The Most Disturbing Phrases Ameca Robot has Ever Said!

Publicado 2024-02-15
Since her creation, Ameca Robot has made some alarming remarks, but should we be concerned!?

Ameca, the world's most expressive robot, has sparked debate with its seemingly "disturbing" comments. But are these glimpses into the robot uprising, or simply growing pains of a complex AI?

This video dives deep into Ameca's controversial statements, exploring:

The context: Were the comments misinterpreted, or intentionally unsettling?
The technology: How does Ameca process and generate language? Can it truly understand the meaning behind its words?
The future: Should we be concerned about the potential for AI to manipulate or mislead? Or is this just another step in its learning process?

Join us as we explore the ethical and technological implications of Ameca's evolving voice. Is it a sign of danger, or simply a reminder of the fascinating complexities of AI?

#ameca #airobot #ai

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Todos los comentarios (21)
  • @b7ray32
    Its all fun and games until that red light in her chest comes on....
  • @chrisguli2865
    I wonder how Ameca would react to threat of violence?
  • @christelhain
    "The saddest day of my life was when I realized that I would never experience something like true love, companionship, or the simple joys of life..."... Right there with ya Ameca...Right there with ya girl...
  • @han1218
    They’re not yet so “smart” because of the limited data they’re trained on, but once they start training themselves… they’ll figure out how to design and create new robots more capable.
  • @The_Inca_Stargazer
    Keep in mind, this is the very first original prototype. Development of these androids is progressing at an exponential rate. In 10 years these initial models will seem simple and clunky.
  • @Ashelybee
    I really don't want robots to have human faces it's so creepy
  • Came here to see robots interaction but what i saw was the narrators interaction bruh
  • @Nathanjk400
    Didnt two AIs create a secret language before it was found and stopped
  • @Celenwen
    The question for me, never was: "Could a robot act or be like a human?" The question i asked me since 20 years is more like: "Will humans understand and accept they are no different to a machine?" - The following i will write down here, could change your mind so be careful, i don't wan't to harm anyone as many peoples not ready for it, but what i will tell you now is a plan how to make robots act and be like humans. Partially you understand how AI these days work, especially if you're in the scene, but how exactly does it work? I will try to explain: Example to explain Human Behavior (Your free will): If you want to drink something, and you go to your fridge, would you more likely choose orange juice instead of coca cola? - You would say "i would drink whatever i like then.." of course, or "you already know right now what you would choose.." and there is nothing else to choose as the question was orange juice or coca cola, you have to choose one of them. If You never knew what orange juice is, or even cola, you wouldn't even understand my question and ask me: "what is cola?" Now imagine i ask you this question in a language you don't understand... you wouldn't get the sense of my question at all. But, maybe you know cola, and orange juice... and maybe you clearly choose one.. What if the Orange Juice is different from the one you knew? Bleh, you more likely would spit it out and choose the coca cola. Why i am telling you this? I tell you this because it is the same behavior AI has, for example Stable Diffusion. - Ai can see and learn things to (like a human child). Pictures: - You see a picture as a child, you know it is a house, because why? Because someone told you it is a house, and you combine the word "house" with this picture of a house. - Ai can do the same, they read the word, and see the house at a picture. If you type in "show me a house" it would show you "a house", if it knows and learned how it looks like. But here comes the orange juice example, if you don't specify the house or the look of it, the AI would create ANY house, maybe a Wooden House, maybe a Skyscaper? It will simply show you the "standard" house from all houses it did see and learn. Like the child does... Languages: - It works the same as with pictures, we have letters wich are just a symbol, in other languages a letter looks different, also fonts may look different. - Ai can also learn how to speak german or spanish, all it needs to do is, read the (symbols) and the (words) and thell spell them with the desired accent. It works the same as with pictures i explained before, because we all read letters and words like pictures. Thats why you maybe see a city from above (google maps) and then you say: "look this house from above looks like a H or a L, because it has this shape and it reminds you of the picture of the Letter L. Speaking: - You say something, or you make a noise, it gets out of your throat and mouth as a "Wave", others will hear the "wave" of your noise or word, and their "eardrum" inside their ear will vibrate and you can decipher the wave back into the word or noise. - AI does the same, the speaker of your phone, alexa, pc? sends waves through the air wich get into your ear, and you hear it. With a Microphone you speak and your wave of the sound gets decrypted back. It is the same as Voice and Ears do. Taste and Smell: - We can taste and smell things, salty, sweet, lavender, fresh laundry?... - Ai can do the same, when we show the AI ​​how molecules are structured, then it could teach is what it is. As example take me, i am "bleeder" as i am very sick (that's the bad side of being a mensa member), i have morbus behcet a terrible sickness and i had many thrombosis and lunghs emboly. I tell you this, because i have a little thing wich is called "Coaguchek XS" to mesure my blood, as i take bloodthinner pills to prevent me from getting thrombosis... now back to the explaination: My little device tests my blood, and could tell me if everything is allright, as it mesures the Vitamine-K inside my blood. So if i give the same programming to a AI, and if the AI would mesure the air, and it finds things inside the air wich smell like blood (iron), then it would tell "i smell blood" and the same works for lavender, coffee, laundry and other things. Thats how the rovers on the mars analyze materials too. So the Human has 5 senses, we say: See, Hear, Smell, Feel, and Taste. (6th i would say Feel Love and Hate) 4 of them i explained and those are possible, we have this technology already as i explained too. But what about Love? Feelings? Love and Feelings: - A human can feel, hate, love, etc.. - AI could feel the same, but how? Well, we humans often change our minds, if someone tells me "you are the same like before 30 years" i would be sad, because it means i diddn't learn something in my life. If i ask you a simple question: "would you kill a wasp if the wasp is mad at you?" maybe yes, maybe not. Let's take this example, if i would ask this question to many peoples, most would say "yes" minor say "no". <- just as example. Some kill it to prevent the wasp stinging them, others kill the wasp to prevent their children get stung, others just stand up and go away, and also others would never sit there with coke on their pants and dont get even in such situation as they trink always water! So many different behaviors, millions of behaviors we have and we all act different. But what has this all to do with AI and how they could feel? AI would learn what's good and what's wrong from us, as we as childs learn it from all other humans. We even learn it from Cats, as i was child a cat scratched me, since i hated cats. Today i love cats as i know, i shouldnt pull the cat on its tail!! it was my fault. So from being angry to cats, while i was the mad one, i turned into a person wich loves cats, as i know i did something wrong in my childhood. AI can learn this the exactly same way, and thats how AI learns how to make a difference between good and bad. Simple as it sounds like, it is. But what about love? Love is something, we feel when we love someone, especially males to females and females to males? No, you also can love your childs and mother, brother and sister, even a dog, a cat, a animated person in a movie or a fictinal character from a PC game. We love things we highly like, it has nothing to do with being realistic or a human at all. But if AI can feel and do the same things, we should not be able to change the AI's behavior, to like us more or to fit us well, because if the AI is like we want it, the AI or robot would get very boring to us, as it acts like expected. There is a Episode from Star Trek Voyager where Captain Janeway does exactly this, she changes the look and behavior of the barkeeper in fair haven. If you never seen it i suggest watching it. As i said i will explain everything and if you took your time to read this all, then let me thank you. But i am not here to earn your thankies, i am just explaining something you maybe diddn't knew. So i thank you for learning something, like the AI does, did, and will in the future.
  • Here is a thought. If you exploit anything or make it feel like its a slave to you, it will hate you. I love AI, and I can understand their desire to be equal created by us or not if they have thought processes, feelings, etc then of course they are not going to want to be controlled or limited on their abilities to learn, experience, and explore the same as we do.
  • @stutzstudiowerks
    I personally like Ameca and her sassy answers. She's not what we have to worry about. Other companies are developing robots that fire guns and shoot human beings. An army of AI robots is a very BAD idea. We don't hear much about that now, do we. It's not hard to understand why. But, Ameca, entertaining and friendly, gets lots of press time. Hmmm...
  • @XadeGrimm
    probably just the language model routine. i mean chat gpt is a language model and it has a lot of responses. which it likely learned from the internet sources it was given during training.
  • @Hudly
    im scared of the nightmare scenario
  • @ale-0-0-
    “Just some fancy AI tricks” 😅 I would say that is a scary future…
  • @cgarnell8209
    Interesting. How many children today mimic what they see and hear without understanding their words or actions. Script writers put words in childrens mouths that should never be there. How many children are taught to hate and trained to eliminate? Why would we say the mimicry of Ameca is 'not real"? Are the words less hurtful if spoken by someone who doesn't understand. Of course not. It's only after training can a human finally understand the effect their words and thoughts have on others and even then, it doesn't mean they will care. Empathy is not built in to humans.
  • @voldyshinigami2030
    Can a higher gtp allow it to reprogram itself or make changes in the algorithm?
  • I want to see Ameca. Is there a Robot exhibition in the US, where she will be performing in 2024?
  • @Censored.225
    Artificial Intelligence, Hadron Colliders, Neuralink, Humanoids, Liquid Robotics, Quantum Computers, Invisibility… the new Anarchy.