Introduction to Philosophy of Religion

Publicado 2021-03-18
This brief video is an introduction to the subfield of Metaphysics known as the Philosophy of Religion. It introduces four major question: What is God? Does God exist? What is the problem of Evil? What is the relationship between faith and reason. We also introduce four definitions of God: Theism, Deism, Pantheism, and Panentheism as well as the distinction between atheism and agnostsicism.

Todos los comentarios (21)
  • After scrolling your content, SUBSCRIBED!!😁 I'm a Religion and Philosophy student from India, your channel is gonna be one of my teachers. Appreciate what your doing 🙌
  • @KigameMedia
    Nicely compacted. You put out a lot in such a little time and with great clarity. Congratulations.
  • @dynng5392
    WOW. Thank you so much for this video!
  • @hunzokuz
    Thank you, from Hunza, for this compacted and coherent description of the basics of philosophy of religion.
  • @captn1742
    nice introduction, thank you very much
  • @drwfair3131
    Thank you, thank you so much. Now my solpist nature feels a little less lonely in this grim yet magnificent infinity of contradictions...
  • Some theists also believe that God is immanent in that He is the basis for the being of all that exists. Thus, He is omnipresent.
  • @pauljohnson7791
    5:30 - while I agree with your working definitions of agency and power, you made a pretty big inductive leap when you said, "Generally speaking, when we think of a divine being, we're thinking of a being with agency..." and then moved syllogistically to musts...
  • @selinbayram
    I love philosophy of religion!! Love the video!!
  • @suburbanhermit7
    Nice video! I do have an issue with your definition of "what is god". Applying omni-traits as a requirement of divinity disregards religious practices where those traits dont apply. Not all theists apply these traits to divine beings. I would recommend checking out Stephen Dillon's book The Case for Polytheism.
  • @FROGG-C2OEmiamp.
    That's why I created my own practice Sciencentuality bridging two worlds into una science & spirituality counteracting religion.
  • @Dayglodaydreams
    Would I want to live in a world with an Allmighty mother or an all-mighty father (or father-mother)?
  • @esdet105
    I would first ask the question: 'Does a particular god exist?' and then 'What is that particular god?' The way the question is asked 'What is God?' presupposes the existence of the god God. From a global perspective, this is a methodological problem.
  • Where would be the mystery and passionate curiosity if we knew all the answers ? To be all knowing is to be God. So many questions , the more I try to answer the more questions arise . I like many others would love to have the total reality answered but then what ? Wouldn't it be an oddity to have no need for questions because you already know the why's. Their must surely be an all knowing I call him father and I will be asking him why as long as he lets me ask .
  • @khafreahmose8768
    Good vid! This is what brought me out of religious dogmatism and illogical beliefs; I couldn't get around the problem of evil and the omni's. How could an all-knowing, all-powerful, all-loving god allow such atrocities to occur in the world? Either she/he (btw why are all the Abrahamic gods referred to as 'he'???) is powerless to stop evil or completely indifferent towards evil.
  • @ubaidullahpandit
    9:45 Don't we commit the fallacy of false dichotomy when we claim that immorality is the product of either lack of knowledge or lack of power or both?