What if God got bored - Alan Watts

Published 2013-11-20
What if this reality is a dream and when we die we wake up?
*This is a remaster of my previous video (Is This Life a Dream) due to several complaints that the music was too loud. I hope you enjoy this version.
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Music used:
Ludovico Einaudi - In a Time Lapse
Landscapes Vol 2 - Crew West Inc
Oneness New Zealand - Shawn Reeder
Voyage - Marco Aslan
Requiem 2019 - Rutger Hauer and Sil Van Der Woerd
My Recurring Dream - Andre Chcron
Miami Jazz - Alessandro Cecconi www.timelapse.it

All Comments (21)
  • @ophiolatreia93
    I played this to my 9 year old son. It's great to watch him absorb these ideas.. You can almost see his mind expanding. Anyone who has kids should share this with them! Love Alan watts.. I must have listened to hundreds of his lectures
  • @MrKasnif
    This has to be the deepest thing I have ever heard.
  • ever dream you were awake, felt very awake, then realized, whoa, I am still dreaming? welcome to lucidity
  • @ComputerMoses
    Life is just a dream...death is just an illusion. The ultimate truth is Consciousness. And there is only one consciousness of which we are all a part.
  • @vurvurvur
    dude. im in fucking tears. this is so good
  • @chevysmith3542
    To dumb it down for some of you helmet wearers, "Eventually in GTA you get tired of blowing stuff up, running people over with fast cars and planes, getting head in the alleys, etc, till the point you say fuck it and continue on with the missions"
  • @SuperSaiyen64
    I've had a few psychdelic trips where I feel like God, like I'm finding out this reality is just my own creation and all my problems are also my creations. And if I want a better life I need only focus towards it and I can achieve it.
  • "A single dream is more powerful than a thousand realities" What if one day you randomly wake up as a baby and realise that your whole life was just a dream?
  • @farceadentus
    We/God dream up infinite countless adventures within ourselves to keep us infinitely amused. It is a most exquisitely ingenius and magnificent game that we are playing with ourselves. To experience being something other than the infinite creator of all things that we ARE... The adventure of it. There's nothing quite like it you know! It's absolutely genius! Pat yourself on the back! You smart Alec you!
  • @piecesofbrahma
    This theory is called “the splendor of Recognition”
  • @SaithMasu12
    When we wake up out of a dream, we realize, well that it was just a dream. As we dream, we think this is real. Even if you fly in your dreams and strange things happen that outbounds the rules of physics, your mind still will keep this as the ultimate reality. When you wake up, you are sometimes sad, you are sometimes happy that it ended and you realize it all was just a made up "thing". But then again there one can realize the power of the illusionary mind. The mind can create worlds for you to life in with persons and events that can think, act and behave as normal and you would believe it as reality itself. Now comes the fun part: The dream you are living in is quite almost the same as the one you dreaming at night, its just a bit longer.
  • @0bbie610
    after years of listening to alan watts what he says in this video is probably my favorite out of everything hes ever stated
  • @madzmedia2
    So in another life, you could be living the life that you dreamt of in another life? Crazyyy
  • @nkbguy2193
    This man was a genius! I can sit and listen to him for hours.
  • My favorite video of all time this is how I discovered spirituality . I love Alan watts
  • @remiborgen8925
    No other speaker have moved me like him, awoken deeper thoughts.
  • This video brought on a spiritual awakening last summer. it could make me cry that I just found it!
  • @AgainstNihilism
    I hope people understand that this is a metaphor. Alan Watts isn't talking about God in the sense of being able to control everything and being able to will things into existence. Some quacks like Deepak Chopra have taking this pantheistic idea of God and claim that you have supernatural powers. This isn't what Alan Watts is saying. Think about how we as a people always want control of everything. We want to be God in the sense of having control of everything and making everything go right but the problem with that is that life would be incredibly boring if we lived forever and we were always happy. So then we think about how we would love to live an adventurous life filled with danger but then even that would become boring because if you always slay the dragon then there is no sense of danger it's just you always slaying the dragon. Then we have the actual reality that we exist in. We can die, we can lose all our money we can experience the worst pain imaginable but this is what makes life so amazing. The fact that we can have such intense experiences that can make us cry, make us scared, and make us happy. We are God and there is no external reality because there is just this universe and not some sort of afterlife like heaven or hell. We are the ultimate reality because we are the universe.