Starcraft 2 Beta KHB (P) vs Artosis (T) Mothership Rush

Published 2010-02-21
In this match KHB rushed with a mothership of all things and really shows off some skill defending with minimal troops before the mothership is ready. Sorry for not showing Artosis' full view, I plan on uploading more videos and having to pan the camera myself adds a lot to the processing time. Regardless you get KHB's view the whole time for better understanding of his superior tactics.

All Comments (21)
  • @KategariYami
    Oh man the old Vortex... I rememeber Archon Toilets. What a time to be alive.
  • @TaSSaDaRy
    here for TOD's comment in WCS 2017 Finals
  • @Marksman3434
    That's so cool how at 8:04, a marauder that just comes out of the Barracks gets sucked into the vortex. Awesome-looking effect :D
  • @chucoboy
    I'm new to Starcraft 2 and this was a great vid. Can't wait for more videos. Good stuff bro
  • @Tsukasa009
    i don't realize empty SC vids are without commentary until it's gone :( Great video though, it's great just to see some awesome HD SC2 footage!
  • @vadergaming8195
    Beautifully rendered and recorded! It's actually HD unlike other 1080p videos. I'm so excited for SC2, I'm going to play it to DEATH
  • @RSX250
    real nice video's man. This looks so sick.
  • @TomL1991BFD
    With every day that passes I want to play this game more and more...
  • @DantoraMandova
    i love in the beginning the knife fights with the probes and scv's.
  • @ztunelover
    that is epic. I love how the mothership popped out at the most crucial time.
  • @EssEmmKou
    The balance is amazing, and the game interface is very crisp and clean.
  • @Darkshadow7827
    Damn, this looks sick. Initially it looked like regular SC, but when that mothership came out... wow. I hope my new Laptop will be able to support this.
  • @SephCat74
    @14austyboi if you look, bottom center displays the selected unit. above that u can see that he had numberlocked the units.
  • @shrint
    @Xancha128 that's because during the replay he clicks on one of Artosis's units / buildings, making it so that he can hear the audio from Artosis's side of the game
  • @bogyshi2
    this i am going to get today and it looks so beastly i hope the protoss are just as good as in the first
    i forgot that the mommaship could blink in the beta. awesome stuff!