I Built An X-ray Machine and People Are Mad

Published 2021-09-24

All Comments (20)
  • @ShortHax
    You’ll get worse cancer from reading the comments than building an X-Ray machine from scratch
  • @arthurdurham
    All these geniuses who know how to spot the wrong shovel for digging a hole but can't spot a joke.
  • I just love the fact that Evan casually got a job offer and then realized it was actually William Osman. Imagine getting a random job offer and it's actually just William Osman bullying you
  • @JackmanWorks
    I can't have been the only one who got excited when you pulled out the grinder because I was hoping you were going to cut the point off and make it into a flat shovel.
  • @spiffy3430
    It’s funny how an engineer has an audience full of shovel experts
  • I love how William was so offended by Evan that he tracked him down, catfished him on LinkedIn and tricked him into signing a bogus contract all to prove that he had no idea what he was talking about in some YouTube comments
  • “being fat is dangerous.” as a fat person, this is true. I have to dodge assassins every day. they’ll never get me, but they can try.
  • @SammyJStubbs
    This guy used a pointed shovel to kill Shrek. Everyone knows you’re supposed to use a square shovel to kill an Ogre.
  • @332wildcat
    Former landscape laborer here: Flatheads are perfectly fine for digging holes, especially a rectangular hole where you would want nice corners and flat sides. They can also move more material than a spade, making digging with them and scooping material out of the bottom of the hole quicker.
  • @stiffnuts420
    All jokes aside, what you do is arguably very important. You, along with people like NileRed, Styropyro and Explosions&Fire are providing a medium in which younger audiences can learn about things within the scientific field and also enjoy learning about it. The goofiness and outlandish projects are a hook, and the science (while sometimes dangerous) is legitimate. If we had teachers like you in schools, kids would be smarter, and that’s a hill I’ll die on.
  • @Syntac
    Evans been really quiet since this video dropped
  • @CaptainSauce
    Did you buy the shovel to make a point or dig Evan's grave?
  • @abwfl
    imagine insulting a YouTuber on the internet, and then a while later, he starts calling you and telling you to face him like a man. I can only imagine pure terror
  • @MarinSusic1
    As a cyber security specialist I believe that your OSINT and social engineering skills presented in this video were completely on point. Job well done!
  • @EvanAndKatelyn
    Let me know if you need a stand in Evan troll... can I still have the $200 though?
  • @tomatonluis
    This guy has two engineering degrees and tried to kill Shrek with a shovel lol, I have been a certified Shrek expert for 40 years and everyone knows that a sword is the correct tool for the job... At least he has the correct shovel to bury the body afterwards.
  • I'm usually against engaging with trolls but that callout of Evan was so chaotically hilarious I can't even be mad