Detroit man set to walk free from prison until officer brought exoneration hearing to halt

Family who traveled to Southeast Michigan to celebrate the release of a man imprisoned for someone else’s crimes said they were shocked and saddened to find the hearing was delayed. The case dates back to 2006, when someone sexually assaulted a 13-year-old girl and attempted to assault a 15-year-old girl near a liquor store on Fenkell Avenue in Detroit. Both girls picked Terance Calhoun out of separate lineups. In 2007, Calhoun pleaded no contest to charges including first-degree criminal sexual conduct and kidnapping. A no-contest plea is a plea by which a defendant accepts conviction, but does not plead or admit guilt.





コメント (21)
  • If DNA exempted him and they caught the guy whose DNA was a match. What the hell kind of evidence does this cop have to stop this man from being set free? Sounds like somebody trying to get a favor from an old colleague. The judge needs to be removed from this immediately.
  • He has since been freed, and the so-called evidence presented by the Detroit detective was apparently nothing new. How horrible to have prolonged it for those extra days after waiting so long
  • *UPDATE* He was released soon after this, and the judge admonished the cop, stating the "new evidence" was anything but! So happy this worked out. He is truly innocent. The other man has been charged.
  • Imagine being so spiteful that even when you learn that you were wrong, and that you took away an innocent man's freedom, that you go out of your way to prolong that loss of freedom. That is disgusting, that officer should be fired on the spot, all retirement gone, no benefits, nothing. It would still be a better fate than this guy was handed. Making a mistake is understandable, but doubling down on it after you know it was a mistake that took time from a person's life is not, you should be apologizing in anyway possible, I know I couldn't sleep at night knowing that I caused such harm to someone.
  • If this judge is willing to do this type of bullcrap, imagine what other shady stuff she has already done in her career. Gotta remove her from her power quickly.
  • This is a conflict of interest….. this isn’t how the law works you can’t put in evidence without the defense looking over it or even the prosecutor. This should be thrown out of court for violation of his rights.
  • Trust me, I would never, ever plead guilty to a crime that I know I have not committed.
  • Some police and prosecutors hate to be wrong and would see an innocent person serve time rather than have a blemish on their record. They justify it by thinking if they didn't do this they did something.
  • Judge knows Officer, imagine that... Ignores DNA Evidence, ignores Prosecutor even saying dismiss case. I say why is this Judge also not being heald accountable.
  • @tyg7002
    This guy needs to be released now! He's already wasted enough years away! Imagine how many others are like him behind bars... no one ever thinks about that part
  • @texan6673
  • @eligreg99
    How much more are we going to allow stuff like this to happen? Why is it always so hard to release innocent people yet we release criminals on bond all the time.
  • Judge receiving evidence from some random officer instead of the prosecutor presenting it in court is out of order! He was probably the same officer who arrested and made the case against him in the 1st place. The judge should recuse herself so that another more qualified judge can conduct the hearing. The officer should be fired for going outside of official means for new evidence to be presented. Then the judge should be brought up on misconduct charges. She knows better
  • And that's how it works now. Innocent people suffer while criminals walk free and celebrate.
  • These ppl make up the rules as they go and keep moving the goalpost smh Now this man has to live with the stigma of someone else’s crime.I hope they sue!!!
  • Well when I was in prison anyone who was charged and sentenced with crimes like those were immediate targets of violence, extortion, and sexual attacks. I'm sure that this man lives with scars so deep not many could understand. The people who did this to this man and called it justice should feel the same treatment!