Appalachian Trail 2024 - I Have Some Bad News to Share

Published 2024-07-14
I quickly pass through Connecicut and Into Massachussets on the Appalachian Trail. Unfortunately, i have some bad mews to share by the end of this video at which point I had walked 1,618 miles since leavomg Georgia.

Also, if you’d like to support my videos, I have a support page on which viewers can “buy me a coffee” as encouragement for the time and effort I put into making these videos 🙏

All Comments (21)
  • Thank you for understanding I may not reply or update for at least a few days until I feel ready to update and Thank you for watching my series these past weeks and months. If you’d like to support my videos, I have a support page on which viewers can “buy me a coffee” as encouragement for the time and effort I put into making these videos 🙏
  • @margf.6773
    Derek, your videos are visual poetry. For a man such as me who will never be able to hike again I thank you for the videos from the bottom of my heart.
  • I hope you are not off trail permanently. All of us watching are out there with you. You put out some of the most interesting commentary and videos. Hope you're back soon.
  • @sherryzee2634
    Lymes is nothing to play with. Take care of you. You, your sayings, your history lessons, philosophy lessons, humor, and thoughts have made me laugh, made me want to see, have filled my heart and brought me to tears. You have been a true blessing. May those blessings that you give come back to you multiplied.
  • @RadicalBotany1
    Take care of yourself. If you need to end this hike, you do it. We have enjoyed your adventures and commentary, but we want you to be well. There will be other adventures I am sure. We will be there for you. Take care and blessings always.
  • @lynnmcguire2742
    You are so stoic through the heat, humidity, and lonely stretches. But now, Lyme?! Take care of yourself, Derek. Your physical health is so important too. Wishing you a speedy and smooth recovery. ❤
  • I am so sorry you are ill and pray for a quick recovery. It has been so nice to see the trail through your eyes. 1,500 miles is amazing!!! Maybe once you feel better, your perspective will be different. I’d love to see you complete your thru hike! Good luck and happy trails Derek!!!
  • @user-zy9zv8vv1y
    Derek, always remember you may think you are alone but there is a large group that loves you and finds inspiration in the way you look at things. When you don't feel good everything seems off. Get better and the world will seem better. We all want you to finish but only if you feel up to it. So get better!!! Please feel the love and prayers we send your way.❤😊
  • "May you know tender shelter and healing blessing" ~ John O'Donahue. Wherever this journey takes you from here Derek may you continue to sing your song. Your story, your spirit, your heart and your traveling adventures shine bright for all to see. Such joy it has been to feel a part of the journey. Doxy is effective but can be tough on the gut so take good care, rest and be well knowing there is a whole community out here cheering for you. Thanks for being you. ♥
  • @easydoesit9584
    Derek I hope you're feeling better. I also had Lyme and I want to let you know that once I was diagnosed (probably within 2 weeks of the tick bite) I was put on doxycycline also. About two days later I started feeling a lot better and I was back to 100% within 5 days. That was about 4 years ago and I've had no long-term effects at all. I'll say a prayer that your recovery will be as quick and complete as mine was. I'm in Maine on vacation right now and I'm hoping you get to see it! Happy trails!
  • @whitenee9
    We are in Mass. If you need a place to recover
  • @networkg
    Heal your body, the trail has already healed your soul.
  • @BeNielsen
    Just get well Derek. The Trail and we can wait.
  • @jgore8551
    Seeing the Hemlock trees in your video is so nice. Here just south of the Mason Dixon line, many of the old trees are gone unfortunately due to infestation of an introduced species of insect. Indeed there was a fellow in North Carolina who, a few years back now, was recording the sizes of the skeletal remains of some of the big guys still lurking about in the forests. Some were found to be just shy of 200 feet tall. If in your travels you want a spot of tangy tea, break off some sprigs of newer growth, drop them into some hot water and bring to a rolling boil for a couple minutes. it's an understated treat and refreshing. Sorry to hear of your Lymes. I've managed for over 20 years now. Keep moving your body. Constantly. Stretch your muscles daily and never stop. Cheers Derek and thanks so much.
  • @angelacronin184
    Sorry to hear you r unwell. 15:26 Thank u so much for your commitment to providing a great picture of the hike! thru your eyes! How amazing is your commitment to your supporters. So grateful to you. Time now for Derek rest easy!! Thank you from the bottom of my heart!!❤❤
  • @annier6
    Hate to think this really could be it. What a joy and inspiration it is to follow your journey. Take care....
  • I simply adore you. Kindest eyes & gentle soul. Thank you for sharing your journey with all of us.
  • @michaelburke248
    Hi Derek Sorry to hear you got lime desise. Hopefully, you will be well soon . I wish you well and hope you can carry on your journey.
  • @corbin7020
    Glad you got on the antibiotics! I hope and pray all is well with you, the trip and your recovery!
  • @liqunsuoju
    Take good care Derek. I sincerely hope you get better soon and that you do whatever it is you need to get well and feel well.