Minecraft, But It's Confusing...

Minecraft, But It's Confusing...

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This video is only a step away from being cursed Minecraft. It's full of confusion, and will definitely make you confused if you try it. Playing this will hurt your brain and definitely drive you crazy. It was still pretty fun and funny though, tad cursed.

George: youtube.com/GeorgeNotFound

Patreon (All Video Plugins including this one): www.patreon.com/DreamWasTaken

コメント (21)
  • “Dream was slain by pig” Never thought I’d see that
  • @katsu1524
    "Over there!" "Where?" OVER THERE 400IQ orienteering
  • Thats terrifying. Villagers going at max speed, Ramming into you, Doing 4 hearts of damage each and able to open doors. What a nightmare.
  • @TAE-tae_
    When the villagers learn to protect themselves after being raided in dream’s manhunts: 11:15
  • @sina54901
    Dream in 2020: *was slain by a CAT Dream in 2021: *5 pro players with diamond couldn't kill him
  • @Janxaa
    Top scariest things in Minecraft: -Creepers -Accidentally looking at a enderman -Cave sounds -The chickens in this video
  • @Samuelmar
    11:36 George : I'm gonna die I'm gonna die!!! hides in a house Villager : YOU THINK UR SAFE IN HERE?!
  • I said the same thing when Dream said "Look at all those chickens" at the same time 💀
  • Dream: beats five hunters in a manhunt Also dream: dies to a pig
  • things you can only hear in this video: "Ah! I was killed by a cat!" "look out there's a chicken!" "the pig is gonna kill me!"
  • @Paandaa69
    The moment i saw the villager flew past dream after him i was crying laughing for 10 minutes
  • Minecraft: We will NEVER add in-real-life animals that can hurt you! Dream: codes it otherwise Minecraft: wait that's illegal.
  • @LopyHupis
    George: “You Died, to a pig...” Dream: “Is this foreshadowing?”
  • Dream: Kills all the hunters in the manhunts Also Dream: "Run from the chicken!"
  • I love how at the beginning,Dream shows George how to break blocks either after or before Dream made a wooden pickaxe