you've entered the Liminal Space. - a dreamcore/weirdcore playlist

a dreamcore/weirdcore playlist

aghhh my fav aesthetic! plz enjoy ^^

music in order of appearance:
0:00 Xori - Warm Nights (slowed + reverb)
2:03 Molina - Hey Kids (8D version)
7:06 Dreamcorp - drive
9:10 Gavriel - Ther
12:09 Pilotredsun - Fat Cat
16:33 Windows96 - Deep Swim
20:49 Graham Kartna - Browser History
23:08 Yume Nikki OST - Snow Valley (slowed + reverb)
27:33 Dreamcorp - nevermind, everything's ok
30:41 Windows 96 - Hazy Trip
34:01 Sitcom - Still Life
37:23 Pilotredsun - Warsaw
41:37 Jack Stauber - Rain
42:12 Dreamcorp - sleep

spotify playlist:…

コメント (21)
  • Didnt see any timestamps in the comments so,, 💖 0:01 Xori - warm nights [slowed + reverbed] 2:03 Molina - Hey Kids (8D version) 7:06 Dreamcorp - Drive 9:10 Gavriel - Ther 12:09 Pilotredsun - Fat Cat 16:32 Windows96 - Deep Swim 20:49 Graham Kartna - Browser History 23:08 Yume Nikki OST - Snow Valley [Slowed + Reverbed] 27:33 Dreamcorp - nevermind, everything's ok 30:41 Windows96 - Hazy Trip 34:01 Sitcom - Still Life 37:23 Pilotredsun - Warsaw 41:36 Jack Stauber - Rain 42:12 Dreamcorp - Sleep
  • The word "liminal" comes from the Latin word “limen,” which means threshold. To be in a liminal space means . You can be in a liminal space physically, emotionally, or metaphorically. Being in a liminal space can be incredibly uncomfortable for most people.
  • As the saying goes, "Good art should comfort the disturbed & disturb the comfortable" I'd say this has quite succeeded. Or perhaps it's simply the genre..? Still, a wonderful playlist for doodling.
  • All of my memories from my childhood look like weirdcore images, that's probably why I got so attached to them once I saw them and heard playlists like these.
  • This reminds me of a dream I had a while back. I woke up in a white tile room. A square room with nothing in it. White tile walls. White tile floors. Everything. No furniture. No people. No nothing. I wandered around the small room for hours. Lullaby’s playing faintly in the background. On one side, there was a free opening to the outside world. Except all it was were fresh fields with nothing in sight. But somehow I didn’t want to leave. The sun soon turned to dusk. It wasn’t dark but the sunset was magical. I laid down. On the cold ground felt so good. As I took in deep breaths, the room filled with water. Only to my waste did the water stop. I stood there. Half drenched in water, nothing around me to tell me to stop. I turned around and I saw a long hallway. Same lullaby’s playing in the distance. They got louder as I walked down the hall. Water still somehow in the same height everywhere I took a step. I didn’t know where it came from. No drains. No holes. Where was it coming from? I walked down the halls for hours. I came across a doorway. Only it was pitch black through the doorway. Nothing could be seen. Even light shining in was drowned in the darkness. Somehow it felt safe. I continued to walk. I didn’t run however. I didn’t seem in a hurry. It lasted forever. I walked through the door and saw pitch black. That’s when I woke up.
  • @katcana1
    during deep swim, i just randomly unlocked a memory i dont think i had, this playlist makes me feel something.
  • @noosy530
    I think I love liminal spaces because of how honest they are. Life truly is transient, one big quiet elevator we wait in while reflecting on our past and wondering about our future, taking us somewhere. The feelings of departing and arriving are just whisperings of those experiences, we're always in the space between both, and I feel the truth of that gives me a lightness, a subtle comfort.
  • For those who are wondering, who gavriel(Gabriel) is from the song at 9:10 he is the composer of every windows 96 song, no wonder it felt so familiar,
  • This is one of my favorite weirdcore playlists, you did an amazing job with the music choice and avoiding overused songs :) Thanks for making this! /gen
  • Anyone wanna hear my experience with a weird dream involving liminal spaces? It started out in a long hallway, with off-white colored walls, and that linoleum flooring you see in somewhat older buildings. There were occasional windows to the outside, but it was just stark white light coming in. Nothing out there. Eventually, as I kept walking, I ran into another entity in the space. An approximately 9 foot, maybe taller, shiny, polished metal endoskeleton with red, glowing eyes. It reminded me of a T-800. (AKA the Terminator) with a less threatening appearance. No teeth, no moving jaw, less uncanny in appearance. Still rather intimidating. But it was friendly to me. No hostility at all. It simply approached me, and said a few things about the place we were in, which I unfortunately don't remember, except for "This place is a point which converges with-" and I don't remember the rest. It spoke in a calming, soothing voice. Then there was something about wishing to travel with me. I asked why, and I do actually remember what was said here. "I'm here to keep you safe and protect you in this place." So I allowed it to come with me. As we traveled through this space together, we encountered some weird stuff. One thing I remember distinctly was a water slide that spiraled downwards, but it was upside down, with water still flowing normally despite this. Eventually we came to more hallways, and encountered a masked figure, wearing almost all black, except for the brilliant white mask. It almost looked like it was glowing, and had rather uncanny features. Eyes that were too long, a round, open mouth, and no nose. It was almost as tall as my metallic guardian, and began to approach. The metal endoskeleton immediately told me to get behind them, and marched forwards to face this figure. It swung at the guardian, and struck them with a loud clank. The protector recoiled, before grabbing the figure and telling me to run. So I did. I ran for what felt like hours, but eventually reached a door. Behind me, I could hear footsteps. Hoping it was this protector again, I looked behind to see, but it was the masked figure, having definitely taken a beating. But my endoskeleton guardian was nowhere to be found. So I flung open the door, and ran inside. It was a house. A mostly normal one. Fully furnished, but it just felt... off. But I still needed to keep moving, as I was being pursued through it. I ran and hid in the back corner of a room, still listening to the figure walking around. Soon, I could feel the room heating up. I went to the door, and opened it to be hit with a terrifying realization. The house was on fire, and the masked figure was rounding the corner, now carrying a long, rusted knife. As I ran up a nearby staircase to escape, I heard another set of footsteps, followed by a loud slamming sound, and the distinct clang of metal hitting metal. My protector had come back to help me. The fires had burned out the floors in the upper parts of the house, leaving only charred, and in some cases, flaming wooden beams to walk on. I could see the fight unfolding below me as I looked for an escape. Eventually, I saw one of them fall over. It was the guardian. With surprising speed, the masked figure caught up to me. It walked along the beams towards me, taking a few swings with the knife when close. But the protector below told me to keep going, and break through the nearest wall. "I know what's back there! I know you can make it!" So I kept going, jumping from beam to beam, trying not to fall into the burning house below me. Eventually, I reached the wall. The house was starting to collapse, and the masked figure was about to fall. It lunged for me, swinging wildly at me. But I didn't panic. Everything felt like it was in slow motion, but I kicked the figure, hitting it right in the chest, and knocking it into the blazing fires below, where I heard the sound of the guardian's footsteps walking towards it, followed by some rather gruesome sounds. I knew what happened to the figure. I was safe now. I followed the guardian's instructions, breaking through the nearest wall, which had become completely unsound, right as the house collapsed behind me. I was now in another hallway, this one only lit with blue light coming through a set of automatic glass doors. The other end was completely dark. I heard footsteps again. But they were metallic. I soon saw the glowing red eyes of the metallic guardian again, as it approached me, almost running towards me. And upon reaching me, I was swept up into a tight, though still cold and metallic hug. "We made it. You made it. We're safe together now." This lasted for a bit, before I was put back down. I asked about the doors, and if I should go through them. They said yes, so I began to walk towards them, but the guardian didn't follow. It just stood there. I asked why it wasn't coming with me, and it told me "I can't come with you, as much as I want to. I have to stay here. You should go, but maybe we'll meet again some time." So I just walked through the doors. I don't remember anything else, and I think I woke up afterwards. So yeah, that's my weird, liminal space dream. I hope you enjoyed reading it lol.
  • This is my go to Playlist when I feel stuck, or depressed. It makes me feel like things are going to be okay whenever I find myself listening to this type of music.
  • I love still life, the fact that it's on every dreamcore playlist is absolutley amazing and shows how great of a song it is. Same with hey kids.
  • This actually makes me feel so.. safe? safe, hopeful, but also watched this aesthetic always gave me unexplainable vibes, and i love it
  • @aPhrogg
    Petition to block youtube from putting ads while listening to music, pls
  • Shout out to dreamcore playlists gotta be one of my fav genders frfr💯
  • here is what each song reminds me of! enjoy! 0:01 warm nights-Xori- reminds me of watching my favorite childhood movie at 12:00 P.M. on a warm July night, knowing you don't have any taxes, school, or any problems! 2:03 Hey kids-Molina- for some reason it reminds me of staying at a riverside, with my favorite person right next to me. 7:06 Drive-Dreamcorp- reminds me of going to the supermarket with my parent, but something is.. dįffërêńt... 9:10 Ther-Gavriel- makes me feel as if.. i just entered a childhood playground and, your friends,family and every person you like is there. 12:09 Fat Cat-Pilotredsun- this just makes me feel like I've just went into a state of not being alive, but not dead... i just feel....† H e R e... 16:32 Deep Swim-Windows96-this song makes me feel like I've entered the waiting room known as purgatory. and as i wait for... †HEM... to let me be free... 20:49 Browser History-Graham Kartna- HELP MOM IS CHECKING MY BROWSER HISTORY 23:08 Snow Valley-Yume Nikki OST- I have just lit my fireplace, and sat by it drinking my hot cocoa while the snow falls gently on the ground outside, in the dead of night. 27:06 nevermind, everything's ok-Dreamcorp- makes me feel as if I've failed yet succeeded at being a human. 30:41 Hazy Trip-Windows96-ive just entered an airplane, but its only full of but surprisingly the plane flies all the way up to space... and I'm left there.... 34:01 Still Life-Sitcom- is my life still existing?.... W h E r E a M i?? 37:23 Warsaw-Pilotredsun- It fells like I've gone on a vacation in the forest, and i made a fire, that i am now warming up with! 41:36 Rain-Jack Stauber- its raining heavily out, and I'm just listening to tunes on my radio. 42:12 Sleep-Dreamcorp- makes me feel as if I've literally entered an alien dimension... sø çåłmìńg... WAIT HOW DID YOU GET HERE??!! THANK U!! HERES A GOLD STAR! ⭐
  • To me, this music and the accompanying images so perfectly encapsulate what it's like to feel disconnected from others. To know that others are around you, promising you they love and care about you, and yet to still feel so alone, like you could die tomorrow and those same people who promised you the world would move on like nothing happened, finally free of the emotionally heavy burden you dropped on their shoulders. And maybe they would. Maybe in death, you wouldn't have to think about it anymore.