Behind Closed Doors: Corruption in High Places

Behind Closed Doors: A film about corruption in high places and those who enable it. Politically Exposed Persons (PEPs) are people who hold a public function and as a result present higher risks of being involved in bribery or corruption. Offshore leaks have revealed repeatedly that PEPs use British
finance and British offshore jurisdictions to launder their wealth, hide their wealth and re-invest that wealth back into the global financial system. London is the place where they buy property, where they take legal action against their critics and where they live when they fall from grace. But what happens
when a developing country fights back and attempts to get Britain to return the money that it claims has been stolen?
Director : Michael Oswald

コメント (21)
  • @tbose_
    Awesome documentary 👏 ❤
  • Im from the USA and lived in Eastern Africa Tanzania for two years.. Made me really wake up to how the world is and how much greed corrupts. They were some of the hardest working and smartest people ive met yet when you see the money being siphoned off through politicians you realize they're robbing their own citizens of opportunity to grow for themselves and their country.
  • @jiqbal1uk
    Arshad Sharif the journalist in this video was assassinated in Kenya by the current corrupt Sharif government. He was a highly respected journalist who worked tirelessly exposing the corrupt government.
  • @niyijayei5395
    "London is a destination of choice for politically exposed persons and their family members..." is the reason why I have turned down multiple opportunities to relocate. I don't want to be in a city where I will constantly have to watch their kids my age flaunt the family's ill gotten wealth.
  • This documentary is so spot on about the corruption & injustice that keeps poor countries poor.
  • Awesome documentary. Specially like the comment of Imran Khan "I have come to this conclusion that countries are poor only because of corruption". Thanks guys , much appreciated work. Same is going in my country also.
  • R.I.P. Ashrad Sharif, Mohamad Rizwan, Malik Massoud . May their light continue to shine.
  • @Ndongaman
    I wonder how unashamed this people are, driving through Nairobi slums and they see poverty among the people...and still steal from them, may God deal with them .
  • It's been awhile since I could watch anything new like this. Wonderfully done.
  • RIP Arshad Shareef for sacrificing your life for that documentary.
  • This was an excellent documentary. We need more of these and awareness about the real evil that stands dressed in saints clothing.
  • @mindetoxx
    It is not surprising that a country like Britain that still has a Monarchy rooted in ancient anachronic customs, would continue doing these sort of corrupt activities. It is part of the mindset to fall into these practices.
  • You are the light of conscience and torch of the truth by reflecting the bitter facts of human tragedies through hard work and pain sticking research. This is beyond investigating journalism, it is excavation of hidden secrets in the name of justice and science against all odds. History and ethics are shining at you and cherish such immense dedication with admiration and deepest homage. Bravo! Thanks!
  • This documentary was very well-made. There should be a Part II and then III. I can think of several more countries that can be added to this list easy.
  • Half of the world’s tax havens are in British Overseas Territories. That says it all
  • @Shooterzz_000
    As someone who lives in a country ruled by a dictatorship, I would like to explain this (I will not say my country, but inflation is around 300% and we are in a very difficult situation). Dictators do not happen to countries randomly. The reason for dictators is the people. And my people were racist, pretentious, liars, cheaters in business, etc. So they got what they deserved and I was caught in the middle
  • What have we created of this world by letting money control us. Very insightful documentary that every human in this planet must watch.
  • @standalby6949
    “When plunder becomes a way of life for a group of ppl in society , over the course of time they create for themselves a legal system that authorities it and a moral code that justifies it .” ( Frederic Bastiat )
  • @31108Julia
    Excellent documentary. Exposes what most were afraid to admit.
  • @pinkusujit
    UK is a common factor in most of these cases!