Amanda Abbington on Strictly experience - full interview

Publicado 2024-07-24
The actor Amanda Abbington says she first complained to the BBC about her dance partner Giovanni Pernice within days of starting Strictly Come Dancing.


Months later, an ongoing investigation into complaints about his alleged teaching methods led to him being left out of the 2024 series line-up.

Now she is speaking out publicly, accusing him of "abusive, cruel and mean" behaviour.

Giovanni Pernice has consistently denied wrongdoing, and tonight a spokesperson told us that he refutes any claim of threatening or abusive behaviour, while the BBC says it takes duty of care extremely seriously.

But Amanda Abbington says she and her family are now being subjected to "brutal, relentless and unforgiving" abuse by Strictly fans.

She is about to appear in a new play, about the aftermath of abuse in a family, called "When it Happens to You" at the Park Theatre in London. I met her there at rehearsals.

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Todos los comentarios (21)
  • As a BBC licence payer I believe those 50 hours of footage should be made available
  • It sounds very much like the BBC not dealing with a problem that they have known about for years. Here we go again.
  • Can’t they trace these idiots that send rape threats and death threats
  • Disgusting that haters will attack another human being in such an unwarranted fashion. No TV program is worth the destruction of someone mental health or physical wellbeing.
  • BBC should release the tapes and turn the investigation over to an external, neutral source.
  • @ramblinglea
    I think one of the things we tend to forget is that abusers do not abuse 24/7 but can be/are charming. It’s part of the pattern of abuse and is one of the many reasons why it’s so hard to confront. All power to Amanda for calling this out.
  • Honestly who are these weirdos who send death threats to people they don’t know and their families?!
  • There is a MASSIVE issue of misogyny in society. How many men recieve rape and death threats for not towing the line or expressing the "wrong opinions". Women are not listened to and are continuously treated with contempt. Big love to Amanda Abbington. ❤
  • It seems all very convenient for the BBC to not allow anyone to see the footage or brush things to one side for their own gain. When you look at Jimmy Saville or Rolf Harris who were extremely popular and influential and realise how long it took for someone to do something it seems this is unfortunately going the same way. Surely if ANY environment feels unsafe or toxic in any way it should be taken seriously immediately. This has happened a few times lately with the BBC lately it's disgusting.
  • How dare the bbc treat you like this, we are forced to pay the licence to this company! Well done Amanda you are so brave, so many people support you. Much love x
  • If you are threatening and harassing someone online in favour of some pointless, abusive dancer, you should be in Broadmoor.
  • BBC is seriously in a bad way. Standards are horrendous
  • The BBC will surely have to release the footage. And it is right that they should.
  • Well done for speaking up against bully’s and sexist chauvinists and the corporations that protect AND uplift them.
  • It is very telling that he won’t let the videos be released as that would be quickest way to prove his innocence so there has to be something he doesn’t want people to see
  • Every success to Amanda, she is a brave woman to speak out.
  • As someone who was never believed as a child when being abused, I can say that not being believed hurt far more than the actual abuse. So, I hope once all the evidence along with the truth comes out, that it helps you to begin to heal ❤️
  • The BBC seemingly put the show before any duty of care for people on the show. Producers seeing and apologising for abusive behaviour is pointless when they allowed it to continue, rather than removing those who were doing things that they clearly knew was wrong, since they had to apologise for what they saw on those tapes on a weekly basis. Props to Amanda for talking about this, especially since it sounds like this has been going on for a while, and when she and her family have to face even more abuse just for speaking out.
  • Now it’s time for BBC to hold those responsible accountable. One incident is bad; repeated “offences” are not stopped is corporate coverup.