The 6 Stages Your Ex Goes Through After A Breakup

Published 2024-05-14
It's so important to consider what’s going on in your ex’s head after the breakup… it all comes down to your ex’s emotional and mental state and depending on where they are and what they’re feeling, you need to treat them differently if you want to connect with them again.

If you want your ex back, you need to be aware of this stuff or you risk scaring them off and ending up alone.

So let’s talk about the 6 stages your ex goes through after a breakup. Of course, these are not set in stone -- every person and every breakup is a bit different, after all -- but fundamentally, most people go through these stages roughly in this order.

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✅ QUIZ: Will Your Ex Take You Back? ✅
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#bradbrowning #breakup #exback

All Comments (21)
  • @thatsmysherman
    Rebound guy here, 6 weeks after my breakup. Please do us all a favor and dont get into a new relationship until you're healed and completely over your previous relationship(s). Also, to the exes, if you see them with us "rebounds", dont reach out to them. Let them be. I was with this guy for three months until his ex reached out to him, which caused him to doubt what we had. He ran back to what he felt was "secure". We had no issues and never argued. It was honestly amazing. Also from my digging post break-up, I pieced together that they were broken up for roughly three months until he started dating me. HEAL YOURSELF BEFORE YOU END UP HURTING SOMEONE ELSE.
  • I love your videos! When in doubt about doing the right thing. I watch this video to reassure myself that I am doing what is best. haha! I watch it several times daily. The goal is to get him back and not have to watch your videos all of the time. For now, I will do what I have to do to get past this stage. Thank you
  • @fivebooks8498
    I got stuck at stage two for three months because I kept chasing her. The moment I let her go and walked away and was absolutely serious that I was never going to be with her again, she went through all the other stages within a week and was begging me to take her back. I had a lot of girls trying to be with me, but I wouldn’t do it because I wanted her back. The only way I was able to let her go was when I finally started dating other girls. Once I began dating my entire attitude and demeanor changed. She could tell it changed , she went through worry and then regret within days.
  • @Maria-mg1pf
    Hi Brad, you make a lot of content about how to get back together with your ex. But for cases that we were cheated on, how do we know if we should accept them back? Hope to hear from you soon. Thank you.
  • @Sound-vv6ns
    Hey Brad! About 4 days ago, we broke up. However I know she is a very honest person and is wanting to collect her life first, and I fully trust her that she isn't willing to see anyone else until she has space in her life to do so. We are still in contact, but obviously not talking as often, she says that she will need sometime to heal due to the pain I caused her. I also don't think the 30 day no contact would really apply as that isn't much time for both of us to become better people. However, I have lots of plan to better myself and as I'm typing this out, I'm already going the right way! When do you think it's appropriate to reach out to her again? And again, I know for a fact that she does NOT want a relationship for a while.
  • @ThadDePadua9928
    Almost seems accurate enough, just gotta watch out for the inconcistencies on these stages. It would usually overlap, thx Brad. ;-;7
  • Hi Brad! I followed your advice on how to text my ex after no contact and it went well but after that we never spoke again. Any advice on how to start a second conversation that will potentially move to an in person meet up? Thanks!
  • @mejaidavis2385
    Its hard when my is in his rebound but now things with my ex are going well but now it shouldnt bother me when his friend move in with him
  • @starlight1514
    I ended because he love bombed me and then breadcrumbed me. I think I deserve more. My ex texted me after exactly 30 days with limited contact. I followed your advice but now he is trying to start a disagreement with me and is bitter with me for breaking up with him by putting the blame on me. I just didn't answer his last text because I am not going to argue. I miss him but I deserve better. He is also with a rebound right after we broke up.
  • Hello Brad! What do i do if my ex feels resentment towards me, we broke up end of decemember and i did the no contact rule, we have a child so i do minimum contact, he didnt wish me no mothers day and told me straight up he has flashbacks of our relationship the bad memories.
  • @JoeyKatz
    Hi Brad, I appreciate the channel a lot! My ex and I recently broke up over a mutual decision that our personal lives got to much into our relationship lives and caused used to break apart, due to things we needed to work on personally so it can be better for us personally, especially me not changing for her needs at the time. We have been together for 2 years and planned on having a life together by getting married and starting a family and I know on my heart it was meant to be. She still wants to be my Friend in life and she cares a lot about me. At this time I'm taking the time to let her be and do the 30 day no contact but she texted me on 3 days after we broke up saying "I'm really sorry for what you're going through" I really am" so I'm kind of confused why she would text me but its good to understand she cares in a way. I'm working on my self by working out and distractions like family and friends. Is there any advice into when I should start reaching my ex out to let her know I'm doing great on my own? So that way later I can get her attention that she wants this better man in her life that he changed. Please see this message Brad, and help me to get started privately.
  • Please pray for me so God will restore my relationship and open Edwin eyes and work in edwin heart and if in his will bring us back together. Lord please help me I feel tired 😭
  • @1life2life
    Thank you sir for all your videos. After 22 years and 4 kids, I got the “I love you but not in love with you” speech. Kids stayed with me. 10 days later she moved out. I begged and pleaded to no avail. After 6 months we agreed to try again. I was walking on eggshells when talking to her. I was always worried that she will get upset if I said the wrong thing. Basically afraid to speak my mind. It felt like she was waiting for any excuse to break it off. 2 months in and after a stupid argument she broke up with me again. This time I didn’t beg or plead and immediately went into NC. After 1 month she texted me “hey my parents are in town in case if you want to see them” I stuck to NC and didn’t reply. 2 weeks later I get another text “hey my brother had his baby in case you want to call him” and again didn’t reply. Now 3 weeks have past and no calls or texts. Was she breadcrumbing or is she playing games? Effn confused. Is she in stage 6?
  • It's 5 months and my ex hasn't contacted yet. I guess she's happy living her new life
  • @Butterfly-vl9wt
    Thank you Brad I'll be very grateful if you answer❤️.. I've Been in a long distance relationship for 5 months and he broke up with me after a honest conversation about what our relationship miss to be more successful.. I said to him I will try my best to make things better but after 10 day he said he want to breakup again I tried to convince him but it didn't work and he said he is sad and his feelings changed since that conversation and felt like his hard work for the relationship wasn't enough for me and he feel his heart is close and not knowing what to do about it and say he want me stay away from him now and want to be alone to feel him self again because he so tired from this.. I been in no contact about 6 days but he break it 2 days ago to wish me a happy birthday.. What should I do now???
  • For step 6 if they feel resentful what do I do? Especially if i try to be cool with him but I can tell he keeps his distance and bitterness.?
  • @JimNewman-cc5gh
    Hey Brad need help asap! My ex 2 mo's gets a Therapist She broke up next day. after me being in no contact for a week i broke it w/a couple mild texts. She said she understood my surprise/disappointment she was dealing with issues she was hoping to fixincluding the passing of her daughter 1 year anniversary) but wanted to know why i perceived she needed space. I didn't answer right away and within 3 days then she blocked me. I did one call 6 weeks ago with no response and its been nothing communication wise on either side since . Fyi l'm on no Social Media of any kind. She maybe probably thinks I'll show up to talk it out we’re 10 minutes away i wont. Need advice ! It's not easy its getting a little better with time..i still care but its tough!
  • @sohrab1990
    Ok thanks for your advice. I learn no contact rule BUT how could i show her that im fine and good and other things when we dont see each other. We arent connected anymore , dont have mutual friends