Top 5 PIRATE SHIPS in Star Wars | Star Wars List

Published 2024-01-13
Drink up, me hearties, yo ho! In this week’s video, we be scourin’ the Star Wars universe for the best pirate ships doubloons can buy.

Music Courtesy of Epidemic Sound:
Madame Pirate | Kikoru
Sea Adventures | Bonnie Grace
They Sold Their Souls | Bonnie Grace
Only the Brave | Bonnie Grace

All Comments (21)
  • @AkselGAL
    My Star Wars roleplay group went a different way for their rebell cell. They aquired an GR-75. They builded an hidden roll-on-roll-of flight deck behind the "upper layers" of containers. Containers at the front and end could be moved like an hangar door. The lower level of containers stayed functionally. They used every starfighter they could get their hands upon... but Y-Wings as their mainstay. Once they installed an massive dual ion cannon that used up the whole 90m of hidden hangar. Blasting an blockading Dreadnough cruiser, and while it was helpless, the Y-Wings deployed massiv bombs. One radio call later, a lot of escape capsules left the ship. And for maintaing the ship, they even used the functional part of the container area to trade and transport to keep their cell operating. With an legal trading license. They did all types of jobs. Kidnapping imperials from luxury ships, resupplying besieged rebels, obtaining equipment, smuggling equipment. They called it "pocket carrier".
  • @darwinskeeper421
    As far as modifications for any pirate's ship, I'd suggest finding weapons that are good at disabling a ship with minimal damage. I would prefer going with a reasonably powerful ion cannon if I could, something with enough power to disable a merchant ship. If that wasn't feasible, a torpedo launcher capable of handling ion torpedoes is the bare minimum.
  • @79geargrinder
    My Rpg group played as Privateer's in the employ of a GM created Corporation. We used a Corellian CR-12 Bulk Transport (stock) called the Indomitable Gizka. Except the crew of 12 we all like ex mercenary commandos. We basically waited until a pirate ship tried to board us and then Pirated the pirates. LOL GOOD TIMES. When no pirates showed, we made Credits running cargo, or selling captured pirate ships and gear.
  • @nfinity1421
    Your ship videos are fantastic, but this one had the added beauty of the music you chose to go with each choice. Brilliant and well done!
  • @asaschuemann9545
    I'd probably go for the end goal of building a pirate fleet of 3-4 C-ROC Gozantis with some light starfighters and anchor the fleet with a single Arquittens cruiser, probably in 546 configuration (Version seen in the Mandalorian) so it could serve as a carrier for the fighters
  • @Somewhat-Evil
    The Interceptor-class frigate. The Action VI transport was made canon in Attack of the Clones so the pirate modification might exist as well. The Action VI requires a crew of 8, at minimum some gunners would need to be added to for the Interceptor's 2 turbolasers and proton torpedo launcher. Talon Karrde from Legends ship, the Wild Karrde, included a small shuttle/fighter bay but lacked the torpedo launcher.
  • @ashaide
    In my 24xx Star Wars, the squadron based off a heavily modified GR-75 Gallofree Transport :D I mean, kamown, it's UBIQITOUS. It's got an amazing amount of cargo, and even has an armed refit already for sale. My 24xx crew were Rebels at 2 BBY (since it seems a lot of "in-between" SW shows were set on or near that date), and the idea was that the Gallofree only served as a mobile base for FTL-capable fighters. The hold was actually just modified as a hangar for major repairs, with a U-Wing the only permanent inhabitant. The X-Wings, A-Wings, and Y-Wings, when not travelling, were tethered to the ship via tow cables that the pilot and ready crews would zip to when told to fly. It was the ULTIMATE in resistance on a budget :D But imagine a similar pirate crew, probably mostly Headhunter starfighters and 2-4 "salvaged" Y-Wings (if the crew of the Ghost can steal some, a good enough pirate crew can do the same, I say) that would lead in ship disabling. The modded Gallofree would only go into the AO once the target ship's been disabled, so the pirates can board her.
  • @birdmonster4586
    For a compact Pirate fleet I'd probably start with a YZ-775. It's well armed with a twin Turbolaser turret, twin laser turrets and even torpedo tubes. Plus can carry a decent deal of cargo without being as big and heavy on crew requirements as a Corellian corvette. It also has the option of dropping one or both of its laser turrets for a fighter rack giving it 4 or 8 small fighters, at the cost of firepower. A few of these, one as a carrier and another one or two as gunships would be quite potent. I would prefer ion weapons on the fighters, but it's not a requirement. The AIAT/i, is a well armed assault gunship, giving a pirate force a valuable troop carrying and insertion ability. Not all Piracy takes place in space after all. It's well armed, tough, and reliable. It can carry a solid number of troops and speeders for fast attack options. If it could fit a patrol speeder that would give a good amount of firepower, but the listed 4 speeder bikes is still enough.
  • @casbot71
    Another possible modification for the CR80 hammerhead would be some kind of breaching system above or below the heavily armoured and reinforced prow. It rams a big ship and then cuts into its hull, and boarders in vaccum sealed armour storm in from the reinforced airlock that is set back but extends out once the ships are stuck together. And there's a tractor beam emitter to make sure the ships stay stuck together, despite any manoeuvres by the targeted cargo ship.
  • @roguerifter9724
    I would want a Kossak Frigate, a Corona class Armed Frigate (Hondo's ship from the Clone Wars), or a Nebulon-B with the same modifications as the Free Lance (Replace two Turbolasers with Ion cannons). For fighters I would take some mix of T-Wings, R-41 Starchasers, and Novaswords.
  • @casbot71
    A good modus operandi would be to switch between piracy and just transporting high value goods yourself, with a fair bit of smuggling on the side. The cargo runs (legal and illegal) keep you in business and the piracy is bonus money. Plus the legitimate work gives you both a easy way to sell your stolen goods and especially to gain intelligence on juicy targets. You'll be able to see what cargo jobs are available and be able to scout out potential prey. And as for taking out fellow smugglers... Although, ahem, making sure your victims can't report on your ship would be advisable, if you plan to keep pulling the "legitimate businessman" stunt. Tractored escape pods are probably worth a lot to slavers if you want even more profit, with the slight risk of one of them later escaping, and you don't want to simply use the pods for target practice to leave no witnesses. Or just have a ship that can change its appearance (bit of paintwork, perhaps sliding panels) and transponder codes so that it has a good ID and a separate bad guy ID. For the ultimate irony if you can carry fast snubfighters, also do some Bounty Hunting work when the opportunity presents itself. You'll be mixing with criminal elements that have good prices on their heads. And hunting the pirate competition is a good laugh, as well as other Bounty Hunter jobs.. Being able to switch occupations depending not only on opportunities but on how risky each occupation currently is in the local space is useful. Doing piracy constantly will eventually draw a lot of attention to you, some of it heavily armed with a task force. So at that point go legit for a while, maybe in another part of the Galaxy. But with your various careers, you will have the added benifits that if your secrets ever get out, you'll at least know who your enemies are ..... everyone.
  • @Kingbruffbruff
    The parameters that you set re. numbers of pirates are genius. Loving your content - the more left field the better! Best speeder for a first date, best droid in a medical emergency etc.
  • @J0hnnieP
    This video (and one other) were enough for me to subscribe to this channel! Well done!!
  • @andreykuzmin4317
    My pick would be Corellian Star Shuttle from end of the Ep. I (the one Palpatine used to arrive at Naboo for peace celebrations). It has oversized engines, can be easily retrofitted fir war (they were popular ship in Eriadu Outland Security Force), can carry 200 pirate boarders and a lot of plundered goods. Also, it's an old ship and pretty common at that... nobody would look at it twice.
  • @335chr
    If we are going with a light Cruiser for piracy the Carrack ion variant would be better
  • @pokebreeder2517
    i think both the pelta(with modifications) would be a good ship and as a good flagship ig one could afford would be a providence or maybe a quazar
  • @earlware4322
    The C-ROCs are a favorite of mine and would be perfect for a small pirate crew. I mean you gotta love the retractable weapon mounts for 'stealth' missions and they are so ubiquitous that they disappear in a crowded spaceport. My only quibble is that other than the four docking mounts on the ventral side there's no real place to store/carry small fighters. Unless you modify one of the cargo holds or the lower deck into a hanger.
  • Dude this video is very helpful thanks (I'm trying to design a starwars crew and I need inspiration for a ship)
  • Nice vid. But I don't agree with Arquitens and Munificent. One they are Military grade ships. And it would be a suicide to attempt acquiring or commandeering one. Like the CR90, Hammerhead and CROC Gozanti These are better options 1. Mobquette Freighter 110m cargo even larger than hammerhead. It literally looks like a space truck and extremely cheep and modular. 2. CR110 - 170m with 2 heavy laser cannons on front along with slide hatch hangar/ docks for 6 snub fighters. 3. SCT Scout craft. It's pretty mobile and great for a handful of start out pirates. I play Star Wars RPG table top. And I started with a Mobquette disguised as a farmer transport. But my cargo holds 3 snub fighters (uglies) Eventually he now have an Asteroid station as a home base. His mothership is aTon Falk Escort Carrier heavily modified to look like a reptilian goldfish. Holds 3 squadrons of snub fighters and assorted vessels. He also has 2x CR75 Corvettes as gunboats. He is pretty formidable for a rag tag band of pirates crew of about 400. But I wouldn't mess off even with medium size Imperial vessel.