Psychedelic Assisted Therapy: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

John Oliver discusses psychedelic assisted therapy: its history, its potential, and what it has to do with A$AP Rocky’s relationship to rainbows.

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コメント (21)
  • @9elypses
    I tripped one time and was absolutely hysterical with laughter because for the first time in 2 decades I wasn't in pain or anxious or even remotely suicidal. I stayed up all night dancing and feeling grass and just breathing. I felt happy just to be able to breathe. So no matter how bad my depression and intrusive thoughts have been since then I keep reminding myself that for one small moment I loved every single part of myself and all the bits that had made me who I am.
  • Psilocybin saved my life. I was addicted to heroin for 15 years and after Psilocybin treatment I will be 3 years clean in September. I have zero cravings. This is something that truly needs to be more broadly used in addiction treatment.
  • @DaveSmith091
    Psychedelics have the potential to make a significant impact on mental health issues like anxiety and depression. They've been incredibly helpful for me personally.
  • Three months felt like three years without John Oliver. Congratulations on 10 seasons. This season is gonna be the best yet.
  • I was depressed for over 15 years. Tried LSD and during the third trip I could literally feel the depression being washed away from my body. It completely changed my life for the better and I'm now a 31 year old man with an amazing outlook on life and myself. Funny thing is that LSD also "told me" that I was done with the drug after the 7th trip and I haven't felt the need or desire to do it anymore. My last trip was 3 years ago. "If you get the message, hang up the phone" - Alan Watts
  • Psychedelics saved my life. It’s amazing how they worked so well and I got rid of depression and anxiety. I've also noticed clearer thinking and better productivity.
  • I could remember several years ago I suffered severe depression and mental disorder. Was actually addicted to cigarettes and alcohol. Not until my wife recommended me to psilocybin mushrooms treatment. Psilocybin treatment saved my life honestly. 11 years totally clean. Shrooms are God- sent.
  • As a licensed therapist I appreciate and feel validated with your statement on therapist leaving the field for how fucked up insurance is. It really hit my soul.
  • @jenmdawg
    I’ve been micro dosing for grief and trauma after the sudden death of my fiancé. I’m lucky to have had access and hope the wider populace is granted the same. It was transformative - I went from not wanting to live another hour to embracing death as a part of life. I’m not less sad but I’m able to make room for joy again.
  • @user-xn9bl6bf5s
    Psychedelics in general have done what hundreds of hours of PTSD therapy couldn't. I went from being on 31 pill daily for mental states to 0 over the course of 13 weeks. Like everything in the world. It's not for everyone and experiences will certainly vary. Me and my friends approached it from a lens of healing and learning and it's exactly what we got out of it.
  • Psychedelic therapy treats mental health issues, anxiety and depression. Likely will be one of the most profound experiences a human can have in a lifetime
  • @skeenj
    I had pretty intense PTSD after my step dad's suicide by shotgun, and having to ID his body, and clean up the mess left behind. Then, my daughter killed herself a year and a half later. I had done psychedelics in my youth, recreationally. But now, as an adult, i had a completely other reason to try them. I can honestly say that i have probably had a 70-80% reduction in PTSD symptoms after taking larger doses 3-4 times per year, It's like a brain reset EVERY TIME. Thank you for covering this important topic. And yes, let's not fuck this up again for ourselves.
  • I will say that when my eating disorder and body dysmorphia was at its worst, I looked in the bowling alley bathroom mirror while on shrooms and finally saw myself as a human person. Like it was crazy, I was just a normal person and it felt so good. I haven’t done shrooms in a while, but I often think back to that experience whenever my dysmorphia gets real bad.
  • @crono3339
    When all of my friends came back from our combat tours in Iraq we were kinda lost at who we were, what we believed, what our relationship to the nation and society were, etc etc. Fragmented in our psyche. Somehow psilocybin ended up in our path and greatly benefited our lives, it's been over a decade now and an annual healing session is what we usually go for. So glad this is coming to light. It has been for years but now it's really taking off.
  • @Hobbsdad
    The cost of psychedelic therapy is going to be so high because as soon as you attach the word "medical" to a thing, the price will go from $10 a hit to $200
  • @kylezo
    I hope this show never ends, it's hard to overstate how important it is
  • MDMA was a life-changing experience for me. Groups of people on MDMA are the most thoughtful, considerate folks ever…lol. I am a very anxious person who also deals with lifelong depression. It actually allowed me to think objectively about my feelings and the way things were affecting me. I even realized how my anxiety was affecting other people. It forever changed the way I deal with anxious moments, as well as other humans and even animals. It’s been over 15 years since my last time, but those moments of my psychic containers just fading away could have been yesterday. I believe every human on Earth should try it once. You should be required to dose before running for public office. It would literally change the world. I’m not even joking a little bit.❤️‍🔥✊🏾👀
  • @Kingbimmy
    “I was born tragically and medically- British” made me snort laugh in the breakroom at work. 😂
  • I spent most of my life wanting to die and even trying several times. I was in therapy for 10 years with no relief. I did a few sessions of psychedelics and now I'm living my best life even years after not taking them again. I was able to talk about and face things I never had and come to conclusions I never saw before. So much better now 🥰