Finding the American Dream in France

Published 2024-04-20
We came for a year and don't want to leave. This video is about why.
Free move-to-France resource list with links to all the things (housing, car rental, international health insurance etc):

About Us:
We are an American family of 3 who moved to France for an extended stay adventure in 2022.
We wanted to experience Europe as more than rushed tourists on a 10-day vacation. To dive into the culture, learn a new language, experience daily life, and truly know what it was like to work and live somewhere other than the US.

In France, we set up a business, enrolled in a middle school, found housing, and even got our cat a European passport!

While in the US preparing to leave, the information we found about staying in France for longer than a short vacation was directed at college students, young & single digital nomads, or retirees. Where was the useful information for families like us?

With a year under our belts in France, we created Baguette Bound to pass on what we have learned. We hope to make it easier and inspire other families who are interested in experiencing a long stay in France with their families. Stay tuned for more information on French culture, local travel ideas, and the logistics of moving across the world.

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All Comments (21)
  • @JezaGaia
    I mean you work, you pay taxes, respect the law and the culture, why wouldn't we want you here ? You're very welcome to stay as long as you want to , welcome to France :)
  • @fessedelynx9245
    Some French people must watch your video, sometimes we forget that we are lucky to have what we have 😂 Very happy that you find a life that you love here, it's absolutely fantastic! I wish you the best ❤
  • @Meaulnes
    Bonsoir, Je suis maintenant retraité mais ai travaillé toute ma vie pour des sociétés américaines et ai vu des centaines d’américain venir en France pour travailler dans la société dans laquelle je travaillais. J’ai noté deux comportements fort différents après un an passé en France : - Certains américains après un an, ne parlaient toujours pas français, n’avaient que des amis anglophones et ne rêvaient que de retourner aux USA - La majorité, après un an, s’étaient magnifiquement intégrés à la vie française, en avaient adopté les coutumes, habitudes mais aussi les défauts bien souvent et ne souhaitaient qu’une chose : rester en Europe et ne jamais retourner aux États-Unis. Vous semblez faire partie de ce second groupe. Félicitations car vous êtes ouverts et perméables aux autres cultures. J’aime beaucoup la rigueur analytique de vos décisions et la planification qui l’accompagne. Vos vidéos sont quant à elles bien construites et fort instructives. Félicitations ! I expect you now speak enough french to read and understand my comment. Your next YouTube milestone is your 1st video in French. Every American expat that has a YouTube channel does it at least once.
  • I’m a Brit. I came to France in 2008. Ex-forces I needed to decompress having found civvy street difficult to adjust. I learned to speak French, got a job in forestry maintenance (I love solitude and nature). I’m retired now. I love it here. There are things I miss. But the country is so diverse.
  • @zlardos328
    Bienvenue en France,J espère que vous y serez très heureux.
  • German here. What can I say? Welcome home to Europe, where your ancestors once came from...
  • @paulchapoy992
    Peu de français se rendent compte du privilège que nous avons de vivre en France et il suffit que nous allions à l'étranger pour que l'on s'en rende compte. Bienvenue dans votre nouveau pays. je vous souhaite tout le bonheur du monde !!! 🇨🇵
  • @ogamiitto8627
    Bienvenue à toute la famille, je vous souhaite plein de bonheur chez nous, chez vous désormais !
  • @Lea-rb9nc
    I came to France with a one year visa and that was in 2007... I have no intention of living anywhere else.
  • @tompell3032
    My wife is French. I am retired and my wife works online teaching French. Last year we moved to Normandy, France to be close to her parents. At the beginning it was hard adjusting, because everything moves rather slower here in France. But now we are loving it. We live in a tiny village surrounded by farmlands and forrested rolling hills. The views are spectacular. Land is so cheap (1 Euro per m2) that it costs more to build a fence around it than the land itself. They are less than 100 ppl spread over a very large area. There are only 3 houses/families in our immediate surroundings. Our food bills are low, because we can buy them straight from the farmers. Plenty of birds, deers, rabits, cows, goats, and chickens. There are apple, plum, pear and berries trees/vines growing on our land. My neighbors have even more. We don't have banana trees though 🙂 We are happy with paying more taxes for the priviledge of living here. There are several British expats in the village, so whenever i need to get a break from speaking French, I just go visit them.
  • @spooftime9712
    So happy that everything worked out for you. France is a great country. Of course there are always minor details that I miss from murica. But every year when I go back to visit my brother in portland and he can only take like 4 days off AND still has to answer his phone during his off time. I'm so happy that I can take 5 weeks off and the french law "droit à la déconnexion" where I don't even have to answer anything work related and just spend time with family. I wouldn't exchange it for anything in the world.
  • @keithklein4538
    Hi, My wife and I did the same thing 23 years ago. We became citizens in 2013. If you truly love it, this too will be yours! If I were to have any advice it would be integrate. Become involved in your community, join clubs, go to village functions, participate! You will meet people, make friends and most importantly, learn how this wonderful nation functions. Don’t worry about you level of French. Si vous pouvez comprendre cette phrase, vous êtes suffisamment compétent pour pour participer. And embrace the passion. We French are not quiet or meek, we complain, and raise our voices and protest when we deem it necessary necessary. But toujours le respect. I think that the motto of the republic is key: libertié: we are free to do as we please. égalité : my opinion counts as much as yours and vice verse. fraternité : we are, for better or worse, all in this together. Prendrez vos responsabilités, portez votre pierre à l’edifice , vivez pleinement le paradis français. I hope you succeed in your integration. France, and the French need to be reminded from time to time, that well not perfect, the life that has been constructed here has few equals, and no superiors. Vivre la France!
  • I just came around to your video, and I think you got what most of french people don't get. The way of living. Most of them don't have the slightest Idea of what we have here compared to a lot of countries. Of ourse we have, like any other countries, things that we dislike or wish to be better, but, at the end of the day, this country is a good place to live for all the reasons you told us. Welcome here, as we can hear the respect you have for this country and its culture, and thank you for sharing your experience with us.
  • En 1990, un ami américain, également médecin comme moi, m'a demandé pourquoi je ne voulais pas travailler et vivre aux États-Unis : un revenu plus élevé, des impôts plus bas, une maison propre, un bateau, un avion, etc. J'ai répondu que mon luxe était le système de santé allemand, pouvoir traiter tout le monde de manière optimale. De plus, on peut vivre en Allemagne sans voiture et quand même aller partout. De plus, la sélection de bons aliments est bien plus grande. La même chose s'applique sûrement à la France, au BENELUX, aux pays scandinaves, etc. Aujourd'hui, il regrette de ne pas être venu en Europe à l'époque.
  • Very inspiring guys... It makes me feel good as I am moving to France as well in August, 2024...🥂🙏🍷
  • @wonder6789
    Exact same trajectory here. Whenever I return to the States I feel depressed, anxious, paranoid.
  • France is lucky to have you. I hope you keep enjoying our beautiful country.
  • @Spartiateism
    As a frenchman, thats bring good vibes ! Thanks 👌