Published 2020-05-17

All Comments (21)
  • @Mokso
    People cant even imagine how much work it takes to make such a video. But i can. Hats off my friend. You are incredible!
  • As a movie maker myself and a college professor who taught that type of thing, I would give you an A for sure. College students dont realize what ewnt into this. The detail. The drawings. The minatures. The timing. It was amazing and exquisite. Greatwork.
  • I Can't Believe You Sent So Many GRUELLING Hours Building The Cardboardtanic Just For You To Sink It , Wow Man Respect !
  • @KoolDog570
    I actually found this more detailed and accurate than most Titanic documentaries. I am absolutely astounded at how this was created. Speechless actually. You gave a real feel of exactly the damage that was done by the iceberg how the water rushed into various compartments and hallways. The water crashing in from the dome overhead, and poor Thomas Andrews - he and the table and chairs went flying. I will honestly say this is the best documentary I have seen on the Titanic.
  • @MrPhoenixQuill
    "But this ship cannot sink!" "She's made of cardboard! Honestly I'm surprised we got this far."
  • @cowgirlchloe
    A lot of you may have already watched this!! Sorry!
  • @karlobenic9899
    The fact that all those carboard ships are never seen again,brilliant how you work hard and then Sink the ship for us to enjoy realistic chaos, i loved those carboard ships as little,thanks for making our childhoods
  • @boss390
    it's 12:30 in the morning, I'm hammered laying in my bed. This is exactly what I need. Thankyou, terrible carboard engineers. May you be held liable by the passengers' families.
  • @emilybarber9910
    everyone is mentioning the spider but I can't get over how time consuming and the amount of effort this video probably took. Cowgirlchloe you did a fantastic job. Super creative
  • @SparlsOfficial
    To be honest, if I had made such a beautiful ship as this, I would never have had the guts to sink it. I would have been too proud of it, and I would have put it up for display in my bedroom!
  • Great recreation of the tragedy scenes of movie Titanic. As shown by the cardboard ship model, sinking was inevitable. Even modern passenger ships could not survive a ripping collision with a huge crawler iceberg. Our commitment to safety is to prevent such terrible tragedies and be prepared for any emergency caused by natural phenomena.. Sorrow and respect to the victims of 1912 disaster and let the name Titanic rest in peace.
  • @anthonyhebisen
    Stupendous! Excellent! Well done. You did your homework !! The music , maple leaf rag , the barcolle from tales of Hoffman, autumn… . When I was a kid , I’d do these exact recreations, sinking model Titanic’s in tubs, recreating Parts of the restaurant and flooding them and just sit and watch for hours. I felt like a kid again just totally enthralled . Bravo
  • @ptsmithcruises
    This is a really detailed cardboard model. I can't imagine how long it took to make. Good job!
  • @HopefulItalian
    To be honest this is the number #1 cardboard titanic. Because this is literally gold right here. Excellent job!
  • What an incredible piece of work. Honestly, the attention to detail, was amazing. I can’t even imagine how much time this took.
  • bro i love these so much, i have been so interested in sinking ships ever since i found out about cardboardia, thanks
  • The spiders body was found 2 days after the wreck 9 miles off the coast of the Cardboard shipbuilding area, the spiders body was cremated at the Chloe Crematorium and the ashes were scattered over the wreckage site. [Edited to remove “Fun Fact”]
  • @i-kay-i5361
    2:53 It looks like a poor soul really did loose there life on the ship ...The spider
  • @creampuff5726
    Let's us give her a round of applause for the effort in the ship
  • @muffygbaum
    The ice slicing through the wall when it hit was so cool how the water just poured in