Understanding Asthma: Mild, Moderate, and Severe

Published 2018-06-21
The American College of CHEST Physicians recently released (2022) an updated guide for people with Asthma. You can get a free copy here: foundation.chestnet.org/lung-health-a-z/asthma/
Always seek professional medical advice and see a pulmonology specialist to help you manage your symptoms.

All Comments (21)
  • @user-pb7ls7ir5n
    I had difficulty breathing when I was younger and it only got worse as i got older. I had told some friends and my family that I thought I had asthma. But they thought I was exaggerating. But when I had an asthma attack at work one day and I was rushed to the hospital. It was finally confirmed that I actually have really bad asthma and I was able to get good care. Now I use two types of inhaler and I'm so thankful people finally understand. I still visit my doctor regularly and have asthma flare ups on occasion. But I'm doing better
  • @joedasilva38
    I have severe asthma. I’ve ignored it most of my adult life, only seeking treatment during severe attacks. Now that I’m approaching 50, it is a constant worry, Which exerce bates the problem. That, plus my high blood pressure and GERD makes me think it’s time to make some changes. Diet changes started yesterday after multiple daily attacks and a real talk to God in the shower. My children are my reason for this change. I’m strong, I know I will make this very difficult task/life change work. I’m about to make asthma my bitch! Please see a doctor everyone.
  • I think I have mild, I had severe when I was younger and went to the hospital I've been improving lately and thank God that I'm doing great... everyone plz keep your head up
  • @frongyy
    I have severe asthma and it has gotten worse over the past couple of years. Now I can't leave the house without a puffer, and it's holding me back from things I enjoy, like dancing and sport. If I were to avoid all my triggers, I would have to be locked in an extremely clean room with nothing in it and sit completely still, and even then I would still get wheezy. Asthma sucks :(
  • @fazestepbro49
    I’m depressed because my lungs were ruined by some of my family members smoking every day in a vehicle while I’m in it.
  • This is just the best video on the internet which explains all the procedures so efficiently.
  • I’m a HS runner just diagnosed with asthma. Once treatment started my mile time went from 5:20 to 4:37. I can’t believe what actually being able to breath feels like
  • I recently (7 months ago, give or take a few) got diagnosed with mild asthma. It was good at the beginning, taking just my everyday inhaler which opened up my lungs by 9% in only 3 months. However, these past few months have been terrible to me. I’ve been getting flare ups about three times a month and have been taking my rescue inhaler about 1 time a week (not including when I take it during karate). Today I went on a bike ride and brought my emergency inhaler, thank God. I went up this hill that I used to be able to get up to but had to quit half way. My heart was THUMPING, what felt like out of my chest. I couldn’t breathe because what felt like a giant metal ball in my throat was blocking it. Took 2 pumps of my rescue-inhaler and felt fine, still shaking and my body ached but I was okay. Then later on (2 minutes later) I couldn’t breathe again, which was extremely confusing and painful in general. I’m gonna be talking to my asthma specialist soon about this. I think I might have moderate asthma. Thanks for this really informative video!
  • @wendyholdman620
    Thank you for the medical info on asthma, we have many students who suffer from this.
  • @paulababi7517
    ive had asthma since i was a jitt an it sucks i wish i grew out of it like my brother did but🤷🏾no luck but i find my inhaler and turmeric, lemon, and garlic helps wonders💯👍🏾
  • Suffering for 11 years as of now :< moderate-severe depends on the change of weather
  • @niightshyft
    I have severe asthma and this made me understand it alot more. Thank you!
  • @Savv1224
    i have asthma and a chest cold rn it happens a lot when the weather changes so I have asthma a lot during the winter a lot
  • Thanks for making this video..gives a clear view of what asfhma will affect in our life.
  • To add to that, asthma and gut health are linked! Some researchers found that food sensitivities played a role in 25-90% of asthma cases! If you're struggling with asthma, you could try a basic gluten/dairy/eggs/soy free eating plan, or talk to a healthcare provider about trying elemental formula or mediator release testing. Just remember it's most helpful to work with a health professional on these things and have an epipen on hand when reintroducing foods, in case they trigger a reaction!
  • @arladiaa
    I use to have severe asthma and i spent 2 weeks in the Intense care ward , but now i’m getting better 👍🏻
  • @cinapot4185
    just recently developed asthma. my first serious attack, i suffered shortness of breathe and anxiety which went for almost 2days. we didn't know yet that it was asthma so when i told my parents that my chest feels too tight and I can't breathe like normal, they bought me lots of medicine for cough, which has been occuring daily for 1mo and 1week. tysm. this info wil be really helpful to me. im trying to do some research since my family can't afford a doctor :<
  • I was in the ICU thanksgiving last year 2021. I had a DEADLY asthma attack. I couldn’t breath air out. What a lot of people don’t know about asthma is it’s not that you can’t get oxygen it’s that during a severe asthma attack it is near impossible to breathe OUT! Which then leads to oxygen levels plummeting and CO^2 levels skyrocketing!! Thank god for my partner. And thank god that I moved to Seattle from Harlem and where I live there is legit 2 fucking hospital legit within 2 mins of the ambulance is driving to me. I should have died! When they got there last thing I remember was panicking grabbing the paramedics shirt saying help. Then next thing I know 10 hours later I woke up with tubes down my throat. They told me my oxygen dropped a little below 40 and my CO^2 levels was fucking at 87% I needed life support. When I blacked out they told me I had 2 seizures. I’ve never been so scared. But what was triggering it was my partners cats he has two. And I had never been allergic. And because I was stubborn and the doctors told me that I’m healthy I didn’t mention the cats until I realized that it was them but by that time before the severe attack before that I had two mild ones. Coke to find out I tested 97% allergic to cat dander. I’ve never been so petrified. We had to get rid of our couch and sheets and comforters. Rugs, and had to get a cleaning service to deep clean our apartment before I could even step foot. Now we have a house and my partner has the one cat BUT I get allergy shots once a week.