The 5 levels of spiritual combat w/ Fr. Chad Ripperger | Chris Stefanick Show

Published 2022-08-17
We’re in a spiritual battle against the Evil One. And you don’t have to be an exorcist to fight. Speaking of exorcists, Fr. Chad Ripperger is back this week to dive into the spiritual battles we all fight every day. Specifically, you’ll learn about the five levels of spiritual combat. Think of them as five areas where the supernatural builds on the natural, for good or for bad.

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All Comments (21)
  • I was astounded when he said that most cases of Bulimia are instantly healed with a minor Exorcism. I've been struggling for over 35 years and it is unimaginable to think that could truly work, but I have faith and I'm seeking help through a local church. Please pray for me. UPDATE: I had the Minor Exorcism on Oct 4, 2022. The exorcist who performed it, coincidentally, was a student of Fr. Ripperger and I had no idea when I reached out to him! Today is Oct 29 and I haven't even felt the compulsion to engage in the bulimia, let alone given into it! I seriously feel like this is a miracle. I know people who originally read this have prayed for me so it's hard to know if it's the prayers or the exorcism or a combination of both, but regardless, this shows me that it truly has been diabolic all these years. This is just unbelievable that that's what it is. Thank you so much, Fr. Ripperger (and the priest in Chattanooga who helped me!!!) And thank you all for your prayers ❤️ 🙏.
  • I used to start my day going to the computer with a cup of coffee and look at online news and sites pertaining to news. About a year ago I decided to first pray in the morning before the computer. I have a number of prayers, including 3 Rosays. Many times I do not look at the news until later in the afternoon. This has been a very good change in my life. Prayer puts things in perspective and helps me through the day. I still see things in the news that are upsetting but I give it to God for he is in control.
  • @wednesday3561
    Fr. Chad helped me to ditch witchcraft (which I had practiced for 23 years) and go back to Jesus and the Church. God bless you both 🙏 thank you for your work.
  • @josh39684
    I'm a new catholic and I started praying the rosary first thing every morning and my defense against spiritual warfare has gotten so much stronger
  • Fr Ripperger influenced me to get confession and deliverance thru a Catholic priest. God bless you, Fr.
  • My then-4 yo daughter came to me once, so upset about something that she couldn't stop crying to tell me her problem. I touched her elbow, and silently spoke binding over any spirits that might be there aggravating her mood. She immediately stopped crying, kind of hiccuped, said "Okay, Mommy," and went back to playing.
  • To add to Father's observation about bulimia: 6 years ago our daughter was diagnosed with anorexia, immediately after which she began having outbursts of behaving like a raving maniac. After one particularly terrifying episode I suspected there might be some demonic influence (despite a lifetime of reflexive skepticism about most all such claims). Through some inquiries I was connected with a man in our diocese who deals full-time with exorcisms and the demonic. He recommended we have the house blessed and see what happens. We did, and the outbursts stopped immediately. In fact, the day of the blessing was when she finally, slowly but definitely, began to gain weight again. Thanks be to God for His help, and for Fr. Chad and Chris.
  • @markellis2675
    Spiritual discipline. Do it. Daily prayer, rosary, read the Bible, weekly Mass, frequent reconciliation.
  • I was Bulimic for many years, even collapsing from the purging. One weekend we had a Charismatic Priest come to our Church for Mass, he gave me/us a long detailed Forgiveness Prayer to say for 30 days and I broke down crying saying it but I was cured. I realise I was under the influence of a demon. I praise and thank God for His mysterious ways for leading me to healing, and with devotion to the Rosary and daily prayer life.
  • @houfun1974
    Binding Prayer from video Any Spirit of [Bad Behavior], I bind you in the name of Jesus, by the power of the precious blood, by the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary, and I command you to go to the foot of the cross and receive your sentence.
  • I had demons that were attached to me. I could hear one talking to me in my left ear saying awful things denigrating me. I think it had been with me a long time. God’s grace has freed me from bondage. Amen
  • We are to pray without ceasing, we are to be in constant conversation with our Lord.
  • @Zoomo2697
    "Temptation is not a sin but playing with temptation invites sin." Fulton Sheen. "Sometimes the only way the good Lord can get into some hearts is to break them." Fulton Sheen.
  • @j2muw667
    I was being ‘attacked’ sexually/hormonally.. I started thanking God for creating my body for being created in such a way to be able to have these desires. A few times of Thanking and praising God when it hit- it stopped instantly. Almost no issues now! When that ‘tinkle’ does re-appear I have more strength and know to give it to Jesus!
  • @marymary5494
    I’m only a few minutes in to this video and I find my self being angry, where have these prayers been all my life, why are our priests not telling us we are able to use these prayers to tackle our difficulty’s. Having said that FR. CHAD Ripperger has given me so much hope.
  • @seclair1444
    Am I the only one seeing the cross on his head? He is truly an exorcist
  • @joolz5747
    Thanks Chris for having father Ripperger on there! He’s very helpful. Very logical. And takes the fear out of demons. I am not afraid of them because of him! Thank you he’s very cool! And so are you!
  • @C.L.190
    As soon as he said this book explains how demons use psychology on people, I ran right to Amazon and bought this book (Dominion). I'm so excited to get it!
  • @lpn4375
    Thank you Fr Ripperger for praying when under attack. 🙏
  • Fr. Ripperger is a gift as are you Chris…God bless and protect both of you!