Island in the Sun (Weezer cover)

Publicado 2012-09-18
Last one for today. Sorry, I didn't have a lot of time, and I also wasn't sure if the videos were going to work out with the new camera because I've had some issues with it, so I didn't want to record a zillion just in case.

Someone requested this one ages ago, but I have no idea who. I accidentally deleted my request list a few weeks ago :(


Todos los comentarios (11)
  • Thank you so much for your support and kind words! Comments like these are really helping me to build up motivation to make videos again. :)
  • That's a shame. I really love your covers. Sorry about the medical problems and such I hope you get better. I'll look forward to the new video. :)
  • @LotusMkV
    you really do a good job of these things!
  • Aw, thank you! Unfortunately I've had a very rough year... depression and many other health problems. It's been difficult to motivate myself to do anything, even things I enjoy, plus I look like crap most of the time. :( I am on better meds now though so I'm getting there. I hope to have at least ONE video posted soon, with a semi-original song (someone else's poem, I put it to music). There's also one particular song I'm really itching to cover. So... hopefully VERY soon I'll be back! :)
  • You sure do! Man, that picture's been on my dry erase board forever. Probably for almost a year. I like it, but I really should change it before my next round of videos...
  • I am actually working on growing it out at the moment. It's a slow process. The short hair was kind of an experiment... I'd never had it that short before, mostly out of fear, and eventually I just said fuck it and went through with it. I liked it, but I'm tired of it. (I'm the kind of girl who changes her nail polish every two days or even more often sometimes.) Thank you. :)
  • Never. I hate my natural hair color. Even any videos you see here where I look like I may have my natural hair color... it's dyed. My real hair is a gross muted brown with no life to it and doesn't suit me. I'm thinking of going hot pink next.