Real Life in Paris (What Influencers Don’t Show You)

Published 2024-05-08
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This what life in Paris is REALLY like! Unfortunately it is not like Emily in Paris and I have to do normal things like working, taking the metro, or grocery shopping too. Come with me on a few moments of real daily life in Paris, I’ll tell you my opinion what makes this city both so great and so annoying!

Restaurant is Bouillon des Vignes btw!

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#paris #france #lifeinparis #byalocal

All Comments (21)
  • @LucileHR
    Thanks to Timekettle for sponsoring this video! Get your WT2 Edge earbuds here: Amazon: Code: AVGNEBI6 (10% OFF) Official website: Code: QL10(10% OFF)
  • As someone who grew up in a big city (not Paris) and now lives in a small town: I LOVE being surrounded by people and not having a ton of personal space. There’s some magic in seeing people bustling about, sneak peaking in other people’s lives, and feel like I’m a part of something bigger than myself. Maybe I’m just weird!
  • My wife and I have lived in Lille, France for over a year. Living in France is much more complicated that just visiting here, let me tell you. Lots of different experiences that we have had here
  • My husband and I took our then 8-year-old out of school for a month in 2007 and went on a 30-day visit to France and Spain. We spent 16 of those days in Paris (St Germain and Montmartre), 7 in Dordogne, and 7 in Spain. Paris was, for us, the most wonderful surprise. We loved the St Germaine arondissement, and spent hours wandering around and finding old churches and cute boutiques. My son and I fell in love with croque monsieur (husband love croque madame), and crepes with Nutella and banana. One culture shock for us, however, was not the language, we had studied French for a year prior to going, and were quite conversational. Rather, it was how the French go to the park! Americans go to the park and sit on the grass. The French go to the park and sit on a bench, in the walkway, and look at the grass and flowers. And I can see why - the parks are literally works of art in themselves! We did find a grassy area in the rear of the park where we had a picnic. 17 years later and we still view it as the highlight of our lives!!!
  • Oh girl! Having universal healthcare is not a sufficient reason to risk losing your hands with that tomato slicing 😅
  • OMG that tomato slicing is insane. I instantly shifted gears from watching a nice video about Paris to watching a horror movie and waiting for the gross bloody scene.
  • @MalikBarrow16
    Omg those translator earbuds are insane, like the universal translators in Star Trek!
  • @OcarinaSapphr-
    We're so used to pre-packaged food, all over the world- even if we can get some fruit & veggies at the local farmer's market, or what-have-you. It felt like a revelation the first time I ate at a cafe that used home-made mayo -- it really is something else...
  • @clealinden7755
    Thank you for this! I stayed in Batignolles for a month during the killer heat wave of 2019 and found refreshment at the Square des Batignolles every evening!
  • @calumshaw
    We travel to Europe every year (we're from Sydney Australia) but haven't been to Paris since 2007. It's a city I love but there are so many other places that need to be seen at least once in a lifetime which makes it hard to return to fabulous places such as Paris. Anyway, we are returning, just for 4 days at the very end of July. I was browsing You Tube for some ideas rather than using apps like whatsinport & visitacity and found your site. What an absolute delight your insightful and very personal approach is to introducing and discussing local Parisian topics. I'm now working back through your Paris vlog archive and have found half a dozen places or things we must do. Thank you Lucile, you're a joy!!
  • Salut Lucille. Je suis américain et je viens de découvrir votre chaîne sur YouTube. J’ai 66 ans. J’ai étudié le français pendant 4 ans au lycée en l’état de New Jersey où je vis à l’heure actuelle. J’ai étudié votre belle langue aussi pendant 4 ans en université en l’état de Pennsylvanie, avec un semestre ma troisième année à Angers. Vous parlez très, très bien l’anglais et avec un ami américain, vous avez pleine d’opportunité de le pratiquer. Cette vidéo est géniale. J’ai passé une semaine à Paris l’été dernier, dans un hôtel entre l’Arc de Triomphe de l’Etoile, et l’Arche de La Défense, près de la Rue de la Grande Armée. On s’est promené un matin à la Marrée où on a goûté des bouffes variées. J’adore Paris, et j’espère retourner là pour une autre semaine de vacances l’été prochain (2025). J’attends avec impatience les Jeux Olympiques ce juillet. Ça me plaît d’utiliser le français afin de ne pas l’oublier graduellement. Je n’ai guère parlé ni entendu le français pendant 40 ans après l’université, mais je l’ai redécouvert au début de la pandémie, grâce à YouTube et des Françaises comme vous. Veuillez, s’il vous plaît, dire (dites?) à votre ami américain que les Cubs de Chicago jouent très bien cette saison de baseball. (Je ne sais pas s’il est d’origine de Chicago ou Illinois). À la prochaine. Vive la France, notre allié depuis la naissance de notre patrie.
  • "people from all ages, from kids to REAL people, just enjoying the park" ... LOL, MDR, So cute! :yougotthis:🤗
  • @Lucylava
    The dessert with meringue, cream and fruit is called an Eton Mess and its an English dish. Its not panna cotta, panna cotta is cream set with gelatine, basically a cream jelly.
  • I think that the crean, merengue and raspberry dessert was a version of Eton mess. Lovely video, im looking forward to seeing more from you!
  • @christinecamley
    Terrific video! Very much appreciated! Love visiting Paris from Vancouver! 🙂
  • @seward9
    Hey Lucile, hello ! As a french parisian, I really appreciated how you speak about being french and parisian. It is real. :)
  • @mwilliamson7821
    Thanks for all your videos. Love your content. Coming to Paris soon and looking forward to checking out your recommendations. BTW, what weather website do you find the most reliable for Paris and the rest of France? Thanks.
  • @TheSimmpleTruth
    That amount of money for that size of apartment in NYC would be a dream come true. When I moved to NY in the ‘90s I could not find a smaller 1 bedroom apt for less than $2700 and a tiny studio for less than $2225.