"Ayn Rand: In Film and On Stage" — Ayn Rand Archives Exhibit

Publicado 2024-08-27
Audra Hilse, the Ayn Rand Institute's Digital Archivist, walks us through the "Ayn Rand: In Film and On Stage" Archives exhibit which was on display at OCON 2024 in Anaheim, CA. Dive into some of the fascinating history and artifacts from Ayn Rand's life in Hollywood.

Check out the digital exhibit here: aynrand.org/exhibit2024/


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Todos los comentarios (11)
  • @volition51
    I knew there were different titles for what we now know as Night of January 16th, but had forgotten that Penthouse Legend was her own original title. What an amazing life she created! Thank you, ARI Archives!
  • @BitcoinMeister
    That tidbit at the end was awesome! Had Rand lived a bit longer Carrie Fisher's life could have turned out a lot different!
  • @ManuelGarcia-ww7gj
    The only way Atlas Shrugged will ever make it to television will be as a mini-series.
  • @robert549
    Thumbs up. A good video and without the political bias--not Objectivist--views of Onkar Gate.
  • @robert549
    To the presenter, thank you whatever your name is. Very pretty by the way.