6 Types of Twins That Are Extremely Rare

Publicado 2020-02-09
Did you know there are more types of twin than just identical or fraternal? There are actually 6 types of twins that are extremely rare, and can teach us a lot more about the science of human development. Join Hank Green for a interesting journey into the world of rare twins.

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Todos los comentarios (21)
  • @Master_Therion
    My father was a conjoined twin so I called his brother... my uncle on my father's side. But then they were surgically separated, so now he's my uncle once removed.
  • When my mother was pregnant with me, they did an ultrasound and found she was having twins. When they did another ultrasound a few weeks later, they discovered that I had resorbed the other fetus. Do I regret this? No. I believe his tissues has made me stronger. I now have the strength of a grown man and a little baby.
  • @lolasicking9752
    My mother was a triplet. My mom and her sister were identical. In fact they shared both an amniotic sac and placenta. They had a brother as the third triplet. They were born at home delivered by their father and a neighbor. They were the first triplets recorded in Waco, Tx. All 3 survived to adulthood. Something unusual in 1930.
  • @YoxB.
    I have a cousin who has 2 uteruses which is rare, but what is even more rare is that she found out one day that the second one became functional (which is super rare 1 in 25,000) and she was carrying two babies that weren’t quite twins. They were conceived at different times but ended up being born together. I don’t know if u didn’t cover this because they aren’t quite twins or u just didn’t know about this, but it’s super cool!
  • @pmw5422
    Sooo there's identical twins, fraternal twins, and everything that can go wrong in the formation of either.
  • @reiakari
    My twin and I are mirror twins. I'm left handed, my vision is strongest in my left eye, my natural hair whirls on the left. All of that is reversed on my twin. Also our dentist noticed that our dental x-rays are practically the same, just flip one x-ray over and they'll almost line up exactly.
  • @eph2vv89only1way
    I used to be a member of Twinless Twins International, a support organization for twins whose twin has died. A woman in our group was a mirror image twin. She said something that her dentist found amazing was the fact that even their cavities were mirror image. So weird
  • I know this isn't one of the above cases, but since we're all sharing :-) Because of they way they developed, the doctors told us our twins were fraternal. For 5 years, I kept telling myself I was being stupid for thinking that they sure looked a hell of a lot alike, but then my husband finally ordered a DNA test. It came back on April Fool's Day, and lo and behold, they were identical. Crazy how all these situations are possible!
  • @LeRoiJojo
    "Sir, your son has your brother's DNA." "It's because I'm a chimera, right? Right? Please tell me I'm right!"
  • @sarahj9459
    Someone once asked my twins "are you identical?" My son said, "no, we're infernal."
  • @janhorton5197
    My granddaughters are identical mirror twins. One is left-handed the other right. Hair whorls are on the opposite side. food tastes are completely different, personalities one is loud and extroverted the other is shy and quiet unless they are fighting. One tends to cross her legs to the right, the other to the left. One has been reading since she was four and the other is a talented artist. Their teeth erupted in the opposite direction.
  • @marcmorgan8606
    Interesting! I’m a male with a twin sister, and she had a teratoma cyst on one of her ovaries a few years ago, that needed emergency surgery. She needed a blood transfusion and I immediately realised why it was important for me to donate blood over the years (we’re the same blood type). After watching this, the teratoma could have been any manner of things!
  • The Riverdale writers are frantically taking notes on this video as they get ready for the next big twist
  • @annalacey9392
    Me at 10 pm: I should go to bed. Me an hour later: Ooooh rare types of twins
  • @lindycollins7225
    I found it interesting that the Moffat's, a successful musical band from the 90's were a family with 4 boys. The oldest was born in March, and triplets were born less than a year later so all 4 boys are the same age for a month. The triplets were born as identical twins in one sac and the other triplet was a fraternal in the other sac. They all sang together for many years and eventually split up the band. The two identical twins continue to travel and make music together and have retitled their band as "Music, Travel, Love". The fraternal triplet continues to make music mostly on his own. I thought that was interesting and worth a share.
  • @fdoe9184
    In 9th grade, I talked to my mom about genetics we were studying in school. She told me my twin & I were identical. I corrected her, pointing out all the major differences between us. She said the doctor said "one sac, identical". Did some research, (pre-computer days) & learned identical twins that look nothing alike is possible but rare. (He's a "leftie", I'm a "rightie", he had straight hair he lost in his 20s, I had curlier hair which I still have in my 60s. He was inches shorter with a totally different personality.). Since you did not cover this, can "identical" twins be so polar opposites? (He moved, so DNA test is out) Also, if one twin does something & leaves trace DNA, can an identical twin be also implicated as they share the same DNA after a split?
  • @keanadianne
    Me at the beginning of this video: ah, yes, I understand this information, I am comprehending this with my brain. Me at the end of this video: so... there’s fraternal... and identical... and conjoined... and... bell peppers...
  • @queenoblivia
    no one knew my mom was having twins until about a minute after I was born and the doctor was like, "Uh...hold up. There's another one up there."
  • @amyparker5686
    My mother (born in 1953 at home )was a mirror twin and her organs are reversed. My mother did not find any of this out until she was around 20 years old. She was at the hospital sitting with my aunt (her SIL) when she got sick. A nurse came and took her down to the ER because her fever was so high. Her appendix was about to rupture, so the doctor had to do surgery to remove it. After she came out, her doctor asked her if she was a mirror twin. She said no! When my grandparents got down there the doctor asked them, if my mama was a twin, and they said yes. My mama had no idea. Her twin was stillborn. They asked how the doctor figured it out, and he said my mama's organs are on the wrong side of her body, he had to cut all the way across her stomach to find her appendix. This was the first time that Mama ever heard this. My grandmother said, that Mama's sister was in her own sac, but that the doctor had to separate the two. Mama's twin was not formed from the waist down (it was described to me like Mama's twin was growing out of my mother's lower back). The doctor told her to always tell her doctor that she is a mirror twin. Now fast forward another ten to fifteen years and it was discovered that my mother got all of her sister's organs below her stomach. Her X-rays, CTS, and MRIs have scared the crap out of doctors before!
  • @AliceA333
    Such an incredibly interesting video, and this guy has an awesome cadence to help make this topic interesting to those who are less interested.