What Is Magical Thinking OCD? - Superstitious OCD - Stop Something Bad From Happening

Publicado 2019-07-01
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Magical thinking is an illogical thought pattern characterized by the linking of unrelated actions or events.

Individuals may become preoccupied with:

►Reciting or thinking of certain words, names, sounds, images, phrases, or numbers.
►Moving one’s body or gesturing in a special way.
►Stepping in special ways or on special spots when walking.
►Arranging objects or possessions in a special order.
►Performing physical actions in reverse.
►Thinking thoughts in reverse.
►Performing behaviors at special times or on particular dates.
►Repeating one’s own words, or the words of others.
►Touching certain things in a special way or a particular number of times.

The individual may link them to a catastrophe or that 'bad things’ may happen.
The individual with ‘magical thinking’ OCD truly believes and lives by these rules and feared consequences, and may believe that the mere act of thinking certain things may result i

Todos los comentarios (20)
  • @lenas5613
    Being exposed to superstitions as a child has influenced me in developing this type of OCD. Thank you for this video. It has helped to know that I'm not alone.
  • @AnabolicTrain
    I just want to say. You are not alone! We are together with this disorder!
  • @ThisOffendsMeTV
    I actually suffer from this and have my whole life, so this video was nice seeing. Makes me feel normal. Only a few people know this about me. Now including you and anyone who sees this comment, but it’s nice. Thank you for this.
  • @sizarsultana3300
    But its sooo scary taking those risks but this motivated me to get back into treatment!
  • @chrisboord53
    I’ve had this type of OCD for many years now. Your video practically summed up 24 years of my life(got OCD around 12/13). Keep this up because it is so helpful to realize I didn’t discover some secret to the universe and instead have a simple diagnosable condition that many others have.
  • @celiawhite4355
    I have lived with this since I was so little, and I've never had anyone recognize that logic doesn't help, or recognize how deep the belief and fear goes. People usually react like I'm just not trying hard enough or not thinking clearly. Thank you so much for this, it helps a lot
  • @cj222100
    Thank you for this video-I have OCD & I feel like the type of OCD that's talked about more is the organizing, washing, etc., & that's not how I have it. Mine is the intrusive thoughts, magical thinking, irrational phobias (usually involving numbers in some way), & doing things in multiples of certain numbers or patterns. And it's weird, because I know it's irrational, but I can't help it. Or something actually bad does happen & I think I caused it. Then (and I'm fully aware of how ridiculous this is) I start thinking but what if it isn't really OCD & I have some sort of psychic ability & I could have prevented such and such. Again, I know that's ridiculous, but that's a thought that pops in a lot.
  • @emily9889
    OMG I can relate so much. I’ve always had these weird thoughts like if I don’t say a prayer at 9:55 every night, something bad will happen or I won’t be able to sleep. I’ve always been this way and I never knew it was OCD.
  • @ThisOffendsMeTV
    Been a year since I’ve popped up on this video. I appreciate you Nathan. Last year I was genuinely more lost than I ever have been. This video alone changed a lot for me and got me to take a look back and live a lot more uncertain. It’s mainly protecting my loved ones that worries me the most. Thoughts of them being hurt or harmed always has given me so much anxiety. I’ve grown a lot stronger mentally and a massive reason is because I stumbled onto your channel. Thank you my friend!
  • You're a lifesaver you know. God bless you man for giving all this important information for free
  • @johnubal2825
    I would like to thank you for your time in doing this video. I did not know about this OCD until today when I mustered the energy to google up the symptoms I myself have been having for some time now and, gladly, that led me to your video that has helped me begin to understand this condition. The mental stress can be overwhelming and frustrating beyond description ... From the bottom of my heart, thank you.
  • @kimbo1414
    Hi Nathan, thank you so much for covering this part of OCD, I have done so many groups on ERP and this rarely gets covered, so I’m still doing these things so much it’s taken over everything! Does anyone else get these thoughts on here? I’m grateful for your video. I think it’s the first one on YouTube that describes magical thinking ocd perfectly, I applaud you 👏🏻. I struggle to tolerate the anxiety 🙁. Wish I could do the exposures but I get so worried I give in to my compulsions
  • @kent4239
    Like others in the comments are saying, it's amazing how similar this is for everyone. Even down to the exact compulsions he described for me.
  • Am so happy I came across this video! I have this thought process with phone covers, nail paint shades, where I sit to work, which direction I face when I work. It is exhausting ! I appreciate this video. Requesting for more similar content to help us folks!
  • @scwc2308
    A few months ago I had really bad health anxiety and after it started getting better I started doing exactly what you explained but instead of worrying about family which it would be them on the line from time to time it was mostly about me getting sick. I just wanna say I’m so grateful to you for making this video and I’m so happy I found it❤
  • @SuperMrsbowen
    You are very good at what you do. You know your stuff. I have suffered from this type of OCD my whole life - I'm 62 now. Largely recovered. Thank you for making helping people your calling.