Published 2022-02-17
In this video we take a look at the Misc Endeavour a ship that will join us in the future of Star Citizen. I am very much looking forward to this ship arriving in the verse, very complex and with multiple modules to support many professions this ship has it all from med bays to telescopes as well as space farming to name but a few.
The misc Endeavour is a true multi role ship offering many modules to suit your chosen profession within the verse. I wouldn't expect this ship anytime soon in star citizen but when it arrives i think many players are going to be happy!
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All Comments (21)
  • @Spaceman-PIN
    What a ship this will be! But what do you guys think about the potential of this vessel? Let me know down below!!
  • @durtyred86
    Carrack to find, Reclaimer to acquire, Endeavor to repair and overclock and a BMM to sell. The cycle is complete.
  • @generalsirc2615
    What could be a cool idea for the farming modules, what if there are certain plants that are very toxic or dangerous. So you have to farm them in space in a controlled environment. The plants could have some really important medical qualities that would make them worth all the hassle.
  • @delkenobi
    I initially purchased the Endeavor for the hospital/hangar capabilities as I was thinking Pyro could use a good hospital ship. With all the options for this ship though, I almost want to grab a second one for experimentation. Growing food, working on scientific discoveries, all sorts of things this ship can work toward. Thank you for revisiting this ship and keeping the discussion alive!
  • @JFrombaugh
    Chris’s favorite ship is the Connie, Jared’s is the Genesis Starliner. Mine is the Endeavor.
  • @glutrino
    So this ship I knew I wanted from day one, just needed to save my money and take advantage of a CCU chain to get it. In the end it was the third ship I added to my fleet. I ended up CCU chain to a master set configured setup. Wasn’t what I was planning but it’s what I ended up with but I am not really complaining. However, I might need to get another base Endeavor to avoid all the module changing. I do love this ship, being the nerdy guy I am and an amateur astrophotographer I could never have resisted getting it too long.. With this, the Odyssey w/Terrapin, my exploration gameplay kung fu is strong! 😊. Other ways I plan on using is tuning components for racing and selling via my Merchantman. Scanning other systems for astrological objects that I can sell detailed scan info to customers. Maybe some space farming for pharmaceuticals as you mentioned… but one crazy idea is to combine the telescope with the particle accelerator to see if its possible to create a super laser! :D lol
  • @svarten70
    Own the Master Set since first concept, Looking forward to it, but don't expect it to come until after alpha and probably close to release.
  • @HellSolo
    It's going to increase in size dramatically, see Inforunners episode on it where they realize after the Cutlass Reds that it's supposed to hold 2 of, will not fit otherwise. They're looking at over 300 meters eventually.
  • @BornAgainstAll
    The Endeavour is the only ship I would have bought during concept. It has so much potential. You can turn this thing into a mobile space station. If you have an org big enough, you can practically make a space city with every service available in the middle of Pyro. I believe we'll see endeavours sitting in the same location for possibly months. Which would give real use for detaching the front of your ship since it would be expensive as hell to taxi your crew out when they go on leave. Instead, taxi them yourself in bulk.
  • @neildasilva8050
    From the Q&A "The Fuel-Pods would not be able to double-up as cargo, but they could store other in-flight consumables like battery packs or ammunition" so for instance using a supercollider with a fuel pod could maybe store overclocked parts in addition to extending range.
  • @moonfly1
    All this reminds me of is Genesis One Alpha, or the movie Silent Running.
  • I’m not super interested in big organizations. I’ve always preferred gaming with 2-4 people or so. That way I can always hear everyone in my call, it’s usually friends irl, etc. just preference. So when I think of this from that perspective, I think of the medical station. Orbiting above a planet or ground event em for example. Having people check into my endeavor when they get to the event, kind of like MIC for xenothreat, and setting it as their spawn point. Then me and a couple friends could run an ambulance pickup service for people downed in the field and a taxi service to drop people off on the ground near their event or crew when they respawn. I like the idea of 3-4 people respawning over 10-15 minutes, and all getting shuttled down to the same destination on a small to mid sized ship.
  • @6:18 course, medical supplies and or unique drugs/stims ect, or perhaps bio material production used for weapons/military/armor some kind of minor low volume but important material. Main purpose of farming on the ship was for sun variance, some plants will require certain suns light signatures, or distances/intensity. Compared to farming on a planet where you have kind of limitless space but likely won't be able to farm 'anything' esp those rare/unique and high value items. Most of us would love to see farming in the game, but i want to see how it works too. Like do we just 'have' to park for endless days near a certain sun to grow that 'good good'? b/c that sounds boring really.
  • @baconious1380
    This paired with an Orion would be a killer org money maker. Players could spawn in and take a shuttle to the Orion to start mining with the rest of the org
  • @davewills6121
    Yeah, i also have the Endeavor and all the modules, although if i were being realistic, i could have another child, and it would be starting primary school before the Endeavor comes to fruition...if ever, we are in essence talking many years down the line. And i really don't believe most backers, especially those that are absorbed in the LORE and all that is spewed via the loosely, yet laughingly termed roadmap, fully appreciate the timescale involved...or just refuse to. Interesting all the same
  • @A.Steptoe
    I backed the game for this very ship. The Valley Forge from the film "Silent Running" One of old fav films :) hope they get it together, before i peg it lol. Edit: Supplying a newly terraformed planet? Flora and Fauna :)