Steven Koonin on The Limitations of Climate Change Models

Publicado 2023-10-12
Steven Koonin reviews the state of climate science, focusing on data trends, climate models, and the uncertainties involved. He highlights issues with climate models, including their high sensitivity and inability to accurately reproduce historical temperature changes, cautioning against relying on inaccurate model projections.

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Todos los comentarios (21)
  • Thank you Dr. Koonin. As an electricity supply engineer with a strong interest in physics and environmental impacts of energy production, I have been trying to explain these same climate and weather fallacies, especially the absence of a "crisis" and the immorality of premature "net zero" policies, to friends and professional associates for years.  My career limiting reward was to be told that I am "on the wrong side of history" and a "denier" of "the science" by people who (ironically) refused to discuss climate issues at any scientific level, preferring to lazily argue from (political) authority. Given your impressive credentials I am hopeful that many policy makers will listen to your sound advice and realize the laputan foolishness of the rush to net zero policies being imposed in North America and Europe.
  • @abuyusef27
    I’ve listened to SK and read his publications now and can see he has a real thorough grip on the subject. Here he pulls out a number of key points from his extensive knowledge that really nail it for the man in the street. Why o why can’t our politicians and policy makers just listen to an expert for once rather than teenage activists?!
  • @nathanngumi8467
    A great lecture! I enjoyed his book Unsettled. The world needs to proceed very carefully on how the negative effects of climate change are dealt with. Mistakes and politically-induced missteps can be fatal.
  • @bthyner
    Thank you so much for the open discussion you can't even talk about with most people and answering questions i have had for a long time.
  • @roblouw1344
    When are enough people going to start listening to genuine experts like Steve Koonin? Everybody should read his book 'Unsettled".
  • @andrewlm5677
    I think a great point is made here on the value of transparency. The idea that the public can’t handle ambiguity and that a “noble lie” to simplify the presentation of the climate problem is justified is just sowing distrust as people see through the lie. You’ve then lost the ability to have people listen to you when you are more truthful. The earth and it’s climate are a complex machine - we need to understand it and those dedicating their careers to that pursuit do humanity a great service. There is nothing wrong with acknowledging that we have more to learn or to suggest that, even though we don’t know everything, there are actions that we should consider taking based on our current, imperfect, understanding
  • Thank you Dr. Koonin! What ever happened to the Academies commitment to truth?
  • Re cooking with dung, etc., here in Ecuador natural gas is subsidized to encourage its use instead of dung, wood, ag waste, and charcoal.
  • @CS-gg5hx
    The path to so-called ‘net zero’ has already been set. With trillions already spent and many more trillions committed, there is no way politicians and governments will allow any deviation from current policy. It would be an admission that they were wrong and that can’t be allowed, at any cost.
  • @tobyw9573
    What is the upper efficiency limit of photovoltaic power? Virtually everyone has a roof. And Kudos to Dr Steve Koonin for his thoughtful presentation!
  • At least this channel doesn’t shadow ban dissenters, give ‘em some cred for that.
  • @saltburner2
    Sadly, too many prefer Grete's adolescent hysteria to Steve's detailed science.
  • @007kingifrit
    every generation thinks they are in the end of days. this one doesn't strike me as much
  • @gastaotaveira
    A great summary of the current state of climate science. A must see.
  • It was really really really cool to be able to hear someone coughing through the entire talk. I like that a lot and I wish more talks had it.
  • Uncalibrated, unverified models of complex systems have greater uncertainty than those that can be verified by comparing predictions to outcomes.
    They can be programed to prove or disprove your point. They also leave out so many variables they are not accurate.
  • @MrCarlGW
    I disagree with the population of Asia growing so long. China is losing population now and India birth rates just tipped below replacement level. India should begin losing population in 25 years. Only Africa stands to gain population this century. My figures show global population should plateau and begin declining by mid-century.
  • @peterclark6290
    Factor in the expanding effect of Regenerative Agriculture (RA) to the graph @ 20:50 (with the increased nutrition in every RA meal) this world is in a good place. Then factor Hans Rosling's observations of what wealth does to limiting population expansion it gets even better. Our biggest threat is the expansion of desertification on arable land which RA has an effective, relatively cheap and simple response (Allan Savory and Dr. Walter Jehne, et al). A beneficial confluence.