Using REAL Military Tactics To Win An Impossible Battle!

Published 2023-02-06
In this video, we're going to show a couple real life military tactics to win a nearly impossible battle! We're outnumbered, outmatched, but have the terrain advantage and a technique called the swinging door! It was used in the Battle of Gettysburg by Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain on Little Roundtop to win in a similar circumstance. I hope you enjoy!

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All Comments (21)
  • @Strat-Guides
    The door swinging technique is something that was done at the battle of Gettysburg under the command of Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain on Little Round Top. Half of his forces held their ground while the other half swept down the hill, like a door closing with the enemy sandwiched between the two lines!
  • i really love seeing actual real strategies used in a game like bannerlord. I'm sure making a custom battle that mimics historical events would be pretty fun
  • This guy: Smart, tactical, uses the terrain to his advantage. Me: If I send everyone at this one enemy unit, our numbers will overwhelm them.
  • @risingsun9595
    That reverse slope was brutal, as soon as the enemy cav crested the ridge they immediately saw the shit they were in and then got slammed in the back by your cav
  • @sunnyd9321
    I feel like this is how the game was meant to be played; however, it’s hard to give every battle this level of attention and foresight with how frequently they come on top of how fruitless it feels sometimes to squeak out a huge victory, at least that’s how it is in the vanilla game. This is why TW ought to focus more on diplomacy, NPC and campaign intelligence, and making resources far more scarce. I want to feel rewarded for challenging myself to crush way bigger armies that’s going to take like 30 mins to fight and not just have the AI immediately recover like nothing happened.
  • @Chrollostasis
    This is exactly why I love the game, using strategy and terrain to win fights you're outnumbered in is great, and history shows how efficient it is as well, there are many wars where one side has much less resources and numbers, yet still pull through.
  • @TricksterPoi
    Just imagine in the enemy side who notice your calvary already at your rear as your calvary charging in their main force... Only to be smashed against two forces and you are literally struck in the middle, having no way to escape as that enemy calvary pouring downhill like a river against a mountain. Well played strategm.
  • @noellesato311
    We need more videos like this. Theory and number crunching for the "best troops" and "best formations" only goes so far outside of actual field tactics. This will save a million campaigns.
  • This was honestly right up my alley. Hoping for more but here’s another idea. What if people send you their battle clips to be critiqued, put into a compilation, tactics explained, etc. I would devour that too and it would probably bring a lot more people into this, gain some interactive traction if you will. Great job on the battle and coverage as well. Reminded me of taking a rebel castle outnumbered about 2.5 to 1 last week. Had more than 100 kills personally because I ended up chewing through all their archers and back line, completely negating the death passage of my troops from the high wall to the courtyard. Got a bit too close to going down before my companions ended up meeting up with me and taking over. I pulled back, found high ground with wall cover, and took off heavies with headshots at an angle as well as the people starting to run from the morale loss. Felt like an awesome and impossible victory.
  • @Jcdenton706
    Would be very cool if you made a little battle map with clear troop types, numbers, and where they are. Also love the content ☺️
  • @nob0dbeat
    REAL military tactics like ur general sprinting into their backline of cav
  • I was on the other side of a bridge against a force of 700 to my group of less then 300. I lined up my archers along the bank and made my infantry a shield wall on the bridge itself, before sending cavalry charging across and making the infantry go to loose formation to minimize damage done to them. Lost 50 men but I DESTROYED the larger army.
  • @OliverBB.
    Hey pro tip, get your archers as far on your left flank as possible. Flanking the enemy on thier right = fewer shots on shiels. Edit: oh wow, never gotten this many likes before, thanks!
  • It certainly isn't an impossible battle unless you don't use any tactics, which I'm sure a lot of people do, but for anyone who played Total War, you know that tactics is 60% of a battle, army composition is the other 40%. In Bannerlord, I consider 2 to 1 to be an acceptable ratio in most battles not knowing the terrain, it's up to 5 to 1 if you have huge hills. There is nothing cooler than defending a big hill in Bannerlord, I once defended against an elite Aserai army, almost all cataphracts outnumbering me around 3 to 1 with mostly militia troops and archers. The ennemy was mowed down by arrow fire, then once they reached the hill, it was was way too steep for the horse to charge, they were destroyed on the spear shield wall. Their horses died, they were unable to climb even on foot. It felt so realistic, I'm very happy higher ground is well represented in this game.
  • @iiswizward342
    I love when it's not just charge and die or run away and it's actual strategy
  • @fedggg
    Door swinging technique, really interesting seeing certain strategies used in game, I think it would be interesting if you explored the French/norman defense. chevauchée would be interesting baiting enemy forces into alternative areas, picking them off comes to mind but it would only be useful as a vassal realistically
  • That was a pretty well run battle. I don't have any mods so I feel like I'm always struggling to control my troops a bit, but usually just let my sarges take charge lol.
  • @YouLikeBosch
    I always feel guilty not studying up on actual tactics. I usually like to lone wolf it in someone else's army and I almost always end up dying near the end of it after being incredibly reckless. This makes me want to take my time with the next playthrough and be strategic. Nice vid!
  • Terrain advantage, bottlenecks, etc are super important especially if you're outnumbered. Bridges are fantastic for that. Making the enemy cross a river or a pond as you pelt them with arrows mmm.
  • @The_Nihl
    I often try to use real battle tactics and split my infantry on left, center and right, it works amazingly well to be honest! your execution is amazing. nice and fluent control of units. only thing i would suggest in future is trying to position archers more on the left flank, so they have better chances to not hit into shields.