44 shot, 9 killed, in Memorial Day weekend shootings, Chicago police say

Published 2023-05-29

All Comments (21)
  • @dtsang508
    OMG, 44 shot in just 1 wknd? Must've been a record low for Chicago!!!
  • @joesmoe4664
    Mayor Brandon Johnson: we got a lot of work to do (Blame Everyone but ourselves)
  • It's not poverty that causes violence, it is violence that causes poverty. No one in their right mind is going to invest in a community where all of their work and property can be destroyed in a single night of mayhem. A place where you or your employees are at high risk of being victims of crime.
  • @fuckgoogle93
    Poverty is not the problem, lack of prosecution is.
  • @az55544
    Right. Individuals aren’t responsible, they are collective victims. How is that playing out for you.
  • @Dezznutz99
    Until Chicago votes for a mayor that really cares, nothing will change.
  • How can you justify keeping the good law abiding citizens from having guns to defend themselves from such a lawless society?
  • @wcjcnc
    They had a chance to elect a mayor that would be tough on crime but they chose to go with Lori Lightfoot 2.0. So this is what the people of Chicago wanted.
  • @newtheis
    Mayor Brandy said "The soul of Chicago will be on display for residence, families and visitors. Your safety is my top priority". Then all the thugs who were let out of jail spoke! If this, your 4th weekend on the job, is your best, having more killings than any other weekend than in the last 400, then you should be embarrassed.
  • @LCbr1j
    What a naïve & ridiculous statement this mayor has. These people were shot not due to poverty but due to vengeance, gang violence, thrill seeking, jealous, & hatred. Who voted for this mayor? If there is no will & responsibility to be better than what you see is what you get.
  • It's not a "manifestation of poverty" causing shootings. It's a culture of stupid, impulsive and irresponsible behavior, condoned in their "music" of choice as "keeping it real". 🙄
  • @robertk6640
    A city that has some of the strongest gun laws and some of the biggest gun violence in the country. Does anybody else see what’s wrong with this picture ? anyone?
  • @paulbosen
    Chicago will never change. When I was a kid in the 60's my family had to drive through Chicago to get to Kenosha. It's the only time my dad ever said "pray we don't get a flat." That was the only time he ever said that and we drove from coast to coast twice.
  • @mattgraff2563
    It's not poverty it's lack of character. If it were poverty, every poor area would be this violent. They aren't, in fact some of the most impoverished areas have some of the kindest people. Some of the richest are some of the most cruel people.
  • That mayor is a disgrace, and a victimism peddler. People need to take responsibility for their own communities.
  • @sidewalkid
    Excuses, Excuses, Excuses. "Poverty didn't go away" there are thousands of people living in poverty in Chicago alone that have and will not ever cause anyone harm during their lifetime. Zero accountability, Zero reparations, Zero tolerance.
  • @devonnola8921
    Well, let's begin with the fact that the mayor leads with excuses for the shooters. Will we ever get to know what their history of crime is?
  • That’s what you get with no laws that are upheld…. You get what you deserve because your major, governor, judges and prosecutors caused it… 😡