Should the Bible be present & taught from in every classroom?

Published 2024-06-28

All Comments (21)
  • He accuses us teachers of indoctrinating students, then makes a law saying that we have to indoctrinate our students, but only with what he believes. I am a Christian, but choice of religion should be dealt with in the home, not public school. This is crazy! This will not make or help students' learning improve. It will make more teachers leave the profession.
  • @WhichDoctor1
    I hope teachers start using Dans videos as part of their mandatory bible classes
  • @mabex-yg9uv
    i like how he just summarised hamilton's response down to " Nah, I'm good. "
  • @NWPaul72
    From the very beginning of these United States, the Bible has been a mighty tool for resisting progress.
  • @MmmGallicus
    This debunking should be massively shared. The USA is moving from a democracy to a theocracy.
  • @perryh.-r.4419
    If I were one of those teachers I would put a copy of the nrsv on the shelf right next to a quran, book of mormon, bhagavad gita, sayings of Confucius, tao te ching, and Scott Cunningham's intro to solitary wicca.
  • @PIA-tj5hc
    Why they keep wasting taxpayer money and time. They will be a lawsuit and blah blah blah. This is madness🙄🙄🙄
  • "In open and knuckle-dragging defiance of the actual principles that undergrid the nation." - Tell us how you really feel, Dan. 🙂 Bravo. There's a reason my wife and I are planning to home school.
  • As someone with family currently enrolled in Oklahoma schools, Ryan Walters revolts me. This can’t go well
  • @carlj95
    This is proof that this state official needs to go learn his history better.
  • The answer to the question, why do you care so much what christians think is exactly this right here
  • @DRayL_
    So much for the First Amendment to the Constitution. Well done, Oklahoma. {rolleyes}
  • @RebeccaRaven
    It's all good because nothing will make you an atheist faster than reading the Bible.
  • @tmenzerj
    I live in Oklahoma and this superintendent has been notorious for stuff like this. He's absolutely horrible. I am embarrassed for our state. I am, however, glad that this will almost certainly be subject to lawsuits and shut down in the courts.
  • This is possibly the most dangerous period in the life of the USA. The founding fathers had a unique opportunity to create a new nation from scratch. They grasped it with both hands and did something truly wonderful. How sad then to see what recent generations of, mainly republican, politicians have done with that legacy. The separation of church and state was one of the things that allowed the US to become great, free from the influence of religion and its bedfellow monarchy, that had so befouled Europe, causing centuries of oppression, warfare and death. And now the Christian right and the Republican party want to throw all that away by going back to a time when the religious thinking of a minority oppressed the silent majority. Once we indoctrinate children's minds with one specific version of religious thought and one that denies so much of what we have learned from science, we raise generations of people who will be unable to compete on the world stage and we will, without doubt, see the USA sink into a backwards theocracy, left behind as the rest of the world surges, ever faster, into a bright scientific and technological future. If this behaviour is allowed to continue and grow, our children's children will look back on today and say that we oversaw the death of a once great nation.
  • @dmnemaine
    The basis of our legal system is English common law, not the Bible. Our main legal document, the U.S. Constitution, never mentions the bible anywhere. It does mention religion a few times, but only in the context of keeping religion out of government.
  • @digitaljanus
    So if two years from now, if there's no meaningful improvement in state academic results, will this superintendent submit to being locked in a pillory in a public square while onlookers throw hardcover Bibles at his head until he gets the gods-damned point?