What is Emotional Abuse? | The Top Emotional Abuse Warning Signs

Published 2018-02-28
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How to know if you are being emotionally abused?

Abuse - no matter what kind, is always about power and control. But it's not always obvious this is what's happening - especially when it comes to emotional abuse - which is why we are talking about it here in this important video.

Emotional abuse is a lot more common and serious than many of us might think because it's not as obvious as other kinds of abuse, and you may not even realize you are being emotionally abused by someone in your life.

Here we are going to talk about the main signs of emotional abuse so you can tell if you or somebody that you know is being emotionally abused in order to put a stop to this kind of harmful treatment.

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All Comments (21)
  • The anxiety that someone gets from a relationship like this is ridiculous. In a way you end up losing your true self and start questioning your entire life
  • @johnorr8094
    Over the years, I have learned that abusers only recognize their own boundaries. To them, everybody else's boundaries don't matter.
  • In so messed up in the head that I have watched almost every video on emotional abuse just to be sure
  • @cateclism316
    Abusers also have a certain amnesia when you try to call them on their abuse: ..."When did I ever do THAT???? Name ONE time!"
  • I’m always made to feel wrong for having emotions. The “Why you being so sensitive “ hits me a lot .
  • @canadastamina37
    I get physically affected. There’s a definite cycle to it and when it gets bad I develop debilitating headaches, stomach queasiness, sore muscles and joints, inability to catch breath, wandering thoughts and lack of focus and clarity. All accompanied with this urge to vomit.
  • @kundaidube0505
    Gaslighting and blameshifting. So hard to deal with because it’s subtle and you cannot explain to someone about how you come to feel abused- but you feel it. Such a hard place to be
  • @ryjo4022
    It's difficult to set boundaries around someone who has no idea of the abuse they're inflicting. They are always right, your feelings don't matter and they will never say sorry or back down from an argument. Best to walk away.
  • @kayligo
    Pushes boundaries. Doesn’t accept no. Belittling. Silent treatment. Passive aggressive comments . Put downs. Double standards. Blames you for everything. Lying. Cheating. Never happy for you. Controlling. Puts down your choices. Guilt tripping. Perfectly describes the narcissist I just escaped from...
  • @BK-qp8zp
    Holy crap, you just read the whole story of my 40-year marriage! We are now divorced, bankrupt and had our house foreclosed. Although I am seeing a therapist, there is only so much she can do to help me try to overcome this utter brokenness. Narcissists love to find empaths, then they destroy them.
  • @izawaniek2568
    Emotional abuse is such a serious problem. It is life threatening . You can often observe the symptomps of it in the people who are the victims. They are often sensitive, empathic individuals maybe with some history of childhood abuse who have unhealed trauma, CPTSD or similar problems and they fall prey to manipulative, controlling predatory individuals who drain the life out of them. Sometimes you watch people fading away because of the emotional abuse they are subjected to. Julia, your videos are saving people’s lives. Keep making them, please.
  • @mrs8792
    Sadly, just knowing his childhood was bad, made me work harder to help him. Waste of time.
  • @torchbearer1973
    It hurts my heart to the core to hear that those who are abusers were usually abused themselves. I was sexually, physically and emotionally abused and I would NEVER hurt another child in any way. I was further traumatized as a child when adults tried to sweep the abusers behaviors under the carpet by saying they were abused themselves and couldn't control it. I was told as a young child to forgive/understand my molester because he was molested by his father. And that was it. I was never gotten any counseling or put in a home where I felt safe or loved. I was soooooooooooo afraid that I was going to become an abuser because my abusers always told me they couldn't help it because they were abused too that I chose not to get married or have children. However, I am a social worker and I do everything I can to protect children. I'm almost 50 and finally getting the therapy I should have gotten as a child or in my 20's.
  • @tbd5082
    Lying in an “intimate” relationship is abuse.
  • @misscinrose
    I used to ask “why are you even married to me if I upset you so much?”
  • @HLB313
    This applies to friendships too. I only just realised recently that a close 10 year friendship was emotionally abusive. I feel amazing since it has ended!!
  • My mom was really emotionally abusive. She really messed me up growing up. I think that is why I ended up with an emotionally abusive boyfriend. Thank god I finally got away from him.
  • I was abused, won't say how, but I can tell you that this is true. You don't know untill you're older and it just makes you feel worthless. Please, PLEASE get help before you're 38 years old and are too scared to even go out in public like I am.Not sure if I'm dealing with a narcissist or an abusive person. But it feels the same to me. Both are Bad!
  • It is traumatizing! I have flashbacks every day of the emotional abuse my last boyfriend put me thru.
  • @andrewpratten
    While curiously affording themselves all of the feelings and rights that they deny you.