Galaxy Class Firepower !

Published 2009-12-23
By far one of the most powerful Federation starships, the Galaxy class is only surpassed in firepower by the Sovereign and Prometheus classes. Other ships of notable strength include Defiant, Nebula, Akira and of course, the upgraded Excelsior class Uss Lakota.

Clips from Star Trek The Next Generation, Star Trek Deep Space Nine and Star Trek 7: Generations.
Enjoy !

All Comments (21)
  • @saint6519
    My favorite part of the Galaxy class is watching the two little lights on the phaser banks meeting up at the firing point before actually shooting the beam. It’s such a cool little detail.
  • @Hagenfels
    Its fun to see that the firepower of the Galaxy ship is exactly "What the plot requires at this specific moment". One time it blows a huge hole in a borg cube, the next time it barely scratches the paint of a random "enemy of the week"
  • @pinoi78
    3:35 one of my FAVORITE parts of Sacrifice of the Angels. The two Galaxy Class ships doing strafing runs on that Galor class. EPIC.
  • @Alan1701b
    Whoever was the captains, the pilots and at the controls of the tactical stations of those two Galaxys at 3:36 deserve medals for their combat co-ordination. Just beautiful.
  • @niceguy60
    I cry every time a galaxy dies. Something about them which sets them apart from every other ship and class as if their actual living beings. RIP yamato, odyssey and enterprise
  • @kyle53081
    "Now witness the firepower of this fully armed and operational battle station! Fire at will, commander!" I had to. I love both star wars and star trek.
  • @19ACE93
    I love the scenes (like 2:15)  where the Galaxy's sit still in the middle of a battle and provide fire support.  They look so monolithic and imposing, especially with all the tinier ships buzzing about.
  • @spyder357
    That was my biggest annoyance about star trek is how inconstant the enterprise d weapons strength was.  One second it'd be pouring out death and destruction, the next second one tiny anemic phaser blast while getting its ass kicked.
  • @CharlesUrban
    The Galaxy-class starship tends to find itself outmatched by other ships of its size when it comes to battle, but that's during peacetime. Starfleet prefers to have its crews researching things and making peaceful contact with other races, not fighting. As such, they make room for sensor arrays and holodecks where other entities might put a thicker hull, shield generators, power cores, and beam emitters. However, from what I understand, Galaxy-class ships are designed for modularity. It takes a relatively-short time in drydock to repurpose them exclusively for something specific, such as ass-kicking. Start a war with the Federation and you'll find that all of those big softie pushover Galaxies turn into nightmares more quickly than you expect. Is it carrying tons of fighter craft (you forced Starfleet to start building those and now they're good at it), thousands of assault troops, or enough phaser batteries and torpedo launchers to level half of your fleet? The Galaxy-class can perform any of those battle roles disturbingly well with a few quick refits...but Starfleet would rather explore than fight, so gigantic science vessel it is. Just don't push it, buddy. You wouldn't like humans when they're angry.
  • @Renserin
    It's only when you look at a montage like this, that you see how much special effects improved over the years. The real genius of the new phaser strips wasn't really taken advantage of, until "The Best of Both Worlds". After that, the Enterprise-D stared shooting things at things faster and at all kinds of angles. By Deep Space Nine and the Dominion War, Galaxy Class ships were shown actually dog-fighting, shooting in different directions as fast as the tactical officer could lock on.
  • @lovipoekimo176
    Thank you for not adding some stupid music to ruin the scenes.
  • God, the 1701-D Was such a unit. My favorite Sci-Fi ship of all time
  • @Slowshyy
    You know when your day is fucked when 2 galaxy class ships are in front of you.
  • @doomie77
    DAMN DS9 was such a blast. Once you get past season 3, all hell breaks loose. All the WTF space battles in this montage are from DS9. BTW Weyoun kicks ass.
  • @DracaNova
    2:30 you can see the shields collapse and the beam continuing into the haul to destroy it.
  • the Galaxy Class with the phaser cannon from "All Good Things" still looks awesome today. the Sovereign Class is a great design but the Enterprise D deserved a more dignified farewell than ending up in the dirt of Veridan III
  • @Zephyrbal
    That's the thing that always confused me about the other powers in the Alpha Quadrant. Why would you antagonize a people whose science vessels can fight your warships head to head? The only canonical ships built explicitly for warfare are the Defiant, Defiant II, and the Valiant, all in the same class. The Sovereign class ships are clearly more combat capable than previous large classes of Federation vessel, but it's still not a warship. It's got every bit the same amount of research and exploration potential as a Galaxy class, just with three times the firepower.
  • @MichaelOfHardy
    You can just imagine the Cardassian Gul at 3:34 bracing himself to fight a Galaxy Class starship, then when the second one appears thinking "oh crap..."
  • @bonusbaby801
    Always loved how the Enterprise phasers powered up. 0:17-0:22 is my all time favorite Enterprise phasers moment.