YouTube send Me This Fun Thing In The Mail? [Ridiculously Exciting Unboxing Of] {102 subscriber spcl

YouTube Sent Me This Fun Thing In The Email Today. At First I didn't Now it was from YouTube because it was in a god Dam manila envoelope... how Strange! But I had a look closer, And Noticed That It Was From YouTube (The adress matches)! Truly one of their discreet packaging techniques.

#unboking #unboking #unboking #unboking #unboking #unboking #unboxing #unboxingmainan #ApplesHaveRed40SoItsNaturale

I would love to personally thank each and every "1" of you to helping me to acheiving my dreams one step at a time. I never even dreamed this moment, but i did in fact have a nightmare about this moment where as soon as i got 100 subscribers i was blasted on display on this globally-seen "100 subs" list. Just then, someone found where i lived... they kidnapped and sent me to Thailand... I was sent to do slave labor... I must have creid hours those lonely nights... Pretty Spooky, Scary, Right?

コメント (3)
  • Why the fuck does YouTube keep turning off the fucking comments 😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡