Should You Watch The Jujutsu Kaisen 0 Movie?

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Jujutsu Kaisen 0 is a movie, also a manga, that is the prequel to Jujutsu Kaisen. But is it good? And should you watch it? let's find out

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In the depths of his Mother's Basement, Geoff Thew creates videos analyzing the storytelling techniques of anime and video games. He has been named the number one Worst YouTube Anime Reviewer by The Top Tens.

コメント (21)
  • absolutely loved the "Nanami does exactly 7/10 of the thing" what a tasteful comment on one of my favorite jujutsu kaisen characters
  • What I love about the adaptation of Volume 0 into a movie is that it makes Volume 0 feel like a proper prequel. Because JJK had a much broader scope, going to the Volume 0 manga after the main series can feel a bit off because of things like how you hear that Todo was involved in the events of Volume 0 but he doesn’t actually make an appearance. So the movie adds these things to Volume 0 in order to make it feel like it was written with everything that happens in the main series planned, which is great.
  • 17:20 I completely agree with your take on Rika's characterization, but that's also kind of the point in this story, so I push back slightly. We all know that curses materialize with their lingering burdens and regrets, and Gojo states that love is the most twisted curse of all. That lack of closure in never actualizing a potential relationship with the person you love is extremely FRUSTRATING, and we as the audience have all experienced it at some point, but we are able to move on and meet new people and form new relationships as we age. Unfortunately, Rika died with her infatuation with Yuta still going strong. Hence the "chemistry" between Yuta and Rika is remains very simplistic and childlike, because it can never progress beyond that.
  • Should you watch it if you haven't seen JJK: Yes Should you watch it if you have seen JJK: Yes
  • I completely agree with the rika point. While it didn’t make it into the actual story, akutami did include some extra info on human rika that i do wish made it into the movie. For example she wasn’t just in the hospital because she was sick, it was because she was found alone in the mountains after getting lost from with her father who was never found
  • So I feel I can add something to this conversation. I'm the only person in my immediate friend group who was interested in seeing this movie and was originally planning to just go by myself, however when I mentioned it in passing while talking with my husband and best friend they both immediatly said they wanted to go with me. My husband has only seen a little of JJK from walking past me watching it on my laptop with my headphones and my best friend hasn't seen a single scene. They mostly wanted to come since we hadn't been to the cinema since before the pandemic, niether of them are terribly into shonen. We went to one of the previews yesterday (since it was the only day we all had off) and they both had a really great time with it. I asked them afterwards what they thought and how easy they found the story to follow and they said that the characters and plot were very engaging. They enjoyed the in media-res begining, how the supporting cast started out as very strange and standoffish (my best friend actually muttered 'bitch' after Yuuta's first interation with Maki, but by the end of the film she was her favourite character) but we got to know them along with Yuuta. They found the mystery and tragedy of Rika intruiging and thought Geto was an excellent villian. The only part of the film that lost them was the fanservice at the end when the Kyoto students show up and do their things, they both said that for them it slowed down the momentum of the final act, which is fair I think, they both thought it was cute how excited I was to see them though. So yeah, it's anecdotal, but if you don't know too much about JJK and are thinking about seeing this film, you'll probably have a fun and fulfilling experience. My best friend is now planning on watching the show (she was super into Nanami for the brief moments we saw him, she is a woman of Class and Taste) and my husband has informed me that he would divorce me for Gojo (which is fair, I would probably do the same).
  • Looking back at the manga I still question why they pick the days they did to do these high scale attacks then I remember the whole concept of cursed energy and how it’s fueled by negative emotions and December 24 is definitely a time of year were negative emotions are at their highest
  • "there is some subtle solid chemistry between Yuta and a certain other sorcerer that could have built up to a strong emotional climax, but of course Akutatmi had to save exploring that for when these characters return in the main series". Well as long as we get to see Inumaki x Yuta I don't mind the wait. It's pretty cool that even in the movie Inumaki's only speech outside of his cursed words is Yuta's name.
  • @dajtoad1
    Agree with everything except for the Rika / Yuta relationship being the weakest part. I thought it was one of the strongest. Their relationship was formed as a childhood bond, when things are very simplistic. Rika never grew up, never matured, and Yuta had an acute case of survivor's guilt (never realising that he had pulled Rika along with him, and was constantly adding to his survivor's guilt by adding to the body count!). So telling her he loved her and letting her go was a moment of pure love, child to child, not a mature love that he might hopefully have in the future. It was beautiful.
  • @adaldi_
    Pure coincidence, but Jujutsu Kaisen 0 Movie just got released in Indonesian theater today and I managed to watch it a few hours ago, thank you for making this video to keep the conversation going for me at least. Sending love all the way from Indonesia and as always, appreciate the videos!
  • I haven't seen the film yet, but as a manga reader, and someone who has watched ALL of the trailers more than 20 times EACH, I think I can confidently say that Yuta vs Geto deserves an Animelee. Edit: It's been 2 months since I published this comment, and the film finally reached my country… Just watched it with a good friend today, and HOLY SH!T it was SO GOOD. Yuta has been my favorite character ever since her returned in the main manga, and you can be damn sure that I was happy with how they tackled his story. Only thing I'm mad about is the fact that high-quality clips of all these amazing scenes will only reach the internet in October.
  • @AllieYea
    I hear you about the chemistry between Yuuta and one of the other sorcerers, but true fans know that Yuuta/Kurouroshi is end game.
  • THIS IS A SPOILER FOR THE END OF THE MOVIE, so read on at your own risk. I would argue that their romantic relationship as kids doesn't need to be very complex since the incarnation of Rika that we see is only a manifestations of the instant of childish obsession that Yuta feels when he watches her die. In other words, curses are manifestations of great emotions and the emotion that created the cursed Rika is a very simple, childish emotion, and so doesn't need a deep, meaningful backstory.
  • I know nothing about this series, I (edit: HAD) no interest in consuming any media related to this series. But your scripting is always so fantastic I refuse to NOT watch anything you put out. So thank you for all your hard work to produce such fantastic content! ^^
  • Should I? No clue, haven't watched the video yet. Will I? Abso-fucking-lutely. Already bought my cinema tickets in the next big town even though they were ridiculously overpriced and I'll scare poor children by sitting my old ass down next to them, lol. Been waiting for this since Christmas, I can't wait another 3 months or something until it's finally available online..!
  • @KonkaBass
    More and more I'm seeing anime series are integrating movies into thier story lines not as these stand alone, filler laided things, but as critical viewing, that later seasons just expect you to have seen. And I honestly love this. Not to say OVA's haven't been doing this, but this new wave of movies seem different.
  • Hideki Anno summarized the significance of Space Battleship Yamato: “If not for Yamato, Japan might not have anime now. Neither anime fans nor Otakus would have been born. Yamato started it all.”
  • It certainly helps with context with the upcoming Shibuya incident cuz the way they introduced him in the manga during that arc it’s assumed you knew who Yuta was so I went back at that time to read the prequel.
  • I’m definitely looking forward to your videos about Shibuya and the Culling Gaming arcs. Personally I love the Gojo’s past arc the most because it’s so tragic and makes so much sense as to why gojo is the way he is. I’m fully a gojo simp but his characterisation is just so good in his past arc.