Is Revelation 9’s Cavalry of 200 Million Just Trains?

Published 2023-03-05
Responding to a claim to have “cracked the code” of Revelation 9’s reference to a 200-million-rider strong cavalry.

All Comments (21)
  • That person wakes up every morning and thinks “what tragedy can I exploit for content today? 😊”
  • @lisaboban
    I think my husband might be one of these devils because our whole basement is COVERED in TRAINS! Lionel trains. Dozens of tracks. Hundreds of cars. I KNEW he was up to something evil down there!
  • No one else in the history of the world has “cracked the code” and neither has Aunty there…
  • @rwill156
    The four locomotive engineers of the apocalypse.
  • @mtylerw
    That silent cut, that look... 🤌😅
  • As a journalism undergrad and MDiv, Revelations [sic] 9 is my favorite use of [sic].
  • @TheTheoNerd
    When someone calls the last book of the Bible "Revelations" you know you are dealing with someone who has very little knowledge of the Book of Revelation.
  • This is the second one of Dan‘s videos I’ve watched debunking this particular woman. That’s quite the schtick she’s got there isn’t it? Put on thick makeup and mouth absurdities with a deadpan expression and apparent absolute confidence in their accuracy. She could go on like this for a long time. Just scour the headlines for some disaster and conflate it with some biblical prophecy all the while putting on this awkwardly bizarre performance. I really appreciate Dan’s responses because I learn something from watching. But when I see someone like her performing, I have some curiosity as to whether she’s as delusional as she presents herself or whether she consciously knows that she’s scamming people. Given that the Internet allows you to reach millions of people there’s always plenty of people out there who will believe this kind of nonsense, and be convinced that she’s on to some greater truth. I don’t know how Dan keeps from laughing.
  • I chuckled when she said “trains” because it was not the direction I expected her to take it.😂
  • @rpgolden
    lol I love these videos Basically she is saying "Imagine if this story was completely different & written in the 21st century!" Reminds me of the Ancient Aliens guys who just ask questions or tell you to imagine a scenario where aliens are doing everything.
  • @mjt532
    I've always wondered about that number 200,000,000, and if that's the number really intended. It's dimyrias myrias in Greek, which just means two myriads of myriads. Supposedly myriad eventually referred to 10,000, instead of just an uncountable number. These terms almost certainly come from Daniel 7, which uses myrias myrias to indicate the number of angels worshiping God. I think Revelation is just taking this number and doubling it to show that this is twice the number of demons, compared to the angels in Daniel 7.
  • @davidhinkley
    This is tongue-in-cheek folks: I've always said that the word lie is the most important part of the word believe. In our times, it seems that they've become synonymous. It's as if saying "I believe" is equal to saying "I be lying" or "I embrace lies." Though that is incorrect, it is a good rule of thumb. Even if much (or most) of the time the speakers/writers are lying to themselves as well. From politicians to corporate leaders to salesmen/marketers to religious folk/preachers the word believe is used to as a form of reassurance ("I believe that there will be peace in the Middle East.") or to avoid responsibility (I believe that the chemicals our trains were transporting were not dangerous chemicals and that the decision to use a 100 year old braking system was a good one." but I can't remember when it was used for something true/real.
  • If it is trains we should be safe in the US since our rail system is so abysmal 😩
  • @ritawing1064
    The battering ram (no 1) looks exactly like a Dalek! Dr.Who was, of course, a timelord. .🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
  • @OldMotherLogo
    I’m so glad I wasn’t drinking anything when she said, “What if they are trains?” I would have spit all over my screen. I did not see that coming. 😂