Adam Frank: Are We About To Discover Aliens? [Ep. 425]

Published 2024-06-09
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Are we alone in the universe?

This question has intrigued thinkers for centuries. Now, we finally have the tools and theoretical frameworks to explore the possibility of alien life scientifically. But how far have we come in our search? And are we close to finally finding our otherworldly neighbors?

Here today to help us answer these questions is none other than Professor Adam Frank. Adam is an astrophysicist and astrobiologist at the University of Rochester. His ground-breaking work has transformed our understanding of the universe and life itself.

In this episode of Into the Impossible, we explore the scientific frontier of detecting aliens, the incredible potential of new technologies like the JWST, and how to evaluate extraordinary claims about UFOs and other phenomena.

Tune in!

Key Takeaways:

00:00:00 Intro
00:01:18 Does Adam agree with Carl Sagan?
00:04:44 Judging a book by its cover
00:08:51 What are the odds?
00:15:09 Does space equal life?
00:27:02 Addressing the replication crisis in astrobiology
00:31:49 Theoretical frameworks for understanding extraterrestrial life
00:34:38 Technology for discovering extraterrestrial life
00:39:38 There is no Fermi paradox!
00:44:59 Rare Earth hypothesis
00:48:55 Video “evidence” of UFOs
00:54:34 Audience questions
01:08:21 Outro

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Into the Impossible with Brian Keating is a podcast dedicated to all those who want to explore the universe within and beyond the known.

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All Comments (21)
  • @William393rd
    Brian and Frank - It’s NOT just “some military pilot” seeing a “blob.” It is multiple pilots seeing the same object at the same time, while said object is also being tracked on radar and other sensors and displaying movements that are not explainable by current aeronautical technology. THAT is the why many highly intelligent, highly educated, and scientifically minded people believe UAP MIGHT represent extraterrestrial technology and therefore deserve serious investigation. Stop misstating the evidence, or just stop talking about UAP entirely.
  • @penzman
    'Who knew a guy who talked to a guy who said he saw something '' Fitting description of David Grusch
  • Antarctica is a bad example. You incidentally remembered several organisms and then just stopped listing them far from the total (likely because you realized it was a misstep) to include several types of penguins and other birds. It’s also surrounded by fish, krill, whales, dolphins, etc. Lastly micro organisms.
  • @MrDhalli6500
    7 Billion smart phones and rising, hundreds of millions of security cameras and dash cams all over the entire planet...and yet not one single clear video or picture of an alien ship or alien being, I wonder why.
  • @dood949
    You look so much like Buzz Lightyear it’s crazy
  • @morfiusx
    The answer to the Fermi Paradox is simple: intelligence is all around us, but we are too egocentric to notice it.
  • For all we know aliens could be all around and giggling about us amongst themselves through Laser links, LoL...
  • @willbart1236
    For me, the question is not are we alone but, Is alien life within our solar system. Anybody who thinks we are alone in the universe does not grasp the size of it, or the number of galaxies and stars.
  • @bigfootpegrande
    Exactly, the Fermi Paradox is that even being we are surrounded by NHI, we think we're not...
  • @jasonbuksh2958
    You say ‘there is no evidence for life in the universe’ - EARTH - and what we keep discovering is how un-unusual we are
  • @pjsebadoh5412
    I'm sensing an "It can't be, therefore it isn't" vibe... Well, you folks got some surprises coming . ✌️
  • @smokejaguar67
    In 1978, my brother, a group of camp guards, and I watched a UFO on the outskirts of a military base. I've known they are here for decades, not because I read something, but because I saw something with my own eyes that I have never been able to explain. This sighting occurred at Pupaya, a Pioneer military base, 7 miles west of a jungle town called Mathews Ridge... I think they have been down here with us since the beginning.
  • @rickrobson8122
    Hi Brian, I'm really liking you're bringing more diverse scientific matters to discuss in your podcast, that's great!👍 With regards to the UFO issue you've discussed here again, I'd like to suggest you bring Dr. Jack Sarfatti as guest to an interview, but this time not giving up on a purely scientific approach, i.e. not letting Dr. Sarfatti unique character and personality (I really like him anyway) involuntary mislead the discussion. Hope you take him into account for one second time. Cheers!
  • @BChandlerBaxter
    I don't mean this disrespectfully whatsoever, but I would alter the wording of your title to: Is our discovery and interaction with aliens that initially happened decades ago finally about to be made public?
  • All i have to say is thank you for the title. I’ve been saying this for over a decade and honestly i feel bad for people who actually think the fermi paradox is worth a second’s consideration.
  • @fockewulf190d
    Still can’t accept that UAPs have been, and continues to, visit Earth. We have first person encounters by the highest credentialed military pilots, and they still get ignored or Pooh-poohed as not “credible enough”. Prof. Nolan’s testimonies get ZERO credit. Gordon Cooper, one of the most iconic figures in American space and military history, witnessed first hand multiple encounters with UFOs throughout his career (and his testimony is readily available on line), and even testified before the United Nations back in the 70s about the extraterrestrial presence visiting Earth. Ridiculous how these scientists just can’t accept what’s happening. They will be the last to accept reality, unfortunately.
  • @vvtor
    Will the sightings of the aliens now stop, since we all have 4k cameras in our pockets?
  • They talk like they really know. Then they get better data and continue their BS instead of saying we’re not sure or we imagine this to be true.