Retired colonel has theory why so many unidentified objects are being spotted

Published 2023-02-11
Retired US Air Force Col. Cedric Leighton says that the US and Canada have stepped up their surveillance and awareness of the unidentified objects entering their respective airspaces as a reaction to the suspected Chinese spy balloon that was shot down near South Carolina. #CedricLeighton #CNN #Newsroom

All Comments (21)
  • @Margart526
    Great video, I've always felt so compelled to pursue the greatest interests of mankind, to wit. A way to be influential, powerful and protected. Population control and the need for a singular world order and universal government. the inner me is gasping to find out knowledge about the human race and about the things that not everyone is destined to know. I wish to blossom into the enlightenment that our forebears wanted so desperately for us to gain~
  • The aliens were looking for signs of intelligence but couldn't find any
  • In the past when planes/jets have been vectored to these objects, they quickly escaped or evaded the attempts. Indeed, reports are alleged that when these pilots locked on to the particular 'ufo' , they would sometimes experience trouble with their targeting instruments and flight controls. The new wrinkle is the successful downing of these unidentified objects. It is indeed very odd.
  • @carlyar5281
    I chuckled when I hear commentators saying that it will be easier to recover the third balloon because it was taken down overland…. They obviously have no idea what the terrain is like in the Yukon. The retired colonel here was spot on. It is wild, rugged, remote and beautiful land.
  • @netizencapet
    It is not increased surveillance but rather increased disclosure of incidents that have been going on for years and been kept classified.
  • I live in the u.k and back in 2003 saw a triangle shaped object in the sky, I reported it and eventually got a letter from the British ministry of defence saying I didn't see anything. Yeah right!!.
  • @joshjames3425
    In my reality, if you know something is not a 'kinetic threat' you probably better have a real good idea of what it is.
  • He said the jets fly by so fast that it's hard to tell exactly what it is, but the jets must have video of it.
  • I hope we don't get visited by an intelligent lifeform. That would be sooooooo embarrassing.
  • Random thought, if you see it on the news it is because they want you to... it isn't by chance 🤔
  • They've been Here for a Long long time! THE TRUTH IS OUT THERE!!! 🛸👽
  • @johnbroker327
    I'm sure the government already knows a lot more than they're saying, and also they have more than just national security to keep in mind before they release information to the public
  • @bennykill709
    I know it wasn't quite in the exact context, but I think it's kind of weird that you guys said "It's the end of the world" just after this retired Air Force Colonel said these unidentified objects might have been testing our air defenses.
  • Now I know why aliens aren't here. They picked up this interview on satellite and died of boredom. The perfect Martian defense.
  • Having a commander in chief that actually listens to Intel briefings and doesn't require a crayon drawing to dumb it down to his preschool intellectual ability helps!
  • @patdavis6383
    If anyone in the US has a ticket for a free Hot Air Balloon Experience, probably best to keep it in the draw for now (or give it to the mother-in-law)!
  • @jf4872
    As a former veteran and one who has knowledge on this. We do in fact fly over their country and others routinely. Absolute rubbish to say we don't.