How a French Intervention in Ukraine Would Work

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On February 26, 2024, French President Emmanuel Macron told reporters that "nothing can be ruled out" in terms of placing French troops on the ground in Ukraine. How would that work? Under what circumstances might it happen? And would it trigger a broader conflict with NATO? This video explores what might be the next major twist in Russia's invasion of Ukraine.

0:00 France Mulls Sending Troops into Ukraine
1:23 France's Security Concerns
4:49 France's Role in the Russia-Ukraine War Thus Far
8:57 The Plausibility of a French Intervention
11:04 Deploying a Tripwire
16:05 Active Internvetion
17:21 Will It Trigger Article 5?

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By Number 10:

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By Bundesarchiv:……………

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コメント (21)
  • "Poland is warmer to the idea". Poland: "Do it. Do it! DO IT! DOITDOITDOITDOITDOIT!!!!"
  • @brey6394
    That was a helpful video to understand what is happening and the possibilities for the future. These are precarious times. Lastly, I enjoy your humor. It helps to lighten the serious nature of the topic. 👏🏼👍🏼
  • @tommohsien888
    "Talk is cheap." That sums up the inherent disadvantage of civility vs jungle rules in actual war.
  • Article 5 couldn’t be invoked because France willingly intervened in Ukraine. Same for Poland or Baltic troops. Russia would have to attack those countries directly for that to happen. Similar to what happened after 9/11. It wasn’t triggered in Vietnam, or Korea or in any of the other interventions that the United States was involved in. Basically what I am saying is that if France intervenes directly, unless Russia attacks French soil or Baltic soil directly NATO wouldn’t be involved. NATO would definitely be on an even higher alert.
  • @signoguns8501
    Scary thing is, i dont think anyone really knows whats going to happen. No one is in control of the situation. Theyre all trying to second-guess and third-guess each other, hoping that they will eventually come out on top. We're all just going to have to wait and see what happens, bcause almost anything can happen at any time.
  • @JohnDoe-cg7rs
    Article 6: “For the purpose of Article 5, an armed attack on one or more of the Parties is deemed to include an armed attack: on the territory of any of the Parties in Europe or North America…” France intervening in Ukraine would NOT trigger Article 5, no more than the US interventions in Vietnam or Iraq did.
  • @KimJungGooner
    If France wants to send troops to Ukraine, let em. If Poland wants to, let em. Article 5 isn't triggered when a NATO country, or even a coalition of NATO countries goes on the offensive.
  • Having ally troops on Ukraine soil bordering Belarus could free up the tens of thousand ukrainian troops actually stuck there and allow them to fight on the east front.
  • @lilbubz2803
    I find it funny Russia can send 2000 men to Moldova to “preserve the peace” but they cry the second France considers sending 2000 peacekeepers to the boarder of Belarus in Ukraine lmao I thought Russia was “fighting the whole west” anyway, so what difference does it make if it’s 2000 men or 200000, I thought they were already fighting the west 😂
  • @echo_9835
    If you France around, you may get the baguette.
  • @morpheus24
    Fantastic point about broadly worded founding documents - How many authors can confidently anticipate how their work will be applied/interpreted in the future?
  • @asan1050
    William Spaniel Thanks for posting this video.
  • @1harperaj
    This video reminded me of our wedding in Ouistreham, France to a French woman. The mayor who was officiating kept saying article this or article that, some of the numbers I recognised, but the rest remained Double Duch to me, only when the mayor looked towards me I knew it was my prompt to utter the word “Oui”
  • Thanks for a great summary as always! 👍 ---- Just something mostly off-topic that i had to pitch in because its been bothering me a bit, all the recent AI chatbots in a nutshell: they tell you the most encountered "opinion" (in their training data) on a certain subject, that's it. And we all know the internet (source of all training data) isn't really full of fact-checked information, instead it's just 75% people talking about what they think etc & maybe 25% actually correct info, even if that much. Its may appear like the AI's do focus on the correct info and even appear 'smart' at times, but then you realize it's because they literally told it "no" while talking to it for years before showing the public, people don't seem to understand that in some sense it's still expecting (for lack of better terminology) to be told no? it doesnt 'know' whats right or wrong, about anything, for all it 'knows' its just playing some kind of guessing game. And it doesn't actually "know" at all, we're nowhere near something like a rat brain or whatever. With all due respect to the work that has been done, the term AI as it has become used in the last few years is extremely overblown. We're literally no step further compared to a few decades ago but now we have more data, that's not worth all this fuss at all, bubble gonna pop soon when something hits some fan. 🤷‍♂