Ben Shapiro vs College Student... Trans Woman Reacts

Published 2021-11-29

All Comments (21)
  • I think it's funny that the only place he's confident enough to do this at is a college campus full of young students. Let's see him do this in front of a massive room of doctors and try to argue with them
  • I'm the trans woman in the video against Shapiro. Thanks for covering this, I appreciate it and I've seen quite a few of your videos. It feels so good to have this reach so much further than my little space on political twitter, much love :)
  • @X1smm
    As a trans male, I hope Ben learns trans people aren't irregular.
  • @emmabixler8574
    I love how she forced him to repeatedly contradict himself and then eventually give in and say he didn't believe in science. He was really sweating up there
  • @EDeeDeeS
    I'm just glad he finally admitted that he dosen't care about facts if it dosen't align with his feelings
  • @ashtonreads197
    As a trans man and science nerd I have to say that Ben's arguments about animals not being trans is laughable because it A: ignores that some animals do not fall into what we would traditionally see as binary like male seahorses giving birth, female hyenas having pseudo-penises, and clown fish (and other species but this was the first I thought of) changing their sex if there is a need for more babies and B: ignores that some animals do have a concept of gender... like monkeys. Although I shouldn't be surprised considering how he threw all the other scientific information to the curb Anyway Ben is dumb and this video is great! I love your videos! Update: To everyone asking why I'm using animals to explain something that happens with humans... it's because Ben used a walrus as an example?? Like what does a walrus have to do with being trans either. I also was not trying to state these animals are trans by our definition. I am merely stating the concept of a gender binary does not always exist in nature like Ben and other conservatives say and applying it to humans who are free thinking and intelligent is ridiculous as most intelligent species show signs towards not falling into patterns of being straight or cis. Hell even some less intelligent beings have patterns of being gay like giraffes and...walruses.
  • The guy who loves to scream "facts don't care about your feelings," is getting his feelings hurt over facts. 🤣
  • @emris2697
    Can I just say I'm so proud of the bravery of this young person to go in front of this massive crowd of people to confront this jerk.
  • I LOVE seeing an actual smart, prepared person beating Shapiro in a place where he usually can get away with his tactics by talking to young and unprepared, non researched kids. She did amazing. Not letting him interrupt her. Calling out his bs in a factual and elegant manner. This fulfills me so deeply.
  • @Numerosity
    He usually tries to pick an innocent, weak looking person to present a 'straw man' argument to make his argument look better in comparison, but even with a biased set up that person absolutely crushed his argument
  • @lauren5159
    Someone I work with always plays Ben Shapiro videos while on break and one day was going off on a transphobic rant telling me how sad it was that this is what society has become (referring to that fact that trans people are becoming more accepted), I said, "I don't care what you're opinions on trans people are but why would you take "facts" from someone who's "evidence" is based off of his feelings and speculation rather than actual research and science?" He just babbled on about nonsense that didn't even relate to what I said. Then when I heard him watching that video, I about lost it laughing and he just looked at me and said, "shut up, just because it's his feelings doesn't mean it's not the truth!" Idc, believe what you want but if you start spreading nonsense information that's not supported whatsoever then expect people to call you out and correct the information.
  • The fact that the person asking him questions had to ask THE SAME QUESTIONS FOUR DIFFERENT TIMES to get his actual answer is absurd. “I agree with the medical field that gender and sex are different until the crowd starts cheering for me 🤪”. 🤮🤮🤮
  • @janibii_608
    Also theres a difference between being femminine and masculine and being a man and a woman. Like a trans woman can also be a tomboy.
  • @brianco28
    ben shapiro talks fast without making any points and thinks he absolutely demolished the left.
  • @xavier371
    As a marine bio student there's actually so many marine species that change sex throughout their lifetime. Humans are not an exception to being trans in nature, it may not look the same in terms of physical transition but the concept is essentially the same
  • @petes1772
    Watching Ben Shapiro switch his wording between male/female and men/women between every sentence just shows how little he really understands what he's talking about.
  • Has he ever had enough guts to debate with you? Because how you explain sex and gender leaves him without any argument.
  • @krisg1281
    I'll never get this obsession with "biological sex". In human society biological sex means jack. The vast, overwhelming majority of human social interactions do not involve genitals and none of them involve chromosomes. In day to day life those things do not matter. At. All. In human social interactions the social aspects of gender/sex are all that actually matter which is to say that in human social interactions only gender actually matters. Your sex only comes into play with your doctor and maybe your sexual partners. Otherwise it's only an issue because some sad people have decided to make it one.
  • @franknstein5376
    The major point though is: even if we agree with him that historically the terms man/woman- male/female have been used interchangeably to describe a person phenotype, why should that stop us from starting to use them in a different, more inclusive way? Language is not immutable and doesn't dictate reality but continuosly evolves in order to better describe our world and its phenomena. If being transgender and the experience of gender as something different from sex is a human experience for millions (and one that has occured for millennia) why are we so resistant to find new words and/or adapt old words to describe it? This is like arguing that you can't use the word net wen talking about the internet, because its intended purpose is to describe what spiders weave and fishermen use
  • @meoueo
    Ben... no one said that male and female don't exist...