Last Surviving Member of Admiral Byrd's Expedition Reveals The Truth About Antartica

Publicado 2024-05-08
When a man with a Medal of Honor, Navy Cross, two-time Navy Distinguished Service Medal, two-time Legion of Merit medal, and a Distinguished Flying Cross Congressional Gold Medal tells you that 1 doesn’t equal 1; you drop everything you are doing and listen. In the case of this man, he tells us that Antarctica isn’t what we read it was; if anything Antarctica is a thriving continent with people living in it for generations. If he is right, that means everything our government has ever said was a lie. I know they do lie but this lie would be the ruler of all lies. And then, you start to realize that the lies are not the problem, but what they are covering up in Antarctica that made them lie in the first place.

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Todos los comentarios (21)
  • @user-ry1zm6nm5c
    Forestall didn’t commit sucicide he was thrown from a window because he knew to much and talked instead of keeping quiet.Sadly their are others and a list not just one or two that supposedly killed themselves in ways you wouldn’t believe but look it up.
  • @aricchio7222
    Forestall never jumped he was thrown out the window of his window. Someone who commits suicide WOULDN'T leave SCUFF marks on the floor by the window of his room in the hospital. Unless he IS fighting for his life TO stay alive and not get thrown OUT OF THE WINDOW.
  • @chasleask8533
    Difficult to take someone seriously when they don't know the difference between Antarctica , Greenland , and the Arctic .
  • @birgitditto2133
    I saw a one hour long interview with him on an American TV show. And he said so much more. When I wanted to show someone. They over an hour long (1:10) long video was only 15 minutes long. And everything he said was removed.
  • Did I miss the part (in the title) about the "Last Surviving Member of Admiral Byrd's Expedition...." ?
  • @rnews5750
    Byrd's son was taken out to ensure Byrd would never talk about the expedition.
  • @crzyces1693
    Idk what the deal with Antartica is, but for the entire world, in all of our greed, hubris and malice, would leave such resources essentially untouched, unmined, undrilled etc. simply does not make any logical sense. Yep, weather is horrific, so upfront costs would be expensive, but since when has that mattered? Casualties would be high for workers, but imagining the pay offers to people willing to risk their lives for those resources, again, financial gain ALWAYS trumps liability, and if those were the main reasons, we would already have pipelines sprawling out like spiderwebs from the area while tens of thousands of people drilled through, plowed into and built supports in giant ice mines for who knows what minerals, precious metals, gemstones etc...not to mention the potential biological discoveries frozen in the ice. That said, there has to be a reason that every major country in the world publicly ignores the South Pole. You never hear about ti on the news, you never hear about in any media really; Besides conspiracy channels/shows that is. To think that investigations by Discovery or other Science channels are not sending crews there because they can't get permission makes zero sense. "Don't go explore this unclaimed area of Ice. You'd be trespassing on land owned by no one." ? Seriously? Lol, little green men, tall silver dudes, or 6'5" blonds with telepathy riding Mammoths? That's quite a stretch, but again, there is something profoundly odd about that large a land mass, with that amount of natural resources, which every country just shrugs, shakes hands, and signs then upholds a treaty that does them zero good, and on paper takes things away from everyone? I simply don't buy it.
  • @Joshmo1234
    I don't know if there are aliens or not, one thing I know for sure is the government knows that there is a lot more out there than just us.
  • @TheChadTI
    They found the dome. (operation high jump) Then they tried to destroy it (operation fishbowl). God bless 🙏
  • @salvadorfonseca7
    H.P. Lovecraft wrote a story about unknown lifeforms in Antarctica. At the Mountains of Madness
  • @benfry3665
    I must admit the interview withcthe last survivor of Byrds expedition was amazing, he was a silent man who you could not see or hear.
  • Are you f'n kidding me? You show the German ship going to so-called Antarctica and it went straight North to Greenland. I don't know about you but when I went to school Antarctica was SOUTH of Germany... For an American attack submarine you show a picture of a Russian Oscar II ballistic missile submarine, come on guys, get your act together.
  • @jamesholder9457
    How many coincidences need to take place before it's mathematically impossible to be considered a coincidence?
  • @photojones1
    Admiral Byrd Antarctic Expeditions 1900-2000! Lol
  • There is a video clip out there, which I’ve seen personally, from a TV interview that they did with Byrd, he spoke expressly about a great, sprawling continent, loaded with natural resources that could bless all of mankind.
  • @Poppa_C_McD
    I love the story of Admiral Byrd. But when you started delving into Hollow Earth Theory, it became to much for me. I do believe there is something in Antarctica that is being kept from us though. There is a reason that it is a no fly zone, that people are not allowed to explore, and that in 2024 high resolution satellite images / mapping is not made readily available. There is no doubt in my mind that SOMETHING or SOMEONE is down there. An alien base? I doubt it. A long lost, perhaps advanced civilization? I don't think its out of the realm of possibility.
  • @petethefeet1461
    where is the last surviving member ????? total lie in the title why tell blatant lies " oh we got a hit and that's all that matters"
  • @bradpitts289
    You know with all the stuff they whent to Antarctica with, they had to have Cameron's documenting every minute of it, but we will never see it... It's not right that certain people have the right to hide what we find from the world..
  • @leearmstrong4423
    How was his diary proven to be a fraud? Merely stating it doesn't make it true.
  • @user-fg2lh2kk6l
    Dang bs from our government it’s why I don’t watch the news any more