Use these four R's to get over your fear of flying

Publicado 2014-11-14

Todos los comentarios (21)
  • Doesn't matter how many planes I get on or how many of these videos I watch.. "Landing" is still the greatest feeling of relief in the world.
  • @RKCorinth
    I want this guy to be my pilot for every flight I take lol
  • @perezfecto
    He’s right: fear of flying is not (only) related to heights, but also lack of control and claustrophobia. The feeling that you can’t escape or move for hours and/or people laughing at you, thinking you’re going crazy plays a huge part in panic attacks. I’ve suffered from FoF all my adult life but it never escalates to panic. My advice? First and foremost: acknowledge your anxiety. Admit it as part of yourself, don’t think of it as foreigner or the enemy. Then use distractions. I listen to music or watch a movie on my phone. Read a magazine, talk to people next to you or the hostesses (don’t be ashamed of confessing you’re scared). Finally, always keep in mind that it’s just FEAR, not mental illness. And that fear is going to vanish as the flight goes on. If you endure the first minutes, you made it. Good luck my friend.
  • @CB-vg1wq
    I fly for business reasons and have been on over 300 flights. I still tend to get a little nervous but I can distract myself. Here are a couple ways I decrease my anxiety. I hope this helps. : ) - We are all more likely to die in a car accident than a plane accident. Yet, I do not get nervous about driving my car. So, I tell myself not to worry, the plane is safer. - I buy a magazine or a newspaper I want to read at the airport. I do not routinely purchase these reading items so it is a treat for me. I start reading and my anxiety decreases. - I like to watch movies so if in flight movies are offered, after I sit down I start scanning movies. When I find one I like, I start watching as soon as possible. I get so engrossed, I forget I am flying. - As soon as drinks are being served I usually calm down a lot. I figure the pilot would not allow drink service if there were any concerns. - Sometimes I listen to music, and this can calm me down, - If you are a talkative person, sometimes talking to your neighbor on a flight helps. When I am nervous, talking to my neighbor does not always help me but I know some people say it makes a difference. - Crossword puzzles. I carry a couple of crossword puzzle I cut out of the newspapers. I find trying to solve a puzzle helps me. - I remind myself the wings moving is not a concern, the wings are designed to move. - We humans do not not move up and down in vertical space much. So, the vertical sensation that occurs in turbulence is 'uncomfortable' but it does not mean anything concerning is happening. - Each time I finish a flight and walk off, I tell myself I accomplished the flight and I am proud. I sorta laugh at myself for making a big deal of the flight. And replay the scary moments- realizing they were not that scary. I was just working myself up. - I know people who will not buy their favorite candy for 3 weeks before the flight. Then, while in the terminal, they buy their favorite candy bar. Then on the flight they get to eat it. They reward themselves for staying brave and finally having their favorite candy is a big treat!
  • @hawkerben1158
    I think most will agree with me that one of the worst bits is when the plane is levelling and it feels like your dropping, and does anyone else get that feeling like your on a roller coaster and it’s slowly going up and up and it feels like you should drop but you don’t ( in short it’s just unnerving )
  • @DE51B0Y
    Watching this on a plane just before takeoff
  • @astrosfan5288
    I’m just afraid of the take off. It’s so rough and forceful
  • @DV-zv4ox
    As someone that used to have a fear of flying, here is a list of things more likely to happen than dying in a plane crash: Becoming President of the United States, dying from a meteorite strike, winning an oscar, winning an olympic gold medal, drowning in your bathtub, dating a millionaire, writing a NY times bestseller, dying in a tornado, meeting someone who speaks cherokee, living to 100, dying from a lightning strike, dying from scalding hot water, dying from food poisoning, dying from falling off a ladder (lol) and dying from falling out of your own bed (lol). Happy flying!
  • @Abdullah-xx4ho
    I learned from Air Crash Investigation the following: 1- The show covers about 40 incidents happened during the last 50 years. 40 incidents in 50 years vs 1000s of safe daily flights made me understand how safe are airplanes. 2- I learned a lot of flying elements (flaps, navigation, ATC communication, Pilot’s trainings, etc.) that I didn’t know before which answered several questions in my mind. 3- Every incident in the show occurred due to unbelievably rare causes combined together and caused a crash. 4- Those incidents never happened again. Thanks for the noble, honorable, honest people in the aviation world. 5- Incidents does not mean fatal crash. 6- I have never been able to imagine the complexity of an airplane in terms of safety without this show. I mean literally the airplane systems “fight” to the last second before any crash can happen. For example, in the unlikely event of an engine failure the plane still flies with 1 engine. Even if all engines stopped working (almost impossible) the plane still glides safely to a nearest airport. Even if all engines stopped working and the plane has no power, the pilots still have secondary sources of power to be used in emergency events. Every single system has alternatives if any fail.
  • @allaboutswatches
    I think the best way to overcome your air travel fear is to believe in the pilot of your plane.. and believe that he knows how to handle the situation.. all air crew members are well knowledgeable about the situation onborad so relax have your seat belt on and enjoy the ride and trust the air pilots know their job well. And also keep in mind that air turbulence are common for planes to come across. Please just follow the instructions of the cabin crew members and pilot for a safe journey... Hope this tip will help a little to at least. Do keep me posted.
  • @diytom3448
    Thank you for posting. 54 and going overseas in two weeks. Always struggled with this. This piece helps a lot! I will rewatch.
  • @Kanig94
    1:13 "Airplane crashes get alot of airtime" did he just make a pun? 🤣
    Here’s another good piece of advice. Flying is a regular thing, you’re just not used to it. Thousands of flights every day, just like car rides and train rides and every other form of transportation. Pilots and flight attendants are highly trained professionals. Planes may be scary but at the end of the day you will be fine.
  • @meyersmedley
    I also read to set timers for every 10 minutes (if you’re on a short flight) bc then you are that much closer to landing. I tried this once and it actually helped. I have a horrible fear of flying and I’m getting ready to fly on Tuesday with all my kids. I’m trying to do what I can to calm myself so they can see me calm and not get scared as it’s their first flight. Last time I flew I almost grabbed the girls arm next to me. That’s how fearful I am, but realistically I know it’s safe. I know it’s an irrational fear. It’s just a feeling of being helpless in the air. Plus I think I’m more afraid of the feeling of anxiety than anything. I’m afraid to be afraid, if that makes sense. The anxiety itself has a hold on me and I really would like to be free of that.
  • I attended the BA Flying With Confidence course a few years ago at London Heathrow and Captain Allright took it. The course is structured so well and everyone’s fear and concerns are taken seriously. I came away with a confidence I never thought I’d have concerning flying. Every question/doubt in my mind that I had about flying prior to the course was answered and in a way I could get my head around. If you have any doubts and/or fears about flying, book yourself onto the BA Flying With Confidence course. It’s a positive step in the right direction.
  • @yungdexter1874
    im watching thise becouse i was watching air crash investiugation and i fly tomorow