Hitler in Paris - The Secret 1940 Visit

Published 2019-09-14
Find out the story of Hitler's one and only visit to Paris shortly after its capture in 1940. Behaving like a tourist, he was driven around the famous sights in an open topped car with little protection.

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Thanks: Nicklaarakkers; Stefan Kuhn

All Comments (21)
  • @A_Man
    So thats who was in paris
  • @jpaulc441
    "Hitler in Paris" sounds like the sequel to the first Hitler movie
  • @BayardTardieu
    Imagine yourself in your local city, morning routine, buying a baguette and then out of nowhere crossing the path of tourist Hitler
  • @OKMX5
    When you want to visit Paris without all the annoying people around so you conquer France to do it.
  • 6:02 : funny that Napoleon visited Frederick the Great tomb when he conquer Prussia and 100+ years it's a German visting a French
  • "People going to church recognized Hitler, but ignored him". How very French of them to deal with tourists since 1940.
    Me and the boys on a school field trip:
  • The first to win the Tour de France was the 7th German Panzer Division.
  • While he was looking at Napoleons tomb he should have considered his greatest defeat . Russia
  • @VideoLeakPolice
    France declared war on Germany first, lost their entire country in 6 weeks.
  • @danbrennan8675
    Didn’t know there was unreleased version that Jay Z and Kanye made
  • @marks_sparks1
    On his way to Paris, Hitler stopped off in Ypres and visited the Menin Gate. It's not recorded what he thought of this monolithic memorial but obviously he was content with its intended purpose to leave it remain for prosperity. Other WW1 memorials in France and Belgium with an anti-German message were destroyed.
  • @thekameleon9785
    Must have bin the best day in his life. His earthrival France defeated. The world at his feet. Finally had his revenge for treaty of Versailles.
  • I bet when he was staring down at Napoleon's tomb, that he was thinking to himself "I'll have one surely built for me when i die".
  • @sanpedrosilver
    I stood in the same area (near Eiffel tower) a few weeks ago & thought about this scene. Very educational channel! Cheers
  • The Führer may have been a bit crazy, but he certainly was no fool...He knew a lot about History, Architecture, Cathedrals, Monuments, Classic Music, Literature....and having been utterly poor in his youth, he never could afford a trip to Paris to behold its beauties. That's why he took the great risk of visiting Paris just a few days after the French Capitulation...he was more than eager to see with his own eyes everything he had read about the city during years.
  • @ChineseChicken1
    What did you do in the Wehrmacht during WW2? ....... Xylophone player......
  • @blueboychapple
    Mark can u do a video about the clean up of the battlfields of europe like there would have been a lot of leathal weapons lyeing about
  • "Hitler In Paris" was released in 1940 to raving reviews and was soon followed up by 1945's disappointing "Hitler in the Bunker".