
  • @velmavlogs7693
    I read The Shining before I saw the film, and it remains to this day the only book so scary I physically couldn't turn the page at some points! The film is great too, but the book definitely stands alone.
  • @Reneebenson
    i love carrie so much i was bullied as a young child so i can understand what it feels like to be a outsider to my peers
  • So glad to hear you and your family are ok, Juan. When a catastrophe happens you immediately think of any connections you may have of people in that area. You were the only one I could think of who lives in Mexico. Thoughts and prayers are with you, your love ones and friends.
  • @ThePoptimist
    Thanks for this! I’ve been toying with reading IT but it’s just so damn big - this pushes it into the yes pile. Love the editions you’ve got - does King use a particular translator for all of them or is it a cavalcade of names?
  • @emcdonald496
    Can’t get enough Stephen King. Read on, sir! I have read every word he has published and I avoid all the movies/tv shows because the books are gasp so much better. King doesn’t just write horror. To me he embodies a genre all his own. Part horror, part psychological thriller, romance, science fiction, and everything else.I love a really hate able villain, and King is so good. Excellent list, it is clear you put a lot of thought into this and read these and gave this video a lot of thought. Thank you. Salem’s Lot has always been my favorite of Kings, and I really dislike vampire fiction. You have such good taste. Subscribing to your channel immediately
  • @upscaleavenue
    Desperation is my favorite King novel. The plot is so unique, and I believe Tak is his best antagonist, alongside It. It's also surprisingly moving and emotional toward the end - a rare addition to a horror story. The Regulators is also a good book, just a very chaotic one!
  • I'm hungarian and I'm very proud of my beautiful language, but I'm perfectly aware how funny it sounds and looks to foreigners. So let me share the hungarian titles of the aforementioned books: 10. Sorvadj el! (Thinner - our title means "Wither!") 9. Dolores (Dolores Claiborne - nothing special in this one) 8. Carrie (Carrie - easy with names, the same) 7. A búra alatt (Under the Dome) 6. A sárkány szeme (Eyes of the Dragon) 5. A holtsáv (The Dead Zone ) 4. Éjszakai műszak (Night Shift) 3. Állattemető (Pet Sematary) 2. Halálsoron (The Green Mile - our title means "On Death Row") 1. Borzalmak városa (Salem's Lot - our title: "City of Horrors")
  • @beauty-quark
    as someone who has never seen the movie of misery and just finished the book, everyone PLEASE read misery. it's a great read. I was up all night reading it because I had to know what happened next !
  • Great choices! I'm a King fan as well! Mostly his older stuff though! (1992-1974)
  • @chboskyy
    I liked this video as soon as it started because STEPHEN KING 👑😂 I've been obsessively watching Stephen King related videos after watching It a few weeks ago, and am planning on reading a tonne of King in October so I was super excited to see this video! Interesting picks, I've read a fair few of the ones you mentioned, but there are a lot I still need to get to. Nice to see Dolores Claiborne get a mention, cause no one really ever talks about it and I quite enjoyed it!
  • I forgot to add that under the dome is the us cover. Check it out on Wikipedia
  • @curioushmm9027
    first juan please do a follow up with the steve king books that have disappointed you..second..i love that shirt! and third i agree with you about both "misery" and "the shining" and i'd have to add "the shawshank redemption" and "the green mile" to that list even though i've not read either of the last two's just that the movies were sooo good that i can't see reading the books.. my very favorite king is "the stand"...not the later longer version which i've not read but the original...and i think my second favorite is "salem's lot" and i fount "it" "cujo" "pet sematary" " and "christine" the most frightening...thanks for inspiring this trip down memory lane for me..
  • @redundantmartyr
    Excellent video! My favourites by Stephen King so far are Misery, Needful Things, 11/22/63, and The Shining. I'm on a bit of a Stephen King kick right now, so I'm keen to check out your recommendations! c:
  • @MandaTheBiblio
    Awesome video! I never thought I'd have the urge to read King but this video made me want to.
  • @bookhouseboy350
    Great list! I think you nailed it. Salem's Lot is simply amazing, and Night Shift is my favorite collection of short stories. Though all the stories in the book are fantastic, Jerusalem's Lot is probably my favorite short story of all time.
  • A couple mutual favorites here: Salem's Lot, which I am planning to reread some time this year, Under the Dome, which was a-maaaazing! Other Stephen King favorites include: Christine, Cell, Doctor Sleep, Mr. Mercedes, Misery (And I agree about the movie), Revival (which has THE most horrifying ending that I've read by King). In terms of short-story collections: OF COURSE, Full Dark, No Stars, and The Bazaar of Bad Dreams). In terms of very special Stephen King books to my heart: The Running Man (under his pseudonym), which is my very first King book. And Sleeping Beauties, which is very, very special to me, because it made me have something that I've been dreaming (literally) and meaning to have in many, many years: A signed book by the man himself, my icon and my literary hero. King will always remain my favorite author of all-time.