On sage, phytochemicals and dudes who won't eat plants

Published 2024-05-08
Thank you Helix Sleep for sponsoring! Click here helixsleep.com/ragusea to get 30% off an Elite or Luxe mattress (plus two FREE pillows!) – or take 25% off sitewide – during their Memorial Day Early Access Sale, which ends May 12th. If you miss this limited-time offer, you can still get 20% off using my link! Offers subject to change. #helixsleep

All Comments (21)
  • @aragusea
    Thank you Helix Sleep for sponsoring! Click here helixsleep.com/ragusea to get 30% off an Elite or Luxe mattress (plus two FREE pillows!) – or take 25% off sitewide – during their Memorial Day Early Access Sale, which ends May 12th. If you miss this limited-time offer, you can still get 20% off using my link! Offers subject to change. #helixsleep
  • @ambythepubby
    Ok but herbs instead of flowers on a wedding table is genuinely smart and nice
  • @Hendy5
    Post-retirement Adam videos don’t feel like content, they feel like information that is worth listening to. These recent videos have been so authentic
  • @mrentity2210
    I think it was Lindybeige who did a video a while ago on the subject of "Why are only some plants poisonous?" and the answer was basically "Incorrect starting premise. They're all poisonous, we've just evolved to deal with certain varieties of poison so they no longer actively poison us". That's been an idea stuck in my head forever.
  • @beezelbuzzel
    This channel has become oddly nostalgic. It's gone from my primary, "learning how to cook" channel, to my , "remember how you learned cool shit on PBS as a kid?" channel. I'm digging it.
  • @kidyuki1
    There's a very clear correlation between the decline in Chia Pet ownership and the rise in cyberbullying. This cannot be ignored.
  • @laurasnow7822
    In perfumery we use “thujonic” to describe scents reminiscent of absinthe or wormwood. The more you know.
  • @tomhalla426
    The crucial thing with toxicity is dose. Very small amounts of sage are just a flavor or benefit to 70 KG persons, but poisonous to 70mg bugs.
  • @AdityaMehendale
    Funny story: I love fresh basil. I had a plant on my kitchen-windowsill. Kitchen smelled great, especially when you brushed against the basil. Silly me - "what is 10x better than a basil? I thought.. Well - 10 basils! Right? C'mon, am I right? three months later, large planter on the windowsill with 10 basil plants in full glory.. And I tell you, it smelled HORRIBLE. Like in a chemical factory. When a certain threshold is crossed, your nose apparent relabels it from "friend" to "enemy". Now I am back to one plant, sometimes two on the sill.
  • @Nefermose
    As someone who is on a meat based, low FODMAP diet in order to deal with chronic digestive conditions, it frustrates me to see such radical thinking associated with nutrition - whether among carnivores, vegans or folks on any other diet. I feel very lucky to be able to eat the kinds of food I'm able to tolerate, and it's been a very difficult journey for me. Diet doesn't need more stress associated with it than it already does. There is no such thing as a universal diet. I wish that more people could understand that.
  • @incredimazing
    Adam: Hey honey, I got a sponsorship for my next video! Lauren: Oh that's great, who is sponsoring... oh no, oh please n- Adam: Oh please yes, is what you say when you rest on a mattress from Helix Sleep- Lauren: Please, we have so many mattresses, we can barely move around the house! Adam: That's right, 30% off any elite or lux mattress- Lauren: We haven't seen the kids in weeks, they disappeared into the mattress maze- Adam: Amazing mattresses for sure! From a premium mattress-in-a-box company....
  • @zenaku666
    On the topic of evolution and how "survival of the fittest" is often misinterpreted by people as "survival of the strongest, smartest, biggest etc." I want to share a study I learned about in graduate school. I wish I could remember the authors, but I don't so will have to give a summary. Basically the researchers were studying this microscopic arthropod (I think it was a form of dust mite), there were two variants of the species: a big, well armored tank, and a smaller more slender less well armored one. The researchers planted a group of females of the species in the center of a dish, and the two different kinds at various different locations in the dish. The presence of a female group would ensure the two populations of males would not get along. Unsurprisingly the big strong well armored ones basically wiped out the smaller ones. Then the researchers changed the game: instead of having an open dish they segmented the dish with cut drinking straws. Now the females were behind a series of walls, and suddenly it was no longer a benefit to be so big because they couldn't slip under the walls as easily, and the researchers found the smaller mites were the ones who successfully mated, and survived. The moral, such that there is one, is that evolution doesn't work by what you personally consider to be beneficial. It is always about how an adaptation interacts with the environment the organism finds itself in.
  • Im a city dweller, but manage to find space for some potted herbs. One planter is called Scarborough Fair. Yup. You guessed it, it has parsley, sage, rosemary, and thyme. Another one is called Olive Garden and has oregano, basil, cilantro, and am trying to grow some garlic. Fresh herbs are expensive and not always so great from the grocery store. From my little garden they couldnt be fresher nor cheaper!
  • @Sirmooshalot
    I've been living by the credo "The more things you can eat, the more powerful you are" for a while now. I'm happy to hear my mock alpha toxicity echoed. To the scavenger go the rest of the spoils.
  • @nickmarsh4176
    Sidebar, holy shit your property is gorgeous. Flanked by woods, gentle slope, sign me up.
  • @indyfan9845
    I knew someone in college who could only eat red meat due to allergies. At the cafeteria, he had to request a beef hamburger patty without cheese or a bun. That's all he could eat at school. He hated it so much. The school's food already sucked. I couldn't imagine having to only eat previously frozen, plain hamburgers for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
  • @nassercodes4873
    Something about this style of video is really cool. It's unmistakably Adam but with an extra dash of comedic timing. I like it! I don't really care about sage but I couldn't turn away! And now I learned something new!
  • @cosmologism3958
    One of the beautiful things about living in a time period when societies exist is that people who would not have survived otherwise are now able to survive, as long as their society is functional and does its job. That will almost certainly have an effect on genetic diversity of our species, preserving traits which may not be adapted to the present, but could be adapted to a future situation.